I still want copy&paste tool

Hydras can reuse a little compactified polar bear.
It's a somewhat tedious to replicate polar bear again...
Idea: numbers 2 and 3 are unused now.
Make 2 - enable/disable selection mode and 3 copy/paste.
When you press 2 you can select, move around and copy rectangular area.
When you press 2 again - you exit selection mode.
When you press 3, if selection mode is enabled and there is selection - it is copied
into internal clipboard. If there is no selection and there is something in
internal clipboard - whole thing should be displayed instead of
mouse cursor, and placed into grid on click. Pressing 3 again
while it isn't placed into grid should cancel it.
Don't worry, copy-paste is still on my list - the biggest thing on my list, now that the level editor is done.
Mjau suggested something
very similar to your idea a page back. At the time, it was the best idea I'd heard; since then, I've done a bit more thinking about it. And - well - I think we've all been overlooking the obvious.
How do you select something? In a word-processing program, a browser, whatever...?
You click and drag!
I complained earlier that you couldn't just use click-and-drag to select things, because 'it was already taken' by the delete function. But there's no real reason that
delete couldn't be moved to a tool (and/or a modifier, like shift or ctrl), and
select/copy/move be moved to the 'neutral' mouse click/drag!
The main thing that's stopping me from doing this is that it's kinda boring. But it
should be boring. Your approach, or mjau's, practically requires a tutorial to understand. (Or a fair bit of tinkering.) A tutorial! For
copy and paste! Copy-and-paste is a function so basic, so simple, that it
should be boring - completely unnoticable to the player.
Q: "How do you copy and paste in Manufactoria?"
A1: "You select things, you hit ctrl-c, you hit ctrl-v. What do you mean?"
A2: "When you press 2 you can select, move around and copy rectangular area.
When you press 2 again - you exit selection mode.
When you press 3, if selection mode is enabled and there is selection - it is copied
into internal clipboard. If there is no selection and there is something in
internal clipboard - whole thing should be displayed instead of
mouse cursor, and placed into grid on click. Pressing 3 again
while it isn't placed into grid should cancel it."
I'm being a bit unfair there, but I think the point is sound...
(Don't take offense - your idea is perfectly reasonable, it's something I was thinking about earlier. I'm just using this as an excuse to air my current ideas about it, see if there are any gaping holes.)
Also, I've been updating Manufactoria subtly and stealthily, as usual. Fixed a few bugs in the level-editor (I'm pretty disappointed that no-one reported them, actually), and added a new tutorial-thing to explain branches in a bit more detail. (Bonus: A solution to a level that doesn't exist!)