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Author Topic: No One Can Stop the Farm Pioneer *updated again, mac and linux now available*  (Read 56941 times)
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« on: March 03, 2008, 05:17:57 PM »

Download for PC: http://farmpioneer.wanderingmonster.co.nz/FarmPioneer.zip
Download for Mac (Intel only): http://farmpioneer.wanderingmonster.co.nz/FarmPioneer.dmg
Download for Linux: http://farmpioneer.wanderingmonster.co.nz/FarmPioneer.tar.gz
Website: http://farmpioneer.wanderingmonster.co.nz/
Please read this post: http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=1254.msg31939#msg31939 about automatic score uploading!

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the answer to the question you've all been dying to ask: Just who can stop the Farm Pioneer...?

No one! Because he is unstoppable! Hence the title.

Finally, after countless presses of that "next" button, so many that that bold red text started to lift off my screen and dance in front of my eyes, we went back right back to one of the first responses. Sadly there won't be a Satan's Moon Princess or Nudist Disco on the High Seas - though that one might enter development after the competition - they shall all fall before the might of NO ONE CAN STOP THE FARM PIONEER, the upcoming release from TEAM DINO.

More info soon. Possibly even a screenshot or two.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 05:22:00 PM by Maimed Wookiee » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2008, 06:47:57 PM »

Hi, i'll be holding up the art department at TEAM DINO. I just wanted to expound upon Roberts original post with some additional concepts for the game.

No One Can Stop The Farm Pioneer is a farming simulation of sorts. It shall involve space, physics and horticulture to the extreme and occupy a two dimensional playing world. Our goal is to create something somewhat interesting and possibly probably something not too run of the mill. More vague details to be finalized in the future.

At the present time it is appearing to be somewhat ambitious, especially for our coding hero Robert. But you know, if Team Dino were a Captain Planet character our name would be Ma-Ti. He was 12 and he had heart.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 06:50:32 PM by Gorman » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2008, 08:02:20 PM »

OOo! Ooo! I used to be a farm pioneer!

It's about damned time that somebody make a video game in honor of me.

Level 4

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« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2008, 11:55:31 PM »

I'm sorry, I just don't believe it. I mean, seriously, there has to be someone who can stop the Farm Pioneer...

Level 10

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« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 12:36:33 AM »

Untrue. I was a farm pioneer, and nobody has ever been able to stop me. Not the cattle, not space aliens, not the state forestry department, not anybody.

All of which would make great adversaries in your Sim game, by the way. I would know. From experience.

The first thing any herd of cattle does when they break out of their fence is RUN, not walk, but RUN to your garden.

They don't even stop to graze on the luscious grass by the side of the road, nor do they stop to shit. They leave long, spattery trails of manure down the road, relieving themselves as they run for your garden.

Damned cows.

Every day, whenever I saw a cow, I wanted to punch it in the face. Seriously.

Also, if you're going to be a 'farm pioneer,' (god, I love that term) you're going to need a good source of firewood for when the winter kicks in. Because you use a woodstove. Not an oil furnace or any other means of heat.

Sure, you can buy firewood, but you don't have enough money for that sort of thing, because you're a piss-poor farm pioneer.

Sure, you can buy a permit to go out on county land and cut up dead trees, but that costs money.

So, what you do, is you go out on county land and cut up dead trees anyway. So long as your fairly cagey, the forestry can't catch you. Take old, grown in mine roads and nobody will ever find you. When you leave the mine road, pull over and cover your tracks with fresh dirt. If there are tracks there the next day when you return, you know you're being followed and have to lay low.

As a farm pioneer, you spend most of your time starving. You don't actually feel the hunger most of the time, but a single bowl of moica per day leads to malnourishment. Before long, you'll start salivating at the sight of any and all local wildlife. Make friends with bear hunters and they'll occasionally donate big, 20 pound bear liver to you. It's a tasty treat. Also, it's manly!

As a farm pioneer, your truck is a complete rattletrap piece of junk. The transmission is shot, it overheats frequently, the fuel gauge is busted so that it ALWAYS reads completely full, and you frequently find yourself stranded on the backroads, miles and miles away from any populated areas. this absolutely SUCKS, but fortunately the shoeleather express is free. Nothing can stop the farm pioneer.

Also, as a farm pioneer, you generally hate being in town. You're a social recluse, you're face is covered in a thick coat of fur, you haven't taken a shower in a months, and whenever anybody in town sees you they refer to you in hushed voices as 'the mountain man.' People avoid eye contact with you.

Also, every single day some tool, absolutely and completely vital to your survival, will break or go missing. You cry "forward!" out loud and brush such setbacks off. Always keep moving. Nothing's gonna stop you. You're a farm pioneer.

Also, as a farm pioneer, you live in the countryside. This means men outnumber women by roughly 100 to 1, and you'll have to go many months between actually seeing members of the opposite sex. This results in general irritability. If you see a guy with a girlfriend, despite her looks or temperament, you're going to be jealous. Words will be exchanged, a brawl will probably break out. If you win, you have proven your manliness. If you lose, then you go into town and start rumors about said man being a no-good crystal-meth addict. The word will spread around and intensify in the small population like a wildfire and eventually get to the girl, who'll leave him.

Aint a man alive who can stop the farm pioneer.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 12:43:21 PM by Smithy » Logged

Level 10

Divide by everything is fine and nothing is wrong.

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« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2008, 07:06:17 AM »

wow! I never knew farm pioneering was so intense!

Dirty Rectangles

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2008, 07:40:15 AM »

Smithy you're my new role-model.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2008, 09:21:42 AM »

Someone should just make a game called Smithy.
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« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2008, 12:16:11 PM »

Thank you Smithy, having your first-hand experience to learn from will prove to be invaluable. Do not worry - your story shall be told! During design sessions last night I think your influence was felt quite strongly - especially as there will now be more trucks and truck-related content than previously thought.
Level 4


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« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2008, 02:32:53 PM »

Thank you Smithy, having your first-hand experience to learn from will prove to be invaluable. Do not worry - your story shall be told! During design sessions last night I think your influence was felt quite strongly - especially as there will now be more trucks and truck-related content than previously thought.

What about manly brawls, and face-fur? that material is pure goldWink

Anyways, sounds like you're going in the right direction, hope you finish in time!

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« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2008, 04:13:31 PM »

Thats was an incredible post Smithy. Incredible.

Soooo, last night, TEAM DINO nutted out this dirty design doc. What it is, is a space subsistence farming, resource management sim, occuring in your home solar system. This is somewhat ambitious, and theres alot of things on this list which wont make it. But you know, game designs do start out big and get watered down as time/money decreases. Consequently, there is little to no animation, where possible things run on basic simulations and graphically everything will be basic, yet pretty, sprites. The game enjoyment factor will basically rely on its core mechanics of movement being totally awesome. No pressure Rob.

We also have a fair few years of commercial game dev experience between us which may either help us or be blurring our glorious vision.

Basic Goals:

Feed yourself
Power ship
Maintain ship
Create Crops
Maintain/harvest crops
Feed Wife
Breed Family
Feed Family
Navigate and Discover New Lands, Asteriods, Moons
Feed other Families on Strange Planets
Shoot Down Rogue Asteriods!!

Three farmables:

* wood
* crops
* animal


dynamic automatic growth and breeding. sped up with fertilizer. Wood slowest, animals second, crops fastest.


fly to planet, walk to unit, press x, animated icon or something as unit automatically delivered to ship, (or manually carry to ship, might be boring, maybe a carrying limit of 5units. thats three loads if ship takes 15 units. MATHS)


Can store 15 units of your choice. (Animal, crops, wood, poo, fertilizer or mince.) 


In order to store more units you may build (on spare moon or planet which you transport goods too)

* woodhouse
* granary or woeva
* compost heap  (process poo for fertilizer)
* butchery (processing for mince)

Home Planet:

Wife, breeding family, shop (seeds, baby animals, maybe exchange point?!)

Unit Usage Guide:

ship repairs (ship made of wood), fuel for ship (woodfired ship), building (fences, storehouses, family dwellings?)

eating, feeding family, other planets? inefficent fuel for emergencies (x2 consumption rate or woeva)

fertilizer (poo + compost heap), mince (animal + butchery)

Basic External Influences For Resource Consuming Events:

* bad weather - destroy, kill, crops and animals largescale
* asteriodal impacts
* hunger - animal feed, home planet family feed, other planet feed?
* ship damage - requires wood repair
* ship fuel - woodfired ship
* crop care - requires ferilizer to increase growth.
* plus wotevar else

Feeding, Fertilizing and Building Actions

Occurs by travelling to planet with required resources on ship and selecting required action from menu or whatever, Item automagically appears on planet in wotevar location is free. Maybe if buildign you must exit ship. Anything thats quick and easy, doesnt require extra bits.

Extra We Don't Have Enough Time As It IS BUt WOuld Be Awesome Possibilites:

* extra storage space to increase ship loads
* engine upgrades (using rare random metals picked up on iron asteriods?!)
* gun upgrades
* shoot down asteriodal impactoids
* some planets out of fuel range without ship upgrades
* fence a planet - requires wood (planet divided up into sections automatically with fences - consumes x units of wood) each section houses only one farmable
* stop off at home planet to breed with wife when ready
* building extra dwellings for new offspring
* truck deployable from ship which lets your ride aroudn planet and load it up with harvested goods before returning to ship with full load (EXTREEEME)

Soooo thats that. Here is a total art test mock up done in Maya. The ship is totally placeholder and the planet is cropless. Its actually a screenshot from a hardware render, which i might post later.


Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2008, 06:05:25 PM »

Why did they have to make the south-american dude the lamest character in cartoon history?

Also, looking awesome, that game.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 06:08:41 PM by Melly » Logged

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
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« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2008, 10:13:23 PM »

This is going to be the best thing to happen to video games since Cool Spot!

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« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2008, 10:44:52 PM »

This sounds amazing!  Love the mockup, too! Kiss

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« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2008, 07:25:17 PM »

This sounds amazing!  Love the mockup, too! Kiss

Cheers! We're starting to get somewhere, so thought we'd post a screenie. I had the little guy running around the planets and going between them in a spaceship, but then chucked that all out and thought I could use ODE instead of my own hacked physics... yeah. That didn't go so well. Worked fine for the planets but trying to get an avatar reliably standing up and moving around a circular playing area was just a nightmare, so that all got ripped out and now back to square 1! Now it's actually a bit photoshopped, the middle of the planet is see-through so I just painted it all in... so it's not *completely* accurate.
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2008, 02:27:44 PM »

No One Can Stop Smithy.

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« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2008, 05:41:22 PM »


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« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2008, 09:04:36 PM »

Update No. 2!

I think I've got all the features from Gorman's concept in there now, except the grass doesn't wave, and I think the colour of the atmosphere is a bit wonky. Sadly I had to put the kibosh on planetary rotations and orbits cos they were totally screwing with my my already fragile understanding of quaternions. Oh well! We'll save that for the full version. Wink Anyway, that pretty blue box there is the Farm Pioneer's spacetruck, and the tiny yellow line is its velocity. He hops in that when he has to get to fields and pastures on other planets. I aimed to hit the Print Screen button just as he went under the first cloud layer cos I reckon that looks choice. Smiley So now should actually get to work on the actual *gameplay*...
Level 3

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« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2008, 12:05:00 AM »

You had me as soon as you said 'choice'  :D (man, I miss New Zealand).

Which is good, cause it does look choice. Tongue

Last release: sync::routine
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« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2008, 12:15:23 AM »

Spacetruck is the most awesome word in the history of philology!

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