Sorry for the late reply! I'll try to catch up now...
It's a bit on the easy side (Crash Economy -> Buy Stocks -> Crash Economy -> Buy Stocks -> Crash Laws -> Crash Economy -> Buy Stocks -> Buy 2500 Mechas and obliterate everything) but still a lot of fun.
Ah, well, no argument there. At the moment, once you work out what to do the game becomes trivially easy (and you can repeat the same trick every game). I feel like a bit of a broken record here, but this is something I'm hoping to fix with the update. Which is coming along nicely, by the way!
Glad you enjoyed it anyway!
I finally had enough time to sit down and play this for a while. I lost, twice, both times when I was first attacked on turn 50.

I definitely intend to devote more time to this, though. I love the ambience - especially courtesy of the music. It reminds me of Cortex Command, strangely, only with more of a sense of involvement in this fictional universe. And I love the basic concept too. The whole warring, megalomaniacal siblings on floating islands building robot armies thing is a nice mixture of the established cool and the creatively unique.


I'm really glad you liked the setting - that means a lot coming from you!
Once I understood what was going on I found this game a little easy. There are some clever game mechanics in there, but without active opponents it's just too easy to overpower the other sides. I think this game would work great as a multi-player game, possibly online. I enjoyed it very much despite the easiness. Good stuff.
Thanks! Online multiplayer is something I'm thinking about, but as you can imagine it's a fairly big ordeal. Right now I think the best way to do it would be to divide your actions into "passive" and "active" ones, so that you've still got stuff you can do while you're waiting for your turn (Otherwise the game would be too slow). But that's probably a long way away, to be honest, heh.
I didn't get very far in it, mostly because of the attacks by my opponents when I was still earning the ropes, but I really like what you did in such a short time span. What is there is pretty well executed and this could turn into a stellar strategy game when you finish updates. So much I voted for it.
Now get back to work.
I'm working as fast as I can, heh.
Incidentally, I was really looking forward to that zombie CSI game! Any plans to finish it?