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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsDoctor Who : A Brilliant Game [Final-Released]
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Author Topic: Doctor Who : A Brilliant Game [Final-Released]  (Read 27773 times)
Level 6

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« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2013, 08:19:12 PM »

Please upload as .png next time. Crazy

Level 0

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« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2013, 11:07:31 AM »

Armageddon>> My bad, sorry. NO MORE Durr...?

Thanks for your support again. I hope I won't disappoint you, especially on the gameplay side, since we are more artists than game designers Who, Me?

In the meantime, some DevNews :
Since the game is partly based on some dialog choices, and that the narrative part of the game is a very important aspect, I'd like to show you some screen of the dialog system.

What dialog system looks like ?

Colored box depending on which character is talking.

You might notice that you didn't get the full conversation ^^.
Anyway, serious business ! What is planned for the Beta ?

We've made a lot of cuts to be good with the really small delay we've got.

Nothing on audio part has been integrated so far. We hope to get a few themes for the beta, and while all the sounds from the original series are available, it's a little bit complicated to get all the other stuff.

10 Minigames. (some are very short : QTE for clara's klaxon in the intro) or a little bit longer (sonic screwdrivers repetition sequence in the prison)

16 GameScenes. Since a scene is like '1569 prison', or 'timelock farm'. Some of them are also used twice during the whole game, at different moments (and are count in the 16 scenes as uniques). Some of them are also optional, depending on your choices.

Approximately (considering the fact that some of them includes minigames, some others only a few dialogs in thirty seconds..) every scene is approximately 1 minute length. So you can make the count. And it's actually pretty cool for a game that didn't used constantly the same minigames or is based on a unique gameplay. So say we all !

On an other part..We've been lastly working on some sub-menus integrations, first steps on newgrounds API integration (my first, not sure I will be fast enough to implement savegame though..)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 11:17:34 AM by Immudelki » Logged

Level 0

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« Reply #22 on: December 20, 2013, 04:48:23 PM »

Yeah, BBC might be more civilized about this than anything in, let's say America and Japan, would be.
BBC has sued over the usage of Doctor Who visuals like Daleks, names, etc. in the past.
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« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2013, 01:18:50 PM »

More devlog on our fangame of Doctor Who !

Holidays are just started, but we're still working on a really thin line. We have only a little week to finish the first version to-be-released of the game. And Christmas festivities won't help ! (as well as graduation 2d movie, but that's an other story).

A very early stage of the wedding scene. If we've got time to include it !

Anyway, Newgrounds interactivity additions are progressing, load & save system is a lot more easy to integrate rather than creating one from scratch. A good point taken from an API like the one they provide.

Pixel simplistic animation of the tenth doctor

Almost all the backgrounds are started, 50% are finished (unusal precision >>) . 75% of the characters are made, and 40% of them still needs their 4 frames of walk animations. As well as more animations for unique scenes (War Doctor which sonics the prison door as an example). But those are far more about details. And we might add more unique animations after the first release.

Also early stage of the Rabbit Scene. This, will be surely included in time !

Still not reaching more than 30% of the minigames. And this is a huge part. But that will be certainly done in time.

That's all, see you soon !
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 01:03:01 AM by Immudelki » Logged

Level 2

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« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2013, 11:09:09 AM »

it looks beautiful Gentleman!

Level 0

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« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2013, 05:18:35 PM »

Thanks Wink

Because I'm not here for the next few days, here is one more news :

Audio production of the game has been started !
On the graphics side : 50% of the MiniGames are done. 60% of the GameScenes are also done. A lot of hard work is still to be done. But the game is playable and well !

What is left do be done on the GameScenes side (including dialogs and mini games) :

-One scene that happens in the Blackarchives. (more in the final version are planned, like the vortex manipulator sequence)

-One scene about some big red button...

-One scene that happens *around* Gallifrey (need more clues ?)

-One scene about some Curator.. (the only one involving the national gallery, but we also plan to add two more scenes that happens in this building in the complete final version)

And finally, a concept of some in progress interior of the newly designed Tardis of the Eleventh's Doctor, this is one of the last backgrounds left to be finished...

We certainly won't have the time to include Leonardo Da Vinci Workshop and the Weeding Scene, we prefer to push them for the future complete version of the game, so that we can actually concentrate on the already existing scenes). Maybe like the following one :

Something about a rabbit...Again !

Doctor Who : the story of talking to a giant rabbit.

 Stay in touch for the next news !


Level 3

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« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2013, 09:59:54 AM »

Looking very good!

A minor nitpick on my end: On dialog boxes, I'd use the numbering of the Doctor only when there are more than one incarnations on screen. At all other times I'd just use "The Doctor".

Don't know how hard that'd be to implement, and it is a very minor thing, it's just that it felt weird to me to see "Eleventh Doctor" or "Tenth Doctor" or "War Doctor" when there's only one of them on screen.... Despite them being the same person being kind of a big point.

Anyway, minor nitpick. Great work, and happy holidays!

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« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2013, 03:26:21 PM »

Oskuro>>Interesting idea. Well, actually, nobody tells us about that problem. We will ask more, but it didn't felt weird to us Cool We shall see... As you say, minor nitpick (new word learned !)

Well, it's time for news !

The release of Doctor Who : A Brilliant Game is sooner every day, but we manage to be ready for the big launch on the 30th of December.

The delightful episode "The Time Of The Doctor" is now in every fan's head, and it's our task to bring you back to the movie that was released a month ago.

Some new screens (still hard to show something new without adding too much spoilers, so here is improved scenes) :

Are you already forgetting the geeky and charming Tenth Doctor with Elizabeth ?
The picnic scene, with Elizabeth the First. Leading to a very original Mini Game...Don't eat too much !

Did you make your goodbye to the Eleventh Doctor ? Why not, but he is still here !
With some Moffatesque lines :
Clara and The Doctor in the Tardis, updated !

And finally, a mini-game that I was struggling with, since no camera has been made for the game (meaning, no parallaxe and long horizontal panoramas), the klaxon scene was a bit hard to implement.

The player didn't get time to push the klaxon button that Clara was already hitting the Tardis. So here is some idea taken from Super Smash Bros (sorry for the reference, I know there aren't the one who invented that idea, but I don't find other examples in my busy brain).

The pop-up bubble. So we can see Clara and hit the klaxon button for a much longer time. No need to rush your brain Smiley
The very first scene of the game, now fully functionnal. Well, might need animated grass...

On a final note, the audio part is well advanced, most of the themes that you're gonna hear in the alpha release will be quite basic (and might be refined after that) since Vicoline had to do 6 of them in only a week (with christmas in the same time...)
For the first audio tests, it's here.

Thanks for your patience, and enjoy your holidays (if you have some).

Level 0

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« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2013, 04:15:02 AM »

We're rushing more than ever for the last things to do before the alpha release of our Doctor Who Game. We will be able to bring you all the six audio themes we've chosen for the game, they are still at a very experimental stage, but we will hope this will be enough for the alpha.

Since it's long and complicated to include sounds in flash, (because of the player who can change the volume controls), we won't be able to get all the sounds in time. But the main ones will be integrated, like tardis sounds. Or Gallifrey explosion, as well many of the basic HUD ones.

In the meantime, a sneak peek of some older doctors :

Only one mini-game remains on our schedule, it's about some red button in a desert farm, an important scene which was finally implemented whereas some cuts are still needed in the game.

On a last teasing breath, here is a scene that you might only expect in the final version (well not finished here, but we're still rushing for the alpha last time I checked..) :

As a final word, we will do our best to bring you the alpha on Monday, expect it for a release around 6:00PM (in France). We aren't really used to publish on newgrounds, so we can't really now if it's gonna work in time.

Level 4

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« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2013, 11:07:59 AM »

Looking forward to playing it - good luck with the release
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« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2013, 09:26:09 AM »

Waw. The savegame was easy to implement, but I've been struggling with loading Private Files all days, didn't worked...
There's something wrong with newgrounds API for that part, we lack of clear documentation on load private and non-public files. (actually, all saves were made public..)
So no savegames for the alpha version..

Anyway, you can check out the alpha right now !


Now the alpha is released, we can say that 50% of the game is made :D
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 09:47:23 AM by Immudelki » Logged

Level 4

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« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2013, 04:19:29 PM »

Couple of notes from playing through:

I won't mention the disjointed story or anything like that (just a note though, it seemed like you'd taken the important scenes from the episode and just put them in order, but there was no information flow from one to the next so it was a bit disconcerting, even as someone who'd seen the episode)... of course this is an early alpha.

I'd like to see a feature where you can click anywhere on the screen while dialogue is being written and it'll display it all at once. Many people will automatically spam 'Next' (I found myself doing it at times) and considering this skips the whole text and brings up the next bit I missed some parts.

Also some more guidance on the minigames/puzzles would be nice... It can be easy if you've been working on it for a while to assume that everyone will understand what they're meant to do, but for a couple of them I wasn't sure what I was meant to be doing. (The Dalek one was well introduced).

I enjoyed the flashing light puzzle in the war room, but again I got it wrong the first time simply because I had no idea what I was meant to be doing - the fact each doctor has the same stance as the previous screwdriver puzzle prompted me to click on the doctors... just a design point as to how previous experiences carry through.

The sound effects are nice, as for music (I know it's still early stages and you don't have most of it ready), it'd be nice to see a change of mood in the music (darker music when gallifrey is destroyed, lighter music when they have funny conversations).

Overall fun game, but you've got work to do and I know you know it. Well done so far!
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« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2013, 01:24:29 AM »

Mmh, and that a feedback like the ones i like  Giggle

On the story progression, indeed, it's an alpha, so nothing to wait from that point Wink
Good point for your feature of mouse click, I will do that.
On the minigames, yes, we've been trough testers but it seems that some of them needed to be introduced a better way, we will work on that.

By the way, explanation of the minigames are sometimes introduced in the dialogs itself, but because people skips them...Well, they skip part of the explanation. But it suppose that's not a reason not to explain it later, indeed.
I knew that the prison vs blackarchives minigames were introducing a false idea about how to manage with the second miniagme, tried to precise it in the dialogs, but It seems it's not enough  Concerned

On the music side, yep, more musics for new moods are completely planned, we just ran out of time (that's not excuse, I know ^^). But this will be surely added, and improved for next version Wink

Thanks a lot fo your patience and your feedback, we will do our best not to disappoint you Wink

Level 3

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« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2013, 01:39:04 AM »

The art style is really gorgeous. I'd be playing it right now but I gotta way DoD first Tongue
Level 4

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« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2013, 11:07:09 AM »

Mmh, and that a feedback like the ones i like  Giggle

Good ! :D

I knew that the prison vs blackarchives minigames were introducing a false idea about how to manage with the second miniagme, tried to precise it in the dialogs, but It seems it's not enough  Concerned

I think if you change the doctor's stance (to one different from the prison) and also add some more emphasis on the lights (they did look like background scenery) that should be fine. The dialogue there is good.

Thanks a lot fo your patience and your feedback, we will do our best not to disappoint you Wink

Not at all :D
Level 2

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« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2013, 04:31:01 PM »

I played it through once, will give you my honest thoughts which I wrote down during play:

Yeh, as said before, with some games you have no idea what you really have to do, even after reading the dialogues.

Game 1: Klaxon at the right moment? I don't understand. I just clicked the klaxon button and apparently I won.

maze game, was good, maybe you should make the bottom part of the maze graphic a little more clearer or adjust the contrast a little more.

third game, no idea at first (yes, i read all the dialogue)? charges? I started clicking fruit and worked it out, oh it's maths game?

4th game, no idea

The dialogue about a strip-tease was a bit out of place, I don't remember the doctor who being sexual or a sexist ass.

Also as said before, if someone hadn't seen the Doctor Who episode, they would have no idea from one scene to the next,

Get help with the English translation in the final version, I'm sure someone here could help you.

But a good start, keep up the good work.

I really love the graphics.

Level 4

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« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2014, 09:02:47 AM »

Get help with the English translation in the final version, I'm sure someone here could help you.

Yeah my advice for you is to create a google doc with the transcript in at least english. If someone's fluent in both then they can translate... if not then you can at least get general help on english spelling and grammar (I'd be willing to go through).
Level 0

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« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2014, 11:45:43 AM »

Thanks for the feedbacks again, I will try to take account of all you've said Smiley

About translation corrections, I will see that more in the final version (might release other version in-between), but yes, if you can help on grammar etc... I will be glad to be helped by you, and improve all that Smiley
I hope you will be available to help me on that in one or two months ^^

Level 4

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« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2014, 11:53:50 AM »

I hope you will be available to help me on that in one or two months ^^

Sure thing! PM me when you need it and we'll work it out
Level 4

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« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2014, 04:54:47 PM »

I'm gobsmacked that you can actually recognize features from the different actors in these sprites. Amazing work.

 My Word!

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