« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2008, 04:38:26 PM » |
Well, you know, that text below my avatar is there for a reason  Now for some minor feedback: First off, the game is awesomely balanced and still possible to go further no matter how hectic it gets, super awesome job there. The graphics are also coolio. But, on the critical side: Bombs suck until you get the whole floor covered in puppets, though that might be balanced from how awesome they are once that happens. Also, the clots seem to get kind of trapped on the left side of the level, hugging the wall for several 'jumps'. Not sure if they'd actually make the game better, but you could easily add some new power-ups. Hell, even if you're just modifying existing ones. Yellow-glowey puppets should blow up even if they don't explode your clot. Lastly, you have instilled a newfound hatred for ghosts in me 
« Last Edit: May 01, 2008, 04:48:52 PM by Inane »
real art looks like the mona lisa or a halo poster and is about being old or having your wife die and sometimes the level goes in reverse
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2008, 04:52:13 PM » |
This is awesome. I haven't managed to break 30k 
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2008, 06:27:32 PM » |
Level 1
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2008, 08:25:08 PM » |
320,000-ish is my highscore, I was trapped in the corner, however, the clot made a solid block wall vertically and a horizontal 'jump-through' floor, that cornered the ceiling, and i was pushed into it, couldn't get out. Poor clotty... you will be missed.
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2008, 10:49:47 PM » |
Cool. Nice work with the game. I found this really interesting.
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2008, 11:50:23 PM » |
Thanks for the nice comments and feedback everyone! 320,000-ish is my highscore, I was trapped in the corner, however, the clot made a solid block wall vertically and a horizontal 'jump-through' floor, that cornered the ceiling, and i was pushed into it, couldn't get out. Poor clotty... you will be missed.
Ouch  Sorry about that. I'll have a go at making it so that certain things can't be generated when too close to walls. You know that you can press down to go through the jump-through platforms, no? Now for some minor feedback: First off, the game is awesomely balanced and still possible to go further no matter how hectic it gets, super awesome job there. The graphics are also coolio. But, on the critical side: Bombs suck until you get the whole floor covered in puppets, though that might be balanced from how awesome they are once that happens.
The bombs main function is to remove objects and items. MMF has a limit to objects before things start to slow down, so having something like it was necessary. You might have noticed that the bomb doesn't need activation to explode. Also, the clots seem to get kind of trapped on the left side of the level, hugging the wall for several 'jumps'. This is strange... I had that bug happen quite often in an early build but i'm sure i removed it. I'll try to fix it as best i can. Not sure if they'd actually make the game better, but you could easily add some new power-ups. Hell, even if you're just modifying existing ones.
There were a few more powerups planned but i couldn't bother adding them. All powerups but the skulls are centered around explosions, which made it easy peasy for me. I have a few ideas for a sequel, if i make it, i'll definitely add a ton o' items! Yellow-glowey puppets should blow up even if they don't explode your clot.
Did you mean "shouldn't"? (They do blow up!) Lastly, you have instilled a newfound hatred for ghosts in me  My work here is done 
« Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 12:01:37 AM by gustav »
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2008, 12:18:25 AM » |
"Cannot load pxPlay.mfx. This object might need an external program or libary not yet installed." GreatFox and Winter, try downloading msvcr71.dll and put it in the same folder as the bloodboy exe. msvcr71.dllIf that works, please tell me and i'll add it to the zip file; if not... I'll keep trying. That didn't work, neither did pxtune.dll. Guess I won't be playing this...
William Broom
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2008, 01:27:45 AM » |
This game is concentrated awesome.
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2008, 01:55:42 AM » |
Is there a way to run the game without music or completely silent?
Level 0
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2008, 02:08:11 AM » |
Yeah, yeehaawww it worked! But you NOT in the game-folder. You have to put the dll in your system-folder!
Okay I'll try the game now.
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2008, 04:02:02 AM » |
Good stuff. Awesome to see a nice little game from you :D
William Broom
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2008, 04:13:18 AM » |
On my comp, it crashes when things get really frantic, and that's extremely annoying. I can't really work up the enthusiasm to play it anymore when I know it will probably crash whenever I'm approaching a high score. From what I understand this is probably MMF's fault rather than yours, but it's still an almost game-breaking problem.
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2008, 04:49:24 AM » |
On my comp, it crashes when things get really frantic, and that's extremely annoying. I can't really work up the enthusiasm to play it anymore when I know it will probably crash whenever I'm approaching a high score. From what I understand this is probably MMF's fault rather than yours, but it's still an almost game-breaking problem.
Same with me. Additionally I'm experiencing slowdowns, but that's probably because my machine is so slow.
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2008, 08:36:11 AM » |
On my comp, it crashes when things get really frantic, and that's extremely annoying. I can't really work up the enthusiasm to play it anymore when I know it will probably crash whenever I'm approaching a high score. From what I understand this is probably MMF's fault rather than yours, but it's still an almost game-breaking problem.
Well, that sucks  ... I'm not sure what i could do about it, since it only seems to happen on some computers. When HWA comes out for MMF, i'll apply it to Bloodboy. That might fix it. Might...
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2008, 09:03:08 AM » |
Yellow-glowey puppets should blow up even if they don't explode your clot.
Did you mean "shouldn't"? (They do blow up!) Ah, no, I meant their tiny little explosion should be able to hurt the other enemies 
real art looks like the mona lisa or a halo poster and is about being old or having your wife die and sometimes the level goes in reverse
Level 1
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2008, 12:04:24 PM » |
Thanks for the nice comments and feedback everyone! 320,000-ish is my highscore, I was trapped in the corner, however, the clot made a solid block wall vertically and a horizontal 'jump-through' floor, that cornered the ceiling, and i was pushed into it, couldn't get out. Poor clotty... you will be missed.
Ouch  Sorry about that. I'll have a go at making it so that certain things can't be generated when too close to walls. You know that you can press down to go through the jump-through platforms, no? I was just thinking about that. I didn't realize it at the time though. One thing, perhaps, that would help to cure the chaos of finding the crystals when the game gets really hectic, how about, along with the "Protect!" bubble popping up when they are being attacked, the dotted line drawn to them from blood boy blinks red? It might make it a little easier to figure out what is going on. This game is really really fun!
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2008, 12:42:14 PM » |
Thanks for the nice comments and feedback everyone! 320,000-ish is my highscore, I was trapped in the corner, however, the clot made a solid block wall vertically and a horizontal 'jump-through' floor, that cornered the ceiling, and i was pushed into it, couldn't get out. Poor clotty... you will be missed.
Ouch  Sorry about that. I'll have a go at making it so that certain things can't be generated when too close to walls. You know that you can press down to go through the jump-through platforms, no? I was just thinking about that. I didn't realize it at the time though. One thing, perhaps, that would help to cure the chaos of finding the crystals when the game gets really hectic, how about, along with the "Protect!" bubble popping up when they are being attacked, the dotted line drawn to them from blood boy blinks red? It might make it a little easier to figure out what is going on. This game is really really fun! :D I tried to do just that. For some reason, whatever i tried, i couldn't make it work. MMF's logic can be very strange at times. And thank you!
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2008, 02:12:47 PM » |
One thing, perhaps, that would help to cure the chaos of finding the crystals when the game gets really hectic, how about, along with the "Protect!" bubble popping up when they are being attacked, the dotted line drawn to them from blood boy blinks red? It might make it a little easier to figure out what is going on. I tried to do just that. For some reason, whatever i tried, i couldn't make it work. Odd. You've tried something like always spreading a value in both the clots and the links, then using that value to tie them together? Always: spread 0 in value ID in clot, spread value 0 in link. (presuming you have one link object that you just rotate/stretch). Clot in trouble && Link value ID = clot value ID: set animation sequence to blink. Clot in trouble && Link value ID = clot value ID: set animation sequence to normal. Very fun game nonetheless!
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2008, 02:32:57 PM » |
One thing, perhaps, that would help to cure the chaos of finding the crystals when the game gets really hectic, how about, along with the "Protect!" bubble popping up when they are being attacked, the dotted line drawn to them from blood boy blinks red? It might make it a little easier to figure out what is going on. I tried to do just that. For some reason, whatever i tried, i couldn't make it work. Odd. You've tried something like always spreading a value in both the clots and the links, then using that value to tie them together? Always: spread 0 in value ID in clot, spread value 0 in link. (presuming you have one link object that you just rotate/stretch). Clot in trouble && Link value ID = clot value ID: set animation sequence to blink. Clot in trouble && Link value ID = clot value ID: set animation sequence to normal. Very fun game nonetheless! Yeah, that's how i made the links work, but when i tried to change an animation it seemingly ignored it and set off the animation for all the links. Granted, I didn't take much time trying to solve it and after a few tries i just moved on. MMF's object selection still confuses me.
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2008, 09:01:42 PM » |
Pretty awesome game you have here. ove the artwork and the gameplay is frantic and fun. NOt much I can add to criticism that hasn't been said and answered, so good look on your next projects.