Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:48:36 AM » |
This design goes in the 'if only I had unlimited time' category...
Freedom Quest: A point-and-click adventure game.
Stage 1: Abortion Quest Your abusive husband has driven you to the abortion clinic, and he elects to stay in the car with the motor running. If you try to leave without getting an abortion, he’ll beat you to death. But there’s a crowd of pro-lifers blocking the door.
Stage 2: Taser Quest Can you get through the day at the police station using only the verbs ‘Open’, ‘Close’, and ‘Taser’? If you’re forced to use one of the other action buttons, you forfeit your points.
Stage 3: Homeless Quest If you go to the shelter, you can’t keep your dog. If you lose your dog, you lose the game. So what will you do for food? Plus, it’s snowing, and you smell bad.
Stage 4: Burger Quest You work in a burger joint in a strip mall. You can only flip burgers and press the button on the fryer. Between opening and closing you must flip 7000 burgers and press the button on the fryer 300 times. Your avatar can’t bring himself to put down the spatula and leave, no matter how many times you click on the exit.
Stage 5: Jail Quest You are have just arrived at a secret maximum-security federal prison, to serve a life sentence for treason. There is no mess hall, no rec room and no exercise yard. You can speak to the prisoner in the adjoining cell, which is little more than a wire cage. But he only speaks Urdu.
Stage 6: Heroin Quest You wake up with one thought on your mind: to get some heroin. You will need $20 in cash and a clean needle and the junk. The contents of your house: your CD player. You can’t safely drive your car until you score. And there’s no way you can get the pharmacist to give you a clean needle looking like this.
Stage 7: TeleQuest You are at a desk in a call center. In your inventory: a telemarketing script for selling life insurance. The first line of the script includes the phrase “You may have already won…”. You are not allowed to leave until you do $300 worth of sales.
Stage 8: Anxiety Quest Leaving for school in the morning, you narrowly miss your bus. So you have to run. When you finally get to school, late, you can’t remember your locker combination. Without your books, you walk into class where an exam is underway. But you haven’t studied at all! And your pencil is blunt! And it isn’t a 1B pencil, it’s 5B! And you’re naked from the waist down! And everyone has noticed! And you could swear your front teeth are coming loose!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 05:11:12 AM by Benzido »
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2008, 07:37:49 AM » |
Stage 3: Homeless Quest If you go to the shelter, you can’t keep your dog. If you lose your dog, you lose the game. So what will you do for food? Plus, it’s snowing, and you smell bad.
This one is full of win.
================================== -Boop! Danuh-nah daanuh-nah naaahh-
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2008, 08:45:29 AM » |
Stage 8: Anxiety Quest Leaving for school in the morning, you narrowly miss your bus. So you have to run. When you finally get to school, late, you can’t remember your locker combination. Without your books, you walk into class where an exam is underway. But you haven’t studied at all! And your pencil is blunt! And it isn’t a 1B pencil, it’s 5B! And you’re naked from the waist down! And everyone has noticed! And you could swear your front teeth are coming loose!
The sad thing is, I've been out of highschool for 13 years now and I still have a similar version of this dream on occasion.
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2008, 10:41:08 AM » |
Couldn't we split those up and maybe even make IF games of em? I'd love to do stage 3 
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2008, 12:15:38 PM » |
Stage 5: Jail Quest You are have just arrived at a secret maximum-security federal prison, to serve a life sentence for treason. There is no mess hall, no rec room and no exercise yard. You can speak to the prisoner in the adjoining cell, which is little more than a wire cage. But he only speaks Urdu.
Where's the rough manloving?
Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2008, 02:12:42 PM » |
Where's the rough manloving?
Well, there's already a game like that, called 'Hard Time'. I guess I think our cultural attitude to prison rape is really disturbed and dehumanising, and 'Ha ha ha don't drop the soap' doesn't really match the theme of the other stages, which focus on the idea of freedom. Doing a prison rape game would be like doing a 'Bum fight' game. Couldn't we split those up and maybe even make IF games of em? I'd love to do stage 3  Yeah, that could be cool if people were interested. Would you use Inform 7?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2008, 04:35:58 PM » |
Heh, I actually had the same idea as Hideous. Most of these would be very doable. 
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2008, 04:45:26 PM » |
"That would be an instant classic, generations of the future would study this game in class just like "The grapes of wrath". It would be a defining masterpiece for a whole generation. A true American Epic." -R. Egbert
subsystems subsystems subsystems
First Manbaby Home
Level 10
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2008, 08:31:26 PM » |
Stage 6: Heroin Quest ... And there’s no way you can get the pharmacist to give you a clean needle looking like this. Just saying... realistically, it's way easy to get your rigs no matter how strung out you look. Most urban areas have needle exchange programs. I would like to play your game anyway though.
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2008, 09:35:38 PM » |
Couldn't we split those up and maybe even make IF games of em? I'd love to do stage 3  Yeah, that could be cool if people were interested. Would you use Inform 7? A-yup. That's the easiest. We could then pack all of these games together. Man, it'd be awesome.
Annabelle Kennedy
Level 8
♥Android Love♥
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2008, 04:27:56 AM » |
these are hillarious and slightly disturbing. if it is in the format of the adventure game, do ones like 'Burger Quest' and 'Tele Quest' are only winnable by following the 'flip 10 million burgers' or is it accually like.. trying to solve puzzle?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2008, 10:04:17 AM » |
I say Benzido, start a thread on this in Projects, and let everyone sign up for one of the stages/chapters. Then we make them and discuss them. And eventually distribute them in a zip file or something, I guess.
Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2008, 06:15:02 PM » |
Ok, but I'm going to try to think of a few more stages first so people have more options.
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2008, 09:28:32 PM » |
City Quest: You're lost in Manhattan, and you have to find "Huen Lo's Antiques".
Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2008, 06:34:32 AM » |
Atari Quest
You have to jump over a ravine, but the 'up' switch on your joystick is broken.
Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2008, 06:39:28 AM » |
Willpower Quest:
You're at college, and you have to write a paper, but your don't want to. Can you force yourself to write it, or will you continue to...
- buy shoes online - play minesweeper - email your girlfriend - check facebook - refill your coffee cup - take a power nap - look out the window - rock back and forth on your chair - worry about the deadline
...until the deadline passes?
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2008, 06:50:06 AM » |
... Very doable in Inform 7, I believe, since it has a time system.
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2008, 08:37:21 AM » |
Is this anything like what you had in mind? 
Jinky Jonky and the Spell of the Advergamez 3
Level 10
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2008, 08:53:12 AM » |
That looks cool - what is it? Ah, didn't look closely enough, it's a mockup!
Very nice.
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2008, 09:02:01 AM » |
IF > That. For these, at least 