Thanks guys!
My first thought: "Hm, Mario Bros without co-op and with guns?"
My second thought: "Hey, this is really good!"
(It'd still be better with co-op, of course, but that's a given.)
- Weapon variety! (And the fact that the goal - 'collect crates!' - forces you to experience said variety, LIKE IT OR NOT.)
- Randomly chosen player-sprites! (I like the robot.)
- Getting crates that land near the top-center (in the 'proper level') is really tricky - enemies fall so quickly that they can land on you without enough time to react.
- The katana, shotgun, and grenade launcher all seem really weak; weaker than the pistol(s), even. The katana and shotgun because they're so terribly short-ranged (in a game where a single brush means instant death), and the grenade launcher because it's practically impossible to hit anything with it. (That arc means it'll only hit things right next to you, or things most of the screen away.)
- The disc-thrower can kill you; no other weapon, not even the explosive ones, can. I'm not complaining, it's the sort of funny-painful death I expect from a game like this, it just seemed inconsistent.
There will be coop! I've been testing it a bit, and it sort of works so far.
I like the robot too.
Crates don't spawn too close to the top center. I think working yourself up to the top sometimes is a nice short-term challenge for the players. It's ALWAYS possible. But it's a good suggestion, maybe I'll widen the non-spawn zone for easier modes.
Play a bit more, you'll see that all weapons (except for the dual pistols) really deserve being there. Grenade launcher is harder to aim, but has higher rate of fire then bazooka. Just keep your distance from the thing you want to shoot.
Katana actually turns big enemies, so you can hold your ground after slashing them once.
Discgun (and some other "pro weapons", like flamer, who have downsides(no jumping when on flames) will all be explained ingame! Hard to use, but disc gun actually proves to be very usefull in the highest difficulty.
Thanks for the good feedback! I'm hoping for more in the future.
Just played for an hour and my best was only 28. Love this game. Once I learned how to play, most of my deaths came from self-decapitation via disc gun. close second was being stuck with c4 and having too many floaty things to deal with.
Thanks! C4 is tricky to use, but in the end can prove to be one of the best weapons. Disc gun is a nasty thing, but I won't take it out.
Keeps gameplay exciting, and makes people think before firing their new weapon.
I really like this game. However I only play it muted, due to the sound effects being a bit too harsh.
If you want, I can make up a SFX pack for you. You can try it out, say what works what doesn't etc.. I think it would make the gameplay a lot more enjoyable if the sound of the gun wasn't so rough sounding.
Other than that, pretty good feedback has been given there and I really look forward to playing the crap out of this game tomorrow.
Hoping for more feedback after you've played the crap out of it, will be useful.
About the sfx; I'm going for a sort of realistic/rough 8-bit thing here, and I agree it has quite a bit of noise. But with some nice chiptunes (I'm hoping to trick jabberwock) it will probably come together. If not, I'll send you a message.
merci again everyone.