Gather 'round kids! Let uncle Guert tell you the story of:
The owl that freaked out Gamma 256
Mark Johns(Golds), Steve Swink (SteveSwink), Heather Kelley(mobloid), Damien Di Fede (I think
), Brandon McCartin (BMcC), Phil Fish (fish) and Ivan Safrin (Toastie) behind the cameraOnce upon a time, in Montreal, Canada, a small group of indie developers were leaving an event called Gamma 256. The evening had been lovely and it was time for everyone to go back home and dream about the wonderful time they just had. Destiny had something else planned...
As they sayed their good-byes, a common pigeon flew over their heads. Little did it know, this little flight proved to be an horrible mistake. Out of nowhere, an owl flew out of the darkness and viciously attacked it. Dazed and confused, the pigeon landed right in front of our friends and tried to escape by flying away. Unfortunatly for mister pigeon, mister owl had an ace up its sleeve. The noctural hunter zoomed above, landed in the a nearby tree. Few seconds later, feathers floated down on the group.
Since that day, all of the witnesses of this event were deeply affected by the violence of the owl, except Fish, who keeps claiming that he doesn't remember a thing. But in the end, we all know that Fish had the owl under it's command, which explains why he "doesn't remember"...
Now, you know the story...