« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2010, 09:00:44 PM » |
Very nice what you made here. The menus should probably be reworked as they're too busy-looking and confusing, but other than that it's an enjoyable and creative gameplay experience. Congratulations on the feature! Totally deserving.  The different levels get a little repetitive, but maybe I'm just not enough of a tetris fanatic.
« Reply #41 on: August 13, 2010, 08:31:00 PM » |
I was actually considering making a game very similar to this using this cart. I'm glad I didn't, though, since you did a really good job with this cart.
The fusion of Sims and Tetris works very well, even better than I thought it would. There's a lot of hidden depth to the game. The optimal strategy is usually to build a bunch of separate houses, each of which takes care of a diverse group of needs. But once a Sim lives in one of the houses, all that matters is adding the room that will satisfy its need. Finding effective ways to combine the different types of rooms and hallways is a lot of fun.
Overall, I really liked this game, and I think anyone who plays it will understand why. I'd just like to make two suggestions: 1) Sometimes the random number generator really screws you over. It would be nice if the rooms were only pseudo-randomized, so you were guaranteed a room of each type every 10 rooms (or something along those lines). 2) The game gets a bit slow after a while. If the speed increased over time (like in real Tetris), that could add a lot of excitement, and emphasize the action-y part of the game a bit more. This wouldn't need to apply to every level, of course.
« Reply #43 on: August 16, 2010, 02:45:08 PM » |
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm glad you are enjoying it, and hope I can make some use of your suggestions. I also noticed MADRIS on, but thanks for looking out.
« Reply #44 on: August 20, 2010, 12:31:14 PM » |
I just added MADRIS to GameJolt <> and YoyoGames <> (where you can play through their web-plugin). Feel free to rate it on those sites to help spread the fruits of the AGBIC competition.
« Reply #45 on: August 20, 2010, 06:00:32 PM » |
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2010, 12:24:25 PM » |
Awesome game! I'm especially impressed not only with the gameplay and original idea, but with the sheer amount and variety of the levels. Not being a big tetris fan as it is, you've still managed to get me hooked with this concept.
« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2010, 12:18:03 PM » |
This a unique game and lots of fun. I dug the visual style and music too. One problem though: Progression is too heavily based on randomness. Several times, levels took longer than I felt they should simply because the damn thing wouldn't drop the rooms or sims I needed.
« Reply #50 on: January 15, 2011, 01:36:18 PM » |
Since AGBIC is way past over, this may be irrelevant, but I very much enjoyed MADRIS. My only complaint was that the game moved a bit too slow for me (i.e. watching the SIM walk around when clearing). Was there a button to skip that animation? Aside from that, nice job all around and quite a fun concept.
Level 1
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2011, 09:19:51 AM » |
Nice game. A bit slow perhaps, and not much variety in the missions (sure, their goals are different, but they can all be achieved by "stacking blocks until it says "level complete") But plenty of content, and an original idea. Speaking of original ideas, it reminded me of this. That's just a concept, never planned to turn into a game, and I don't think you inspired yourself from it, but still, it's an amusing resemblance.
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2011, 01:04:55 PM » |
@mikewest - I'm glad to hear people are still enjoying Madris... definitely not an irrelevant comment. There isn't a way to skip the walking animations completely, but holding the down arrow will speed it up (just like it speeds up the falling rooms).
@snowyowl - Thanks. I hadn't seen that concept before, but it sounds like an interesting one. Thanks again for the feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed Madris.