I'm still alive! And with more non-tangible progress to report!
Back-end for the enemy wave system is now in place, allowing me to start on level designs instead of the random placement I have now. Also finished coding in a sound handling system to scale sample volume based on how many f
uckers are making that same noise at once, to make swapping samples easier to handle, and to make a possible censored mode as easy as adding a few lines of code.
After splitting up agj's hilarious 4 minute submission, I ended up with over 110 discrete, varied, and fantastic f

Now, some might say that 110 f
ucks is more than enough for any man or woman. That there are games not lucky enough to have even one measly little f
uck. But it's not enough for me. And it's not enough for the dedicated folks over at Guinness World Records. If you have the time, I humbly ask you to record one or more f
ucks for the cause.
So how will this play out? Just a regular vertical shmup?
Pretty much. Mutiple levels. Steady introduction of new enemies. Bosses (limited by time and health to limit grinding for f
ucks). Enemies have one or more hitpoints, but the player dies in one hit. Death stops your pointflow for a short time, but the level continues to play on. Limited lives, with more lives earned through points. No explicit continues, but you can restart progress from any level you've reached, with zero points. Open to suggestions at this point.
Have I told you lately that you're awesome? Because you are.