Finally got this demo done. A new video will be up in a few days, but for now, have some screenshots and a link to the game

Radiant Silvergun is a pretty amazing game, yeah. When I started this project, the intention was to re-create the feel of it, but with ASCII graphics.
Well, changes of mind and fits of inspiration along the way have altered that - maybe the scoring system is influenced by Sin and Punishment 2 (another Treasure great), maybe I just don't know how to stay on task.
Whatever this game will eventually come out as, at the moment it's still a very WIP "Chaos Streams". I think it's at the point now where a video might show... at least somewhat, where the game is and where it may be heading:
And some screenshots (slightly outdated)

For those interested, the game is being developed in C, with the amazing
libtcod library - I highly reccomend it, even if not developing a roguelike, it has lots of modules useful to any game.
So, what's left to do?
At the moment, there's no formal level structure, high score table, main menu or any of that nonsense, So I suppose that's a priority. I'd also like to impliment some sort of boss module, but that will be quite a bit of work I think.
let's say...
-level structure and levels
-sound and music
-player death
-high score table
-more enemy and shot types
-more explosions
-whatever else needs doing