I made a game for the Experimental Gameplay Project this month. The theme was "Night and Day".
It's a shmup where you fly along a gigantic cylinder (“the Axle of Heaven”) and fight enemies on the “dark” side while collecting ammo and powerups on the obstacle-filled “light” side. Compatible with Xbox 360 controllers (A to fire, X for special) or really any joystick.
There are a few bugs... occasionally enemies will spawn on top of each other and “push” the other one out into space, pretty amusing. Also, it’s very very rare but occasionally the light side will generate a wall of four obstacles which is impossible to dodge if you are in the center of the light side.
Undocumented control: press up to boost your speed... usually this isn’t a good idea though.
I'm interested in ways that the game could be improved. If I had more time I would have made music, improved the enemy/obstacle placement algorithms, and made it so bullets could curve over axis, and have bullets that curve over the cylinder to allow for non-vertical shots.