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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperTechnical (Moderator: ThemsAllTook)The grumpy old programmer room
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Author Topic: The grumpy old programmer room  (Read 762920 times)
Level 10

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« Reply #40 on: August 24, 2008, 12:08:35 PM »

Gnaaaah! Why does OpenGL mangle my sprite colors in subtle yet noticeable ways when I load them into textures?  Angry Angry Angry How is one supposed to simulate reduced palettes this way? Grrr.
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« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2008, 12:15:18 PM »

I hate it when I have to go hunting for undefined references using nm just because I included a .h file where I needed to include a .i file. I shouldn't need to do that, the compiler should tell me to fix my code! But it can't because that file could be present in some linked code. !!! Those dudes at the C++ committee need to REMOVE some things from C++ so that the compiler devs can create a smarter linker and compiler.

I hate having to declare and define my constants in 2 different files. Why can't I define them both in the header file!! Its a constant dammit! Its not going to change!!!!

Scope resolution on class member methods, get rid of it. It reeks. Every time I write:
void ClassName::methodName

I am reminded that C++ has awful support for classes. Why can't I just do:

class Name {
method 1
method 2
method n


Oh but it's C++, its sacred! We can't change it! Congrats to the C++ committee for resisting any positive evolution of C++ for over a decade. You guys sure as hell are stubborn.

Its not 1989 anymore, fix C++, no more excuses.

You know what really sucks in most modern ide's? Move your cursor into the middle of any line of code and hit tab. The editor just slams a tab right there in the middle of your code. It does not tab the line.  Angry  But it gets worse! If your cursor is on the first character of a line and you hit tab several times, modern ide's like eclipse will just happily insert those number of tabs. Emacs, which is how old now? 30 something? Got this right so long ago. Hit tab anywhere on a line and it tabs the whole line to the right spot according to the code context. Hit tab again, and it won't just insert a tab cause that would ruin your format. How can you not have that simple feature!? Every time that happens to me, I have to resist the urge to fire up emacs. The only thing modern ide's give you is an automated build. Pfft. You should know how to write you own damn build file whether its ant or maven or make. Learn it. Its important!

....  Angry Angry Angry  Blows up!
Level 10

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« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2008, 12:22:56 PM »

Its not 1989 anymore, fix C++, no more excuses.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Instead, use D. I do, and I'll never look back. Wink
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2008, 12:27:55 PM »

I am reminded that C++ has awful support for classes. Why can't I just do:

class Name {
method 1
method 2
method n

You can dude... (though if you do it in a .h file C++ makes all of the methods inline I think).
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 12:32:09 PM by increpare » Logged
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« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2008, 12:54:40 PM »

I am reminded that C++ has awful support for classes. Why can't I just do:

class Name {
method 1
method 2
method n

You can dude... (though if you do it in a .h file C++ makes all of the methods inlin I think).

Dude, I know that, but its not feasible for real development.
I recommend you read the following, once you do you won't suggest placing all method definitions in a header file.

C++ Primer
Effective C++
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2008, 02:54:01 PM »

its not feasible for "real" development.
Dude, I know that.

(I just read Effective C++ last week actually  :D )
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 02:58:55 PM by increpare » Logged
« Reply #46 on: August 25, 2008, 12:02:40 AM »

Purebasic's OOP design is one of the worst OOP implementations I've seen so far.
It's not that friendly C++ style syntax, where you only declare classes and methods, its more hardcoding.

Friggin damn, annoying HARDCODING Angry

- define class' interface block
- define class' vtable structure
- define class' vtable variable
- assign all single class methods to vtable variable
- write class methods
- finally: assign vtable variable to object and hope there where no errors

Cry do this for every class and your single hello world test class is bigger than a program written WITHOUT oop. My experience with better implementations like C++ is that it can save time and writing - on a complex level. But so long Purebasic can't have a better object/class handling, C++ is the easiest way to do OOP for me.

Strange, eh? I'm already thinking C++ is a simple language. If we could switch stone to gold like purebasic is changing my mind, we could solve all our money problems (or raise inflation).

Level 0

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« Reply #47 on: August 25, 2008, 06:35:44 PM »

I've been learning Ruby. Compared to C++, it's like playing a video game. Tongue

Programmings not supposed to be fun! I don't approve!
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 06:40:31 PM by jonny » Logged
Level 10

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« Reply #48 on: August 25, 2008, 06:37:59 PM »

Gnaaaah! Why does OpenGL mangle my sprite colors in subtle yet noticeable ways when I load them into textures?  Angry Angry Angry How is one supposed to simulate reduced palettes this way? Grrr.

I figured it out. If anyone ever has the same problem: it's not enough to tell it to store the texture in GL_RGB internal format; no, even if you're in 32bit color mode, you have to tell it explicitly to use GL_RGB8 or it mucks with your colors. Weird, that.
andy wolff
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« Reply #49 on: August 25, 2008, 07:25:45 PM »

i'm a grumpy young programmer. what?

... as such, i'm not really that grumpy except for early in the morning.

Level 10

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« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2008, 12:52:29 AM »

Hit tab anywhere on a line and it tabs the whole line to the right spot according to the code context.

Further to which, why do I keep finding tab characters in people's source?!

The computing stone age is over. We now have enough storage space to handle a few space characters. The whole concept of a tab character is one of the most disastrous standardization fails ever.

Set your editor so that when you hit tab it fills in with spaces. That way when someone else views your file in a different editor it won't fsck all your formatting. Even better, when they change things and check the code back in using their own crazy settings you won't end up with a file using a jumbled mix of different tab semantics.

And as for hitting tab when you're not at the start of a line... I'm sorry, but that's a death-by-angry-badgers offence!

Level 10

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« Reply #51 on: August 26, 2008, 04:35:30 AM »

Hit tab anywhere on a line and it tabs the whole line to the right spot according to the code context.

Further to which, why do I keep finding tab characters in people's source?!

I use tabs for indenting because they are more convenient. While most IDEs only require you to hit backspace once when you want to remove one level of indentation, the same does not apply to using the cursor keys to navigate the source code (which I do all the time). For me, it's a simple matter of saving keystrokes. Also, it guarantees to keep your indentation consistent, while with spaces you can have "in-between" levels. I don't see the big deal about setting your tabs to 4 spaces and being done with it. Besides, a good editor supports converting spaces to tabs and vice versa.
Level 1

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« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2008, 07:35:15 AM »

imagine how you feel when an error occurs in an interpreted language... and you have to actually DESIGN a error catching process to be able to read what the hell happened... thats ruby... the stupid command line is closed when an error occurs giving you 0.01 seconds to read the extensive 50 line long report...

how did they NEVER think about that?Huh?

Level 10

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« Reply #53 on: August 26, 2008, 07:47:09 AM »

Can't you just run your program from the console so you can read its output?
Level 0

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« Reply #54 on: August 26, 2008, 02:11:01 PM »

Great! Now you're going to make him feel stupid. Real nice.  Tongue
Level 10

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« Reply #55 on: August 26, 2008, 02:26:06 PM »

I'm just trying to help here Tongue
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2008, 04:01:57 AM »

a big GRRRRR for code::blocks not having built-in version control features.

Time to change back to Eclipse (again  Lips Sealed) ?
Bad Sector
Level 3

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« Reply #57 on: October 09, 2008, 04:46:44 AM »

Emacs, which is how old now? 30 something? Got this right so long ago. Hit tab anywhere on a line and it tabs the whole line to the right spot according to the code context. Hit tab again, and it won't just insert a tab cause that would ruin your format.

aaaaand this is exactly the reason i dont like Emacs IDEs :-). I want a code editor, not a code formatting tool. When i press TAB i want to insert the TAB character, much like when i press A i want to insert the A character (and no, when i press LEFT i dont want to insert some LEFT character, sorry :-P).

Of course it boils down to what you're used to. As much infuriating for you is not to have this feature in some modern IDEs is also to me to HAVE this feature in Emacs (but i dont really mind since i dont use Emacs anymore).

Now the build system. Thats something no automated system got well. Plain makefiles are almost always much easier to work with. Thankfully most IDEs (including visual studio) understand the concept of calling 'make' :-).


« Reply #58 on: October 09, 2008, 04:48:59 AM »

Emacs, which is how old now? 30 something? Got this right so long ago. Hit tab anywhere on a line and it tabs the whole line to the right spot according to the code context. Hit tab again, and it won't just insert a tab cause that would ruin your format.

aaaaand this is exactly the reason i dont like Emacs IDEs :-). I want a code editor, not a code formatting tool. When i press TAB i want to insert the TAB character, much like when i press A i want to insert the A character (and no, when i press LEFT i dont want to insert some LEFT character, sorry :-P).
I really like coding haskell in emacs, especially when it comes to tabbing (though not when it gets it wrong  Angry )...I don't tend to use it for c/c++, though.

Now the build system. Thats something no automated system got well. Plain makefiles are almost always much easier to work with.
verily! (especially when doing cross-platform stuff)
Level 3

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« Reply #59 on: October 09, 2008, 08:01:51 AM »

I'm biased since I do the C# mode for Emacs, but there is a keyboard command for inserting a tab verses formatting a line. It just happens that cc-mode (which is the root for a lot of programming modes) binds TAB to the format line instead of insert line as a default.
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