Her Majesty's Royal Space Armada
I made some more videos of a playthrough of a 15 minute game. There's only one or two glaring bugs showing up.
Pt 1: (jumps a bit so I skip some of the boring early game ... should be more interesting whenever I implement fog of war)
http://www.screenr.com/agWsPt 2: (sound cut out because I muted it and forgot that I had done so... oops)
http://www.screenr.com/ygWsPt 3: (I can't win because I can't attack the fleeing flagship, flagships shouldn't flee anyways!)
http://www.screenr.com/WMWsUse this to paint your fleets. Having a variety of fleet colors and banners will be a big part of the game's visual style.
You can save/load schemes by pasting JSON in the text area. Unfortunately, misformed JSON will break the painter and not really provide any feedback yet.
Example: Paste this into the text area under the "Load Scheme" button, and then press the button.
{"mask":"blazon/mask/mask_cornerpinch","colors":[9,10,17],"name":"Grenadiers de Fer","version":1,"textures":["blazon/base","blazon/field/field_per_saltire","blazon/charge/charge_cross_fluery"]}
Press "Save Scheme" to create JSON in the textbox, save it in a file (or share it here!), and then copy and paste it later following these directions to see the scheme.
Everything under here is quite old and only kept for historical reasons
I figure I should finally get around to starting a devlog of this. I've been working on it for about a month and currently have a buggy but playable version. Sometime this week I hope to get some gameplay video up, I've never done videos for my games and it's really about time I did.

It's a space RTS that tries to focus on more strategic than tactical gameplay and tries at every step to remove micromanagement and create an RTS that is more or less a single game instead of a collection of sub-games (resource collection, production, tactics) like most RTSes are.

You control squadrons of ships (starting at the frigate size) instead of individuals, comissioning them from planets which in turn also heal and respawn damaged/lost ships when a squadron is nearby. You also don't control the placement of planet-based structures, you merely build them as part of the planet. If you've ever played Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns you'll notice that I am pretty much directly copying the system used there.

There are some interface bugs that make the game very hard to play if you aren't prepared for them so I will abstain from posting a demo until they are sorted out. I'm also planning to probably redo the visuals a bit as well as make the camera a kind-of-freelook one like in Homeworld. I basically just have the basic gameplay in, but even then I'm thinking I want to modify how squadrons work a bit.
I post regularly on my tumblr blog about this, and I'll probably pop in here whenever there's some major change, or a demo, or something else exciting: