Moon Goon
Level 1
« on: July 08, 2010, 12:32:42 PM » |
CandyBar for the Atari 2600 ATTENTION! The Stella Atari 2600 emulator is included for Mac Linux and Windows in the .ZIP file! Stella-3.1.2_intel_10.6-macosx.dmg (.dmg is Mac) Stella-3.1.2-win32.exe (.exe files are for PCs) stella_3.1.2-1_i386.deb (.deb are Linux) Open the CandyBar.bin file with the emulator once it has been installed! UPDATE: Here is the link for the final download's a real Atari 2600 game folks. Use the provided Stella emulator in the archive. Also, read the manual. No, seriously!  Since the nice folks at PANIC, INC. have already made the box art and mock-ups I decided to go with CandyBar. asked for their blessing and hope for a positive reply. So far I've got a basic title screen and main game displaying on a real Atari 2600. It pains me that my graphics will be different but their mock-ups are just too intensive for a regular 4k ROM Atari 2600 cart. UPDATE: Got an e-mail from PANIC, INC. I think it qualifies as a positive response.. Hello,
How can we help, if at all?
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 05:59:20 AM by Moon Goon »
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 12:36:40 PM » |
Ooh, this looks like its going to be shnazzy. Reminds me of an Atari 2600 game where you're a chef and you have to make burgers. If only I could remember the name. Edit: Oh that's right, it was called "Pressure Cooker."
« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 12:49:38 PM by Tipp »
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 06:15:30 PM » |
subsystems subsystems subsystems
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 11:37:22 AM » |
Those boxart pictures on the site are delicious.
People need to bring back the crazyness of old box art.
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2010, 12:20:23 PM » |
As they say it's an art style that got lost. Take a look at all the Atari VCS cartridges, some of those boxes' art are crazy-awesome.
subsystems subsystems subsystems
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2010, 10:29:14 AM » |
Excellent progress Moon Goon,
I'm gonna make a 2600 game as well. Good luck!!!
Best regards
Moon Goon
Level 1
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 10:54:18 AM » |
Well, I've just added the custom score printing routine that uses the playfield to print out numbers. Not fun. I now have greater respect for whoever wrote the printf function in C  All that's left is to finalize game modes, sound effects and title screen music. Oh, and the manual. Never read one myself, but.. The CandyBar box read 8 games and I'm having trouble thinking of variations. Here is what I've come up with for candidates so far: 1. Feed the icon (above the Chefs head) a certain amount of candybars. Amount needed goes up each level. 2. Each color of candybar gives a different amount of score. Say, blue = +1 white +5 and red -3. The player must give the icon a specific number of points to progress. 3. The icon demands a specific sequence of colored candybars. The sequence becomes longer each level. Any thoughts about other possible gameplay variations guys?
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 11:25:39 AM » |
Feed the icon as much as possible in the given time limit? Resist feeding the icon as much as possible in the given time limit? 
Moon Goon
Level 1
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 12:05:46 PM » |
Feed the icon as much as possible in the given time limit?
Wow! Unlike my semi-random posts you guys are actually intelligent and helpful! That's a great game mode if I ever heard one! Just adds an extra variable for the timer. Shouldn't be too bad. 
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
Moon Goon
Level 1
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2010, 08:37:25 PM » |
Okay. I hope this is as close to the final iteration as it gets. Not gonna declare final as feedback and show-stopper bugs may arise  Here is where you can download the latest version: INSTRUCTIONS: Press fire to start game. Once in-game left and right moves the Chef. Press fire in-game to pick up boxes of candybars. Each candybar box has a different point value: blue/lavender is 5 magenta is 1 and white is 10. The currently held candybar box is indicated on the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Feed the Hungry Icon above Chef to increase your score. When the score reaches a certain amount the level will increase. After each level the score resets to 0 and the Hungry Icon needs even more candybars to gain the next level. The screen palette shifts towards red as time runs out. Each level introduces new challenges such as less time and less predictable Hungry Icon behavior.
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2010, 11:54:15 PM » |
So, these are rom files? You should bundle an emulator with them for ease of use.
Moon Goon
Level 1
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2010, 03:37:40 AM » |
Thanks for the feedback Melly! I'll put a link at the first post for Stella:'d just zip up a copy with the final ROM too. With that out of the way any feedback on the game itself?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 03:55:33 AM by Moon Goon »
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
Moon Goon
Level 1
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2010, 06:46:04 AM » |
Well, I'm going to call this one tagged 'n bagged. After the compo I plan on making this a real one-off cartridge for myself. Should be complete with real box, cart, manual and even shrink wrap and price tag.
It turns out I really like making real Atari 2600 games. Who knows what's next? I want to thank TIGSource for once again giving me a little direction and a lot of incentive to create!
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2010, 09:56:26 AM » |
make very rare one-off games on cartridges and sell them on Ebay.
subsystems subsystems subsystems
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2010, 11:15:17 AM » |
Your hosting site requires people to have an account to download, or download a special "e-snips downloader." I want to try this, but don't want to download this "e-snips downloader," nor do I want to make an account with them.
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2010, 12:12:17 PM » |
I agree the site is stupid, but click the link that says "Download" with the zipped icon above it and not the one that says "download" with the green arrow.
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2010, 12:37:45 PM » |
I agree the site is stupid, but click the link that says "Download" with the zipped icon above it and not the one that says "download" with the green arrow.
Okay, I did a "Save link as." Otherwise, it gives that account login stuff. Anyway, the game was good - I like how it is an actual Atari 2600 rom image; very authentic. Gameplay-wise, it was fun and addicting. Nice work! ~ Theta
Moon Goon
Level 1
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2010, 05:24:05 AM » |
I need some help! Apparently my formatting or something is wrong in Mellys HTML for finished games. I don't think it's that my download is not direct as the guidelines state it's allowed: For files, use direct download links whenever possible, don't link to another website unless you have no choice (some hosting services don't allow direct-download links, in those cases it's alright to link to a webpage with the download)] Also, to make sure it's dead clear, I added the following to my entry: ATTENTION! The Stella Atari 2600 emulator is included for Mac Linux and Windows in the .ZIP file!
Stella-3.1.2_intel_10.6-macosx.dmg (.dmg is Mac) Stella-3.1.2-win32.exe (.exe files are for PCs) stella_3.1.2-1_i386.deb (.deb are Linux)
Open the CandyBar.bin file with the emulator once it has been installed! Is this enough? I'd hate to be disqualified due to a misunderstanding. Also, I directly cut-and-pasted Mellys HTML for finished games.. I don't know what's wrong.  Here is the apparently broken HTML I posted in the FINISHED topic: <td style="width: 350px; vertical-align: top"> <strong>CandyBar for Atari 2600</strong><br/> <em>by Moon Goon</em><br/> <b><a href="">Thread</a></b> </td> UPDATE: I changed it to this as it makes the link to the ZIP file clickable Any help would be a great relief!
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 05:34:16 AM by Moon Goon »
I'm a PEEK'er. I'm a POKE'er. And I'm a midnight coder. I type my programs and hit RUN. Check out for my Atari 2600 game ROMs!
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2010, 05:55:31 AM » |
Fixed that up for you; You just need to update your finished entry post with this. 