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TIGSource ForumsCommunityDevLogsHidden Asset (isometric stealth/assassination) LIVE ON KICKSTARTER!
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Author Topic: Hidden Asset (isometric stealth/assassination) LIVE ON KICKSTARTER!  (Read 68462 times)
Christian Knudsen
Level 10

View Profile WWW
« Reply #200 on: April 08, 2019, 03:50:13 AM »

Version 0.6.3 of the Hidden Asset alpha demo is now available for download and testing. Use the download links below. Savegames from previous versions won’t work in this new version.

In this video, I talk about the long-requested features that have been added and briefly touch upon the upcoming Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign:

- Fixed: X-ray circle glitching out when player outside of view and entering view.
- Fixed: Potential elevator congestion issue.
- Fixed: Hensley International receptionist sometimes ending up standing inside the reception counter under specific circumstances.
- Fixed: Potential crashes when creating the selection border.
- Fixed: Selection border for doors with keycards/keypads being drawn offset if UI is not scaled to 100%.
- Fixed: NPC that had spotted you and is aiming weapon in your direction because you ducked to hide will now shoot immediately when you pop back up.
- Fixed: Moving cars leaving behind invisible walls.
- Added: Tutorial info about rotating the map.
- Added: Sound and visual effect when rotating the map.
- Added: If you scroll far off the map, text will tell you what button to press to center on player character.
- Added: Player's path shown (with option to only show it when in Tactical View).
- Added: Objects in front of player have transparency for 'x-ray' effect.
- Added: When dragging a device, an information box will tell you how to use it.
- Added: You can now also double-click on an item in a container/drawer to take it.
- Added: When left-clicking on a character or object you're right next to, the game will let you know (in case you're left-clicking in an attempt to interact with it instead of right-clicking).
- Added: Extra restrictions to try and keep panicking NPCs from cowering/hiding against a door.
- Changed: Larger 'x-ray' radius.
- Changed: Left-clicking on a selected object will make you walk up to the object, not to the non-highlighted selected tile 'behind' the object.
- Changed: Left-clicking on a door will always make you go to the tile on the other side of the door.
- Changed: Right-clicking while carrying corpse will make you walk to the selected tile and drop corpse there.
- Changed: If you click to shoot an NPC while moving but don't have a ranged weapon equipped, you won't stop moving.
- Changed: Interface hand icons (where you equip a weapon) are more distinct.
- Changed: "Above & Beyond Entrance Keys" instead of just "Above & Beyond Keys" to make it clear they can't be used to unlock a door inside the building.

-- Download links --

North America:
Windows 7 or later (128 MB)
Linux 32-bit (126 MB)
Linux 64-bit (126 MB)
Mac OS X 10.5 or later (156 MB)

Windows 7 or later (128 MB)
Linux 32-bit (126 MB)
Linux 64-bit (126 MB)
Mac OS X 10.5 or later (156 MB)

Laserbrain Studios
Currently working on Hidden Asset (TIGSource DevLog)
Christian Knudsen
Level 10

View Profile WWW
« Reply #201 on: April 12, 2019, 10:26:54 PM »

v0.6.3.1 has now been released. The downloads links have been updated to this new version. Old savegames won't work in this new version. Note that there is no debug version in this release as there won't be a debug version included for the Kickstarter demo download.


- Fixed: Crash when FPS is shown and you either enter or leave the Hensley International map (FPS is now hidden during loading).
- Fixed: Crash related to pathfinding for either the player or the visual player path.
- Fixed: Your target's location not being shown the first time you enter the Henlsey International map.
- Added: First Aid Kit in drawer on second floor of Above & Beyond map (restores health up to 50%).
- Changed: The white flashing of an item on the ground is now drawn on top of any dead bodies so they won't obscure the flashing.

Laserbrain Studios
Currently working on Hidden Asset (TIGSource DevLog)
Christian Knudsen
Level 10

View Profile WWW
« Reply #202 on: April 16, 2019, 05:18:08 AM »


The Hidden Asset crowdfunding campaign will launch on Kickstarter on April 23rd at 11:00 am CDT / 4:00 pm GMT.


Laserbrain Studios
Currently working on Hidden Asset (TIGSource DevLog)
Christian Knudsen
Level 10

View Profile WWW
« Reply #203 on: April 23, 2019, 09:02:21 AM »


Laserbrain Studios
Currently working on Hidden Asset (TIGSource DevLog)
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