Almost Done!!!!

Made some major changes in the new version:
- Fixed major issues with the ball movement, making it much smoother to play.
- Added animations for picking up the ball and throwing the ball.
- Added music & sound effects. I really wanted to compose my own music, but ran out of time, so used music from FreeSound.
- Based on user feedback (managed to play with 5 people simultaneously and saw that the latency stays reasonable, hooray!), raised the speed that the power bar takes to load.
This change may seem small, but I think it really added to the gameplay.
And minor changes:
- Added wood panel texture for around the field
- Prettier people in the crowd
- Chatbox using colors
- An ability to toggle mute (with 'm')
Here are the latest screenshots:

And the stats screen:

My plans for the last day (gonna squeeze it to the last second):
- Make things prettier:
* Add shading (and shadows) to the characters.
* Add some decorations for the side of the field which looks a bit empty.
- If still have time, add leaderboards.