I'm doin' stuff! I hadn't considered coming here and just describing what I'm working on rather than waiting until I had something visual to show...
So I've just created a custom input manager that allows me (and will allow players) to set exactly how every command works- which button you press, if you hold it (if applicable), and if you want to use a modifier key for it (like shift or alt).
It's all done in its own separate object, so I can do all the cool stuff without having to hard-code everything in. Instead, I can just have it listen for the proper X Input trigger. So good!
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Something new is that everyone is now out on the field at all times, instead of just being gone when they aren't active.
This change gives way more depth to the combat and environmental navigation- especially the latter.
Now you'll have to use everyone's abilities in much more interesting ways, and even split up sometimes because the rest of the party can't reach areas that others can. Things like that.
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I've been working on some mode change stuff as well- in combat, you fight in realtime, as you've seen before, but now you can access a Tactical Mode as well.
In this mode, time is paused and you can issue commands to everyone- have them go somewhere, interact with something, engage an enemy, perform a technique, set up for a combination attack, etc.
I totally had the idea in my head before the Final Fantasy 7 Remake was shown off, but it was perfectly timed to act as reference. That and Dragon Age and the Last Story.
Do you guys know of any other games that have a tactical pause mechanic that I should look at?
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Also related to cool, tactical stuff- I want to have a Tactical Huddle option that you can use when you aren't in combat.
It's like a training/testing mode, where you can set up custom encounters, or layout premade ones and try out various tactical options. You'll be able to modify command macros while you play, as well, so this will be a good tool for trying out new formations or combinations or commands.
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And, of course, I have another bunch of character designs: