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Author Topic: Savage Balloon 3000: finished link on 1st or 3rd page  (Read 40802 times)
Level 6

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« on: March 03, 2008, 01:41:29 PM »

OK the game is finished!

Savage Balloon 3000


For Mac/Linux: http://nitsud.rhodes.googlepages.com/SavageBalloon3000.zip
if that doesn't work this will

just double click on savageballoon3000.jar and it will open. 

For Windows: http://nitsud.rhodes.googlepages.com/SavageBalloon3000windows.zip
if that doesn't work this will...

You could use the mac/linux one but this one has an actual .exe with a nice icon and everything.

Story/Instructions: note these are also in game...
You are a balloon, and not just any balloon but the savage balloon 3000. How did you get like this?  Well, one day, while you were being carried by your child, disaster struck.  Your child was stung by a bee.  From that day forward you vowed to destroy all bees using nothing but your savagery.  To activate your savagery press wasd in the direction you wish to attack.  Your savagery will only last for so long though so use it wisely.  Once it's finished you will return to being a normal balloon and be forced to avoid bees once again until your cool down period is done.  When you see the hive at the end of a level crash into it to destroy the whole thing and end the level.  You earn points based on how many bees you destroy in a single rage so get as many as you can.  If you have already completed a level you may skip it by pressing the space bar.  Try to unlock all the colors by getting to level 20 or beyond.

note: your high level, high score, and options are all saved so you don't have to worry about that

Screen shots:

If anyone wants to see screen shots kinda going through the process of making this game you can see it here


A note from the maker:
Hey guys just letting you know I can get to level 10 and get around 5000 points or so.  The level difficulty increases logarithmically so I don't think it should get impossibly hard for quite a while.  Still I would like to see someone get all 20 colors so if you do please post Smiley

Great competition everyone!

Oh Hello,

I am making the game Savage Balloon 3000.

Here are some of the sprites I will be using although I have no screen shots yet...

Our friendly balloon in normal state...

And then a child is in need...

Savage Balloon 3000!

Final game released here wait for tonight if you want it packaged better

« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 02:06:47 PM by dustin » Logged
Level 6

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« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 12:43:35 AM »

Here is a mock up screenshot.  My design docs are as done as I ever get them so coding will probably start on Wednesday once my school coding work is done.  I'll be doing it in Java + Slick for openGL accelerations of my 2d stuff.

Those rays you see.  Those are rays of anger strong enough to kill bee's.  When our kind balloon hears the cry for help you see in the lower left corner he becomes the savage balloon 3000.
Level 10


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« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 02:25:24 AM »


Tom Grochowiak
MoaCube | Twitter | Facebook
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 02:55:59 AM »

Level 6

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« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 10:03:20 PM »

sweet videos, I had never seen any of those two.  I like it in the first video when the balloons start whacking the person and I like the image of the red balloon in the second.  Despite school work I got this project started coding.  I coded for maybe an hour I would say and got...

The project started
Balloon sprite which is moved by mouse
Bee sprites which go toward balloon
Bee sprites that spawn after a certain delay period

the image is really bad because it's hard to play and take a screen shot but yeah just to show that I'm telling the truth there it is.  The blue background on the bees is an error because when exporting them I just took a rectangle the size of them instead of the bee themselves so they got the blue sky background... yeah it'll be gone as soon as I want it gone...

next up:
add a background (just like 1 line of code)
add clouds (can copy from another game)
add cool string physics (already pseudo code just need to put in)
make bee's move better (pseudo coded)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 10:10:47 PM by dustin » Logged
Level 6

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« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 11:57:43 PM »

spent 20 minutes or so and added clouds and made the bee movement much better but still not perfect.  Also this time I tested it out with quite a few more bees as you can see...

I need to upload in my other cloud images but the code is all set up for them anyway so no problem there

to do next:
still background
still cool string physics
balloon in savage mode
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 01:18:57 PM »

That looks pretty darn nice, but give the bees a 1px white stroke, and give them an alpha mask.
Level 6

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« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 02:17:33 PM »

That looks pretty darn nice, but give the bees a 1px white stroke, and give them an alpha mask.

Thanks.  Yeah i know the bee's need an alpha mask, here is the new screen shot with them alpha masked (it's not actually an alpha mask because they are anti-aliased so I need per pixel transparency I know it uses a lot of cpu power but hey it's a hardware accelerated 2d game I have cpu to spare).

Anyway since last time

Collision system (those blue circles they won't be there normally)
Savage mode images
Savage mode particle system (the dots above him are his savageness manifest... it kills bee's.  Not perfectly happy with the emitter yet but I think it's pretty cool, hard to see in a screen shot kinda I guess.)
add the background
added some more balloon images

to add
code for killing bee's in savage mode
exiting savage mode
still string physics
make clouds variable size and transparency
Level 6

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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2008, 04:56:02 PM »

So the screen shot has not changed to much but I finished up the collision detection.  Meaning your attacks actually kill the bee's and some other stuff that was kind complicated.  Nothing else added so the to add list still applies except for killing bee's in savage mode...

Level 6

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« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2008, 08:21:09 PM »

added in death animations for the bee's and also scoring.  Right now the death animation is just the sprite flashing white for a minute but I'll probably change it to some ridiculous particle effect later.

In other news, I was a bit worried that I was running out of cpu because my framerate was dropping.  It seemed very weird as there's no way I should be running out of cpu power so I looked at my code.  Turns out I was adding a particle generator every frame the attack button was held down instead of just once.  I had held the key down for a total of at least 5 seconds or so which means at 60 frames a second I had over 300 particle generators going before it started to drop frames here and there.  So yeah... I think that's acceptable.
Level 6

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« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2008, 01:29:17 PM »

Just for fun I added particle emitters to all the bee's... it's pretty awesome, now they leave these little trails as they go.

I also got the anger effect all worked out so now it changes depending on what direction your going.
Level 6

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« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 02:00:07 PM »

Woo Hoo I put in the string physics and I think it looks pretty snazy.  Of course the line I'm currently drawing is really weird still what you would call wireframe or something I guess.  But yeah it works.  Also it was really hard to get a screen shot because I had to wiggle the balloon with the mouse to get his string to wiggle and then quickly screen shot it so yeah...

My to add list is now something like this...
add in timers for level and exiting savage mode
add in the end of the level
add in menu's
make collision detection tween or whatever you want to call it
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 02:03:20 PM by dustin » Logged
Level 6

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« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2008, 07:26:57 PM »

Added in the timers to exit savage mode and also to provide a cooldown period.  There is now an end to the level, more bee's come the closer you get to the end, the string is now a nice black and has dampening on it which makes it look a lot better.  You can see your current combo also.  Now the only things I need are...

game over screen
tweening collision detection
lot's of balancing

things I want are...
cooler looking timer's (I want a bar type thing)
something that happens at the end of the level
high score things
add in wobbles to the string physics
draw more clouds and make them more varied

I expect a lot of the things I want will be put in but I want to get it to a state where I could say I'm done and release it if it comes to that.

« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2008, 09:52:58 AM »

That's a whole lot of updates, and it's looking awesome Grin
Level 3

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« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2008, 12:29:28 PM »

Can't believe nobody's posted this here already:


Petri Purho
Level 6

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« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2008, 02:02:04 PM »

Yeah that's what I think of whenever programming Smiley

There will be a version of the game were that just loops in the background I'm pretty sure but seeing as how it would be illegal it probably won't be allowed to be the competition version.
Level 6

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« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2008, 06:16:00 PM »

Got two more things done

game over screen
tweening collision detection
lot's of balancing

things I want are...
cooler looking timer's (I want a bar type thing)
something that happens at the end of the level
high score things
add in wobbles to the string physics
draw more clouds and make them more varied

So now I just need menu's! and then I get to go back to adding stuff that I want to and not that i have to. 

In other news it's really hard to waggle the mouse pad so that the string is seen to be moving, hit bee's so that they explode, and take a screen shot at the same time which is why sometimes the screen shot's are a bit lacking in action.
Level 6

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« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2008, 02:33:04 PM »

OK so I'm putting up a demo of the game so far.  Things I need to know

How's the difficulty?
Do you think the rage timer/cooldown period should be longer/shorter what?
Does it run at 60 fps on your computer?
Does it run on your OS?

The controls are mouse for the balloon and wasd to attack with.  You gain combo by hitting more bee's in one rage.  So you get a lot more points for finishing off a bunch of bee's quickly instead of slower.

It's written in java and should run on Mac, Windows, and Linux.  I'm currently running it on my macbook pro and haven't tested it anywhere else so if people on Windows and linux could tell me if it runs that'd be great

Also I have no idea what the minimum system requirements are.  My macbook has a dual core 2ghz processor and a gig of memory and it runs mighty fine on that even with a bunch of other stuff running so if it's not running smoothly on your machine please let me know


It's only 4mb so it should be no trouble to download.  When you start it up you'll get a black screen for a sec as resources are loading but don't let that worry you.
Level 10


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« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2008, 03:20:49 PM »

looks good ands working well on my macbook unpro. difficulty is good too, at first i sucked, now im getting better.

my only critique is that the bees do not look like bees

you rob the bank, i'll rob stewart
Level 1

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« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2008, 03:37:48 PM »

How's the difficulty? It's a little easy.
Do you think the rage timer/cooldown period should be longer/shorter what? I think the rage time should be shorter. Cooldown is fine.
Does it run at 60 fps on your computer? No. Core2Duo 1.8GHz, Radeon 1400 Mobility, 3GB Ram. Jumps between 24FPS and 41FPS
Does it run on your OS? Yes, Windows XP Pro.

It seems fun, but it's a bit annoying when it runs so bad. Sad
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