« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2008, 09:32:54 PM » |
Originally I didn't get why Derek put up the 'donate to Catcus' thread during the compo as I felt is was a little biased. How wrong I was, and I'm glad I didn't post that feeling! Cactus - you are a genius.  I've since discovered your older work and I must say the Mondo games have made me re-evaluate the whole way I look at games. You've got my vote sir, even if this demo's almost not a game - the strength of what you've done up until now makes me want to give you all the support I can.
William Broom
« Reply #81 on: March 27, 2008, 12:11:11 AM » |
This is a demo, right? If so I'm really pumped for the full version.
« Reply #82 on: March 27, 2008, 04:55:04 AM » |
Thanks guys! I was so sure I was gonna get flamed for posting a teaser instead of a real demo, glad I was wrong 
Level 2
I superdig
« Reply #83 on: March 27, 2008, 05:52:03 AM » |
I'm loving that it has a Psychosomnium vibe. It seems that now it's much less trial and error, yet still has some of the same feeling. The dancing filled my heart with joy. The presentation kicks ass too.
On a side note, the "tutorial" annoyed me, even if it was fake. But that's probably just my knee-jerk reaction to tutorials I don't opt into. Cactus, I'm really glad to see you take your games to the next level. I hope you don't get too bored focusing on one game this long, because I'd love to see a lot more.
First Manbaby Home
Level 10
« Reply #84 on: March 27, 2008, 12:01:16 PM » |
On a side note, the "tutorial" annoyed me, even if it was fake. But that's probably just my knee-jerk reaction to tutorials I don't opt into.
I think that may be the point. Poking fun at how silly those tutorials are. I dunno, I got a kick out of it.
« Reply #85 on: March 27, 2008, 12:46:56 PM » |
This is freaking delicious, cactus. But i do hate you a little for making the demo so short  ..
« Reply #86 on: March 27, 2008, 12:56:38 PM » |
Awesome. Really awesome, especially when you have to take the father through the booby traps, just because it was so surprising. I'm not completely sure about the jumping, though - it just doesn't quite feel right, somehow. A great entry nonetheless 
First Manbaby Home
Level 10
« Reply #87 on: March 27, 2008, 01:55:06 PM » |
I'm not completely sure about the jumping, though - it just doesn't quite feel right, somehow.
I think it fits okay. It's kinda floaty. Like the rest of the game. This kind of jumping wouldn't fit too well in a lot of other games, though. If there were strong gravity and faster acceleration it would seem out of place, I think.
« Reply #88 on: March 28, 2008, 12:12:08 PM » |
I'm not completely sure about the jumping, though - it just doesn't quite feel right, somehow. Yeah, I'm still going to tweak the movement a bit. Basically, the problem (as far as I've been able to analyze) is that the player doesn't decelerate faster when you press the button to go in the opposite direction of which you're moving. Hopefully, fixing that should make it feel better. Thanks for the feedback, guys.
« Reply #89 on: March 28, 2008, 12:28:03 PM » |
As many others have said, the presentation and atmosphere of this are quite good. I like the music as well. The demo is far too short and easy. Though it gives a good impression of the game's atmosphere, it does little to show me exactly what the game will be like. Will it be just like Psychosomnium? I'm hoping to see something original in full. Also, what exactly does the title have to do with the game? On a side note, the "tutorial" annoyed me, even if it was fake. But that's probably just my knee-jerk reaction to tutorials I don't opt into.
I think that may be the point. Poking fun at how silly those tutorials are. I dunno, I got a kick out of it. I hate tutorials too; I usually just like to figure it out on my own. Was this 'poking fun' intended? I'm assuming it was; a tutorial is definitely not necessary for this type of game.
Level 2
I superdig
« Reply #90 on: March 28, 2008, 01:04:31 PM » |
I hate tutorials too; I usually just like to figure it out on my own. Was this 'poking fun' intended? I'm assuming it was; a tutorial is definitely not necessary for this type of game.
Yeah, I believe it was. But it's the kind of joke that I think works much better in a full game. In a demo so very short, I wanted more focus on interactivity. Being two screens long, dedicating "half" of the demo to that tutorial joke didn't really vibe well with me. But again, I must stress that I loved the demo, and I'm sure I'll adore the full game. It's like hooking up a joy I.V.
« Reply #91 on: March 28, 2008, 03:44:37 PM » |
Will it be just like Psychosomnium? Yeah, it's exactly like Psychosomnium. Didn't you notice? Also, what exactly does the title have to do with the game? Do you know what a toon is? The underworld bit wasn't covered in the snippets of dialogue in the demo, but it's there. I was a bit liberal with "Brain-Damaged" and figured that it could be represented by the weird plot/characters. There will be further brain damage in the game, though. I hate tutorials too; I usually just like to figure it out on my own. Was this 'poking fun' intended? I'm assuming it was; a tutorial is definitely not necessary for this type of game. I don't like tutorials either, but a lot of people actually need them. The reason that it is necessary in this game is that the checkpoint system isn't completely clear. It also fills other functions (it's not really supposed to be a joke), but those aren't clear from this short teaser. Sorry.
« Reply #92 on: March 28, 2008, 04:24:39 PM » |
Yeah, tutorials suck. It's so much nicer to read how to play in a readme 
« Reply #93 on: March 28, 2008, 05:30:36 PM » |
Yeah, tutorials suck. It's so much nicer to read how to play in a readme  I think some games can be made to work without any explicit tutorial or a readme ... But I thought the broken tutorial worked okay in this demo, gave it more 'brain damage' 
« Reply #94 on: March 28, 2008, 05:43:57 PM » |
Yeah, tutorials suck. It's so much nicer to read how to play in a readme  I think some games can be made to work without any explicit tutorial or a readme ... But I thought the broken tutorial worked okay in this demo, gave it more 'brain damage'  Agreed. Some games don't need them at all. I just hate having to go through a readme only to find out that i have to hold T and Z at once to shoot.
« Reply #95 on: March 28, 2008, 05:51:44 PM » |
Agreed. Some games don't need them at all. I just hate having to go through a readme only to find out that i have to hold T and Z at once to shoot.
There are really good ways to slowly build up your game teaching the player how the game works, just by clever level design. There have been quite a few games that successfully did this, even some in the B-games compo. From what I've seen of Fez so far, it has this too... in the beginning you get taught by doing things and here and there you get a comment (as far as I've been able to see). That's the way to do it. Nobody reads manuals, let alone readme files.... it really should be in the game, but tutorials with dozens of lines of texts are B-O-R-I-N-G and should be a every designer's no-go....
"Fun is rule."
Level 0
« Reply #96 on: March 28, 2008, 08:42:13 PM » |
Will it be just like Psychosomnium? Yeah, it's exactly like Psychosomnium. Didn't you notice? LOL. :D  Oh and if you don't like tutorial you are fag.
« Reply #97 on: March 28, 2008, 08:59:15 PM » |
Honestly, I used to love the Warcraft books, I would read them for all the lore they jammed in there.
I loved the fake tutorial, I laughed pretty hard when I figured that you wouldn't have a jet pack or shoot, its too bad that you couldn't do the real tutorial another way, it seems a bit cheesy right after the joke.
Chris Whitman
« Reply #98 on: March 28, 2008, 11:46:19 PM » |
Oh and if you don't like tutorial you are fag.
Or a woman or perhaps a 'negro.'
Formerly "I Like Cake."
« Reply #99 on: March 29, 2008, 05:36:11 AM » |
I believe the, ah, term you're looking for there is "nigra," faygit, see?
I'ma go out queer-huntin', if'n you be needin' me.