Little Bunny Foo Foo's Assault Jet Bike Challenge (LBFFAJBC)
Little Bunny Foo Foo's Assault Jet Bike Challenge (LBFFAJBC) will be an arcade flight simulator where the player scoops field mice off the ground and smashes them into various terrain objects. A pack of jet bike mounted dogs will pursue the player and attempt to make her crash. In addition the player could also crash through lack of flight skill. As in the poem Little Bunny Foo Foo (LBFF) gets three lives to clear a level after which it is game over. The victory condition is when all the field mice have been scooped up and bopped on the head.
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Latest build at: 8/7/10:
Final contest build uploaded here:
* Mouse and Keyboard steering
* Grappling hook physics on field mice
* Jet bike mounted Dog Fairies
* Adorable sound track
* Tutorial level
* 4 playable levels
* All the cross compatibility that comes with Unity.
I will post screen shots and videos when I get some sleep.
Screen Captures:

07/07/10: Implemented Jetbike mouse control and posted demo version at:
Steering will occur through the mouse's position on the screen. A certain dead zone in the middle will allow for level flight and when the mouse moves out side of that area LBFF will turn in that direction. Mouse button will shoot the grappling claw for picking up mice. Keyboard keys will activate boost, air brakes, and vertical thrust.
Graphics should be single tone to provide a cartoony atmosphere for this silly game. The levels should resemble the stylized canyon terrain that populated the road runner cartoons.
Field mice should wander around the area they were spawned. They should sample the terrain where they intend to walk and if the height changes too much from their current height they should turn around. This will keep them wandering around in the same area. Also they should see the player and run from her if she gets too close.
Dogs should have the same control scheme as LBFF and fly on an intercept course at her. Their turning and acceleration should be much worse than LBFF but their max speed should be just as good if not better. This will require LBFF to outmaneuver the dogs. Dogs will require line of sight to pursue LBFF. If not line of sight can be established they fly around random way points until line of sight can be established.
This program will make use of Unity's rigid body component to ensure realistic collisions between objects. LBFF and the dogs will each inhabit their own rigid body. Too great a change in LBFF's velocity (ie a crash) will result in LBFF ragdolling off the bike. The Dogs are indestructible, but shortly disorientated after a crash.
The filed mice while walking around will just be standard animation assets. When hit by the grapple they become rigid bodies suspended by the grapple chain and pulled on by gravity. The grapple chain will force their position to be a certain distance from LBFF. They will be released from the chain when they crash through a solid object. This crash will be the "Bop on the head" and if it is of sufficient force the mouse will be counted as Bopped. Otherwise it will resume normal walking.