When the penguins reach a certain age they migrate to a secret place. What happens there is something incomprehensible even to the penguins themselves. That place is the Incomprehensible Penguin Arena! The place where penguins fight for no specific reasons, fishes and penguins fall from the sky and tens of leopard seals swim randomly while killing penguins that happen to be in their way.
I'm coding the game since March, 9th using C++/SDL. The gameplay is mostly finished and I'm currently working on a scoring system. I'd post a playable demo but currently I'm on a linux-only machine and I can't compile a windows version.
March, 23th Update!
I finally finished it after two weeks of work. I hope you all have fun with this simple little game. I tested in a few Windows XP machines but I couldn´t test it on Vista so I don´t know if it will work. I´ll be around for today so post here if you find any bugs so that I can try to fix it.
Title ScreenGameplayDownload link:
http://jefrsilva.googlepages.com/IncomprehensiblePenguinArena_v2.zip (~5mb)
Patch for those who downloaded the file IncomprehensiblePenguinArena.zip:
http://jefrsilva.googlepages.com/IncomprehensiblePenguinArena_Patch.zip (~41kb)
- If the game does not run, try to install the Visual C++ Runtime (vcredist_x86.exe) included with the game.
- Read the included README for detailed instructions about the game
Now it is time to test some of the finished submissions