« Reply #180 on: March 02, 2011, 02:39:57 PM » |
Yeah that's one of the ruffest chiptunes I've ever heard (not normally a fan, but Aquin mentioned bass, and I like bass a lot.) Can imagine that going off in a dubstep rave!
Any chance of a Mac port btw, Phubans?
« Reply #181 on: March 02, 2011, 02:49:26 PM » |
Got to the last mini-boss, the octopus thing, in the 5th area and when he went into his last phase the hud disappeared and everything went at a higher speed. Then it killed me and when i pressed continue the game crashed and I lost all the save data  . Enjoyed the game up to that point. Really liked the manual that came with it.
« Reply #182 on: March 02, 2011, 03:10:25 PM » |
Stopped for now in the room of four color changing blocks without knowing how to advance. Myabe I'll continue tomorrow. As of now, it feels like a nice game though I'd like if the hurting sound were a bit more loud or had more flash. I found myself dead rather quickly since I hadn't noticed getting hurt.
« Reply #183 on: March 02, 2011, 04:03:25 PM » |
Just went back to play it through and finished it. Liked the ending, classic tale of redemption  It did that thing were it plays two tracks of music over each other on the last boss too. Would have been nice if you could use the save points whenever you wanted, as opposed to waiting until you collected something or backtracking, though the areas were small enough that it wasn't really a problem. Could have been a bit harder, still I enjoyed it.
« Reply #184 on: March 02, 2011, 11:59:03 PM » |
Does anyone have their save file from the desert area? I accidentally started a new game and overwrote it.
« Reply #185 on: March 03, 2011, 04:17:31 PM » |
Okay, that last save point is like a death sentence or something. I had that "last boss" bug (where the last line of dialogue remains on the screen, and the boss just kills you as you're frozen there), but managed to get around that by saving at the second-last save point, as has been previously advised.
But then I beat the last boss and saved (at that cursed little save point) and quit and returned to the game to find that the last bit is now no longer possible. I think I'm completely stuck now.
Methinks this game needed a little more bug testing...
Fun, though.
« Reply #186 on: March 03, 2011, 06:22:33 PM » |
Odd, because the first time I fought the boss (after you put in the code) it froze me too, and he just slaughtered me. But when I tried it again, it didn't freeze me. I always used that last save point right before the code room.
« Reply #187 on: March 16, 2011, 07:36:04 AM » |
Absolutely fantastic Phubans! I played it through almost entirely in one sitting last week. It brought back great memories, and I think your really did Guardian Legend proud by adding some sweet new mechanics. It's what I'd hope for from a proper sequel, in fact.
So I actually brute forced the two color combination locks... and I immediately understood the clues after I figured them out. And I missed the clue to the last puzzle because I looked away from the screen for a second.. heh, but I found the clue repeated here in this thread.
Anyway, beautiful game! Thanks for showing it to me at the library meetup or I would probably not have found it!
Howling Moon Software- Twilight Golf, Crayon Ball, and Unity3D stuff
« Reply #188 on: March 17, 2011, 04:04:13 AM » |
Played through this in one sitting. Really good fun, thanks for making this! I haven't played Guardian Legend much myself, mostly because the shmup sequences are quite difficult. The game was rather easy and I'd have wished for a bigger puzzle/shoot ratio (or maybe trick room/normal room ratio), since there are some areas where many rooms are basically empty with a couple boxes and enemies. Otherwise I really enjoyed it, the weapons were cool and most of them really useful, too! The only weapon I didn't use was the forcefield thing.
some bugs/nitpicks: - When I fought the final boss, the music of the final area didn't stop so there played 2 musics on top of each other. - I had one occasion where the game suddenly started running in superspeed and I couldn't shoot or press 'continue' in game over screen. I had to restart, though there are fortunately quite a lot of save points so I didn't miss much. - In the very very final 'fight', it takes quite a lot of time for the boss to come out and talk, and that happens every time you die. It isn't a hard sequence but enough that I had to view the speech 3-4 times.
Also, the music is really great! I loved especially the music of the 'hub' area.
« Reply #189 on: March 19, 2011, 08:37:10 PM » |
Woot, beat it. That's some pretty hot circle jerk my friend.
Lost my controls and music on my first encounter with the final boss, otherwise had a totally bug free playthrough!
« Reply #190 on: March 19, 2011, 11:12:37 PM » |
I found the shield useful for the escape sequence at the end, since at that point I had tons of weapon energy.
Indier Than Thou
Level 10
TIG Mascot
« Reply #191 on: March 25, 2011, 06:43:51 PM » |
Oops, I didn't notice this thread was still being posted in! Did you guys know I posted a thread in announcements when this game was released? Go bump that one! 
« Reply #192 on: March 28, 2011, 08:39:43 AM » |
Couldn't solve the puzzle with the four blocks that change color when you shoot them. I tried arranging the colors to follow the color sequence in wich the seals are unlocked, but it didn't work :C
then i sprayed the machinegun around randomly and the door opened lol what was the solution anyways?
edit: btw now im stuck at a similar puzzle at the desert area
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 08:57:08 AM by shig »
Indier Than Thou
Level 10
TIG Mascot
« Reply #193 on: March 28, 2011, 10:33:00 AM » |
Go to 10:40 in this video for the solution to the desert color block puzzle: However, you should note that the hint is displayed in one of the rooms of the desert 
« Reply #194 on: March 29, 2011, 06:10:31 AM » |
Ok, beat the thing. It's too easy, man. Just pick the ammo powerup everytime and you can power through practically every boss by spamming the most damaging bullet you have at the time. The force field thing makes you capable of running mindlessly through almost all rooms, specially considering how there's ammo and save points EVERYWHERE and when you get enough powerups every monster gives you three times as much ammo as you would need to kill it. Worst case scenario, you'll have to reenter a room one or two times to get some ammo.
Also, switching to the force field with having any other weapon active is really bad, you can't shoot and you don't have the protection either. You have to deactivate and then activate it again. Lost count of how many times I got hit cause of that. Either autommatically deactivating the secondary shot upon switching to force field or make the force field protect you as soon as you switch to it. It would be more intuitive AND more practical for fast-paced action. To be honest, I dislike the menu thing entirely. You'll want to switch weapons during boss fights really quickly but the menu takes off your view of the fight and is a tad slow, specially if you are going to switch weapons constantly. Why not let you switch weapons with the number keys? Or pick two weapons and allocate to the Q and E keys? That would make a WORLD of difference. In fact, why have to activate your weapons and then shoot? Just make the right click autommatically shoot your special weapon while the left always shoots the lame infinite-ammo initial gun.
Also, after you beat phubans you don't get any ammo, so you have to go back and grind before facing the last boss.
The boss that froze the ground was cool, if poorly sprited.
The weapon that bounces around is completely useless.
btw, you riding your a jet-powered mechanical space cock into the mouth of eres' skull was a magical scene and is the most fitting ending possible
kool gam
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 09:03:10 AM by shig »
« Reply #195 on: December 27, 2017, 05:47:14 PM » |