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TIGSource ForumsCommunityTownhallThe Sense of Connectedness
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Author Topic: The Sense of Connectedness  (Read 49044 times)
Level 9

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« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2010, 04:08:38 PM »

As Allen has discovered, this is not my game. The Sense of Connectedness is 100% the work of Michael Brough, who let me release it under my name as part of a gaming Masquerade.

For my take on the whole thing, read this: http://noyb.retroremakes.com/Games/tsoc.html

« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2010, 06:22:54 PM »

I found this an extremely interesting little experiment you guys did. It does seem like the experiment had much more of an impact on you four rather than the public.

I've played all of Michael's previous games but didn't know this was his. Perhaps if it was another one of his 3d games I would have caught on. Or maybe not.
Level 7

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« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2010, 11:59:13 AM »

Thanks everyone!  I'm really glad people liked the game.  It's been weird not being able to reply to people's comments, so:

nitram_cero + belbeeno: Thanks for the feedback; I'm not planning on doing anything more to this, but I'll keep it in mind and try not to hurt people's eyes unnecessarily in the future.

Andy Wolff: Yes, it's the ending.  There's nothing more - you can do what you suggest if you do things in a different order, but the outcome's the same.

Esquar: I did think about doing something with more sort of building circuits, with more having to pass thoughts back and forth between different parts of the brain, but it seemed confusing and puzzly enough as it was.  But yeah, there's surely more that could be done with the mechanic.

allen: Thanks, that's an interesting data-point.  (Plus it's always nice to know people have played my games!)
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