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TIGSource ForumsPlayerGamesIkiki appreciation thread (+ Ikiki Games Gallery)
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Author Topic: Ikiki appreciation thread (+ Ikiki Games Gallery)  (Read 46404 times)
Paint by Numbers
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2010, 02:47:19 PM »

This morning I had a dream where I stayed with some other people in ikiki's house for a few nights. Ikiki never personally met me, but I learned through looking at their possessions that he was actually a she and named "Amanda".

Sure, we've got nothing on the level of actually knowing anything about the guy himself. But the new games that he's posted do show a bit more about his development as a game designer.

Brigimantion looks a lot like Tarenagasi. I'm not sure what the differences are yet.
Yamibrigimantion (which means "Dark Brigimantion") is a sidescroller which stars Luigi with his shitcannon, making goombas explode in a bloody mess. The jumping controls are kind of irritating and, for some reason, you can only turn around by pressing up, which makes this one of Ikiki's less awesome platformers.

Spyman, like MisterX said, is a precursor to Kusariman. The character is very "bouncy" and does not handle well at all. Also, your ball-and-chain doesn't seem to be actually useful for much. As always, though, the level design is cool and there are some interesting setpieces - for instance, the very first two enemies you find are unkillable; a not-so-subtle way of telling you that you are a spy and this is a stealth game.

Firearms is my favorite of the bunch. It's another top-down shooter, but with diagonal movement. It has some very fun setpieces and is generally really awesome.

Hakaarasi is a sidecroller where Luigi, dressed up as an explorer complete with pith helmet, journeys to a secluded island to... fight mummies and skeletons? It's very fun! The controls are much better than Spyman's and Luigi can grab onto blocks and climb up them when he's next to them, allowing you to make jumps that you would miss in other games. This would make most Ikiki games have about four times less frustration in them...

Kouyanosamurai is just bizarre. It's a top-down game where you play as a samurai killing a bunch of defenseless... peasants, I guess. There is no challenge, not even a timer. As far as I can tell, you run around at a constant pace and kill stuff. The music and sound effects, uniquely for an Ikiki game, are inexplicably bad. I don't know if he was angry when he made this one or if he was trying to make a good blood engine (there's a lot of blood and your victims stagger around before falling down).

Old Aborin is just Aborin. It's one of his lesser known games, starring Luigi with a boomerang killing bouncing Toads. Old Aborin has different sprites, so it's a generic man killing boucing faces on legs. I think Ikiki likes Luigi rather more than Mario, giving how many games he's made where Luigi is the protagonist or Mario has something bad happen to him.

Makitirasi is a game where you defend your garden from invaders. (Shades of Niwatori.) Old Makitirasi is like Old Aborin, where a more generic set of protagonist and enemies are replaced with Mario characters.

In Rocket Mairo, you are Mario with a rocket launcher. It begins with the famous "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of gum." line and has the MIDI Duke Nukem theme as its background music. What more could you want in life?
Level 9

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« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2010, 03:25:46 PM »

Having Google translate the readme files can also be a bit revealing. For example, about the horrible music of Kouyano Samurai: In all his games Ikiki uses midi music from various composers, which can be found online for free and which are credited in the readme files. The music credits of Kouyano Samurai read "my own shit" Grin

Also, on the "Game Graveyard" site and for example in Kouyano Samurai's readme there are several mentions of "Vector", and despite the terrible translation it usually doesn't sound too friendly. Maybe he had some trouble with Vector.jp in the past or so? Some sentences sound like the games were changed or abandoned because Vector didn't approve of them. Though, on the other hand, I guess that is rather unlikely given the nature of nearly all of his regular games.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 03:31:06 PM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
Paint by Numbers
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2010, 04:32:26 PM »

I suspected that he had made his own music for that one. Dude sounds like a guy you'd want to meet in real life. Smiley

He did use to have his site on Vector, which makes me think you're right - it's possible that they didn't like the constant shit-spewing, blood-spilling, and nudity, no matter how cartoony...
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« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2010, 04:49:25 PM »

But, that doesn't explain why he changed the sprites from generic guys to Nintendo characters. Though, I guess we could only speculate about that Grin All I could understand from the readmes is that in some of the games he "stole" more than just the music. I don't know what exactly (I rather doubt it's the high-quality art assets), but that might have been another reason why these games only ended up in the Graveyard now.

I still really wonder why/how most of these had a "dark release" 5 years ago.

Anyway, I've played them a bit more, now, and I'd say that Firearms and Spyman are the best of them and had the most potential, especially considering how polished they already are. Spyman is perfectly playable, even though it's short and the physics are a bit annoying. Firearms is similar, although it seems like the basic gameplay is perfectly fine, but those two levels are just too short.

And by the way, the readme says that Kouyano Samurai was made "around 1999". That may well be one of his very first games.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 04:54:26 PM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
Paint by Numbers
« Reply #24 on: August 03, 2010, 05:01:14 PM »

Looking at Hosonaga, I think it's entirely possible that Kouyano Samurai... might actually be his first game ever. It would make sense that the first time around, he might try to make his own music, and it's really not that much of a game - it doesn't have any challenge, so could be considered more of a top-down action test than anything.
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« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2010, 05:02:02 AM »

Does anyone know how to do these explosion jumps? The first one is Teppodon, the second Hakaarasi. Both games are rather easy and very fun, but I just can't do these damn jumps. Either I fly too high, which means instand death in Hakaarasi and screwing up the jump and the level in Teppodon, or I don't fly far enough, which means.. well, exactly the same.
And, coincidentally, I'm stuck at a rather similar part in Bimboman..

Thanks to bigbossSNK, I've managed to do the jump in Hakaarasi. You don't have to use bombs at all, just jump far and then at the highest point start pressing the punch button as fast as possible, because punching in the air cancels all movement Smiley
« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 03:17:20 PM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2010, 04:19:50 AM »

Aww hell, explosion jumps. The only thing I dislike about Ikiki's games. Every time I run into one my game stalls (essentially). In something Like Teppoman 2, you can pull it off without the explosion. So that's nice. On the other hand, I've never been able to beat Nikujin for exactly that reason.

I wouldn't mind re-raising Mr. X's question - is there a surefire, round-the-board way to pull off explosion jumps? Something I'm missing, perhaps?
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« Reply #27 on: August 05, 2010, 04:47:09 AM »

Well, again thanks to bigbossSNK, I now did the jump in Teppodon. Stand only a few steps away from the explosive barrel, jump, and only a very short time after the highest point of the jump shoot it.
It's still a bit tricky, but at least the game doesn't punish you for it any further thanks to unlimited lives.

But, I think that such a jump like in Teppodon is rather unusual for Ikiki's games. For example the jumps in Nikujin (especially the one where you have to dash jump into a timed explosion, ouf) require good timing, but not perfect precision.

So, I guess there's no general way of how to do these jumps easily in all of his games, but if you have trouble with a specific one, just ask. At least by now I've come pretty far in most of his linear games Smiley

Oh, and here's a protip for Bimboman, something I just found out in a japanese video I luckily found: You can keep grenades in your hands and have them explode right on you to make jumps easier. That shouldn't be news to you. But, you can also gain a lengthy boost from grenades this way if you explode them on you while running and not jumping. This will make you dash like in many other games.

Similarly, you have to master the Swing Dash in Kusariman if you want to beat the game, a move I didn't even know existed after several hours of playing it. To pull this off, while swinging, you have to touch the ground. Then, before you reach the lowest point of the swing AND while touching the ground, press jump. Very tricky to pull off, but with a bit of practice it becomes manageable.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 04:51:28 AM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2010, 05:54:31 AM »

Is there a single-download compilation of all Ikiki's games somewhere?
Level 9

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« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2010, 06:53:56 AM »

There is no official one, and I guess also no complete unofficial one, as the latest games were only released a few days ago. Though, I could put together all games and upload the package for you, if you want. 56 games and not even 40mb in size Grin I just wouldn't want to post that publicly, as I guess Ikiki would prefer the games to be downloaded directly from his site.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 06:57:06 AM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2010, 07:06:19 AM »

There is no official one, and I guess also no complete unofficial one, as the latest games were only released a few days ago. Though, I could put together all games and upload the package for you, if you want. 56 games and not even 40mb in size Grin I just wouldn't want to post that publicly, as I guess Ikiki would prefer the games to be downloaded directly from his site.
Nah, don't bother if it'd just be for me. Thanks for offering though!
Level 2

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« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2010, 07:48:39 AM »

the [bomb] jumps in Nikujin (especially the one where you have to dash jump into a timed explosion, ouf)

You never have to blindly dash into a bomb jump in Nikujin. For every bomb jump necessary in the game, there's always room to hang out somewhere to wait for the bombman to turn so you can strike him into the countdown. The whole game can be completed without alarming a single bombman of your presence (of course you still have to make them explode, though).
Level 9

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« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2010, 09:00:13 AM »

Nah, don't bother if it'd just be for me. Thanks for offering though!
As packing it is a matter of probably a minute and uploading also shouldn't take forever, I really wouldn't mind doing it. You'd only have to tell me if you wanted the raw zip files of the games, or the unpacked, translated (and chronologically numbered) folders. Your call Smiley

You never have to blindly dash into a bomb jump in Nikujin. For every bomb jump necessary in the game, there's always room to hang out somewhere to wait for the bombman to turn so you can strike him into the countdown. The whole game can be completed without alarming a single bombman of your presence (of course you still have to make them explode, though).
I know, but what I ment is the one jump where you have to hit the bombman, thus starting the bomb's timer, and then dash and jump into the explosion from a few blocks away, in time to be pushed upwards. I can easily do that by now, but I think it took me a long time until I got the timing right.

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2010, 10:10:31 AM »

I know, but what I ment is the one jump where you have to hit the bombman, thus starting the bomb's timer, and then dash and jump into the explosion from a few blocks away, in time to be pushed upwards. I can easily do that by now, but I think it took me a long time until I got the timing right.

You mean in the final level before the bosses? You can jump in front of him on the right, wait for him to dash into the boxes and jump. For an example, you can take a look at my

, at 3:58. You only have to do the hit and dash version if you're aiming for a no-detection completion.
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« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2010, 11:04:23 AM »

You mean in the final level before the bosses? You can jump in front of him on the right, wait for him to dash into the boxes and jump. For an example, you can take a look at my

, at 3:58. You only have to do the hit and dash version if you're aiming for a no-detection completion.
Oh, indeed, I didn't think about that! Strangely, at an earlier part with a bombman, where he stands in front of a door that has to be blown open, I never got the idea of just slashing him. I always thought you have to sneak up at him, jump onto the ceiling in front of him, then jump down, get him to charge at you, jump back up and have him blow it open. It wasn't until I saw your great speedrun that I noticed you can just hit him Grin

Ah, that reminds me, I'm still undecided if Nikujin or Teppoman 2 is my most favorite Ikiki game Smiley

By the way, yay! Finally the video of Aborin is done and being rendered. Such a frustrating game. But, also pretty cool! If only its successor Tekkyuuman had unlimited lives as well..

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2010, 11:07:26 AM »

As packing it is a matter of probably a minute and uploading also shouldn't take forever, I really wouldn't mind doing it. You'd only have to tell me if you wanted the raw zip files of the games, or the unpacked, translated (and chronologically numbered) folders. Your call Smiley
Well, if you really don't mind, that would be awesome! I suppose the latter would be best. Please PM it to anyone else who asks though. Smiley
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« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2010, 11:40:23 AM »

Well, if you really don't mind, that would be awesome! I suppose the latter would be best. Please PM it to anyone else who asks though. Smiley
Sure, no problem. It's just that I also thought about putting a link to a complete package in my videos, but I'm not sure if that would be in Ikiki's interest.

I'm just unsure about the games' filenames. I changed the names of exe and readme files to the "translated" names, because Japanese characters aren't displayed properly on my system, anyway (Does anyone know how to fix this? I got Windows 7, nothing I found on Google helped). But, none of the games save any scores, even though they seem to be supposed to do that. They also didn't before renaming them, but maybe it works on some other system.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 11:50:38 AM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2010, 05:34:17 PM »

Am enjoying the series so far

My Nikujin files have always had messed up characters even though I have the Windows Japanese language package installed on my computer (Speaking of which, does anyone know if notepad++ can read asian characters? I have to open the readme in MS word to be able to read it) but I'll have to check the high scores to see if they're saving
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« Reply #38 on: August 05, 2010, 06:18:39 PM »

The reason why the readme.txts for Ikiki's games look messed up to you is because they're coded in ANSI, not in unicode. To solve the problem, you can open your Notepad in Japanese locale using AppLocale and then save the readme as an unicode text file.
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« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2010, 01:59:21 AM »

I see. I also just noticed again, that even if I leave the file names unchanged, I can't even open the readme from within the game, as it can't find it without the proper name. I guess that also explains why scores aren't saved. I hope I'm not missing anything because of this, as some games like Nikujin have grayed out options, which you only unlock by beating the game, I suppose.
Regarding the readmes themselves, I just always use http://translate.google.com to automatically upload and translate them Smiley This usually works to tell you all about the controls. The only game I had trouble with was Kusariman, specifically the Swing Dash. Or would you have understood "Ground with emery Swing Shift: Swing dash"? It took a bit of imagination to interpret that right Grin
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 02:03:01 AM by MisterX » Logged

Ikiki Games Gallery - Nikujin & Co., the collected works featured in full-motion colour video!
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