« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2011, 07:23:54 AM » |
Golden Axe Warrior (Master System/Power Base) is a rather neat idea for a Zelda-like. One item at a time, the ability to chop down trees with a battle axe, and 8-bit dialogue with sentence-case That's amazing, to have uppercase AND lowercase. After that, it's off to Phantasy Star.
GAW is a fairly decent alternative... but navigating around is annoying as shit. It's like the dude TRYS to run into everything around him!
Player 3
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2011, 12:28:48 PM » |
Golden Axe Warrior (Master System/Power Base) is a rather neat idea for a Zelda-like. One item at a time, the ability to chop down trees with a battle axe, and 8-bit dialogue with sentence-case That's amazing, to have uppercase AND lowercase. After that, it's off to Phantasy Star.
GAW is a fairly decent alternative... but navigating around is annoying as shit. It's like the dude TRYS to run into everything around him! Pro: At least he automatically goes around an obstacle if it's short enough. Con: If it's a monster, then it's going to be every time I go into combat.
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2011, 02:44:11 PM » |
These days I've mostly been playing Vindictus (anyone else here play it?). I've also been trying to get a Normal difficulty 1cc on Touhou 12.8, and a Lunatic 1cc on Touhou 8. Neither of those have been going very smoothly. I was recently playing VVVVVV a lot and managed to get all 20 trinkets and unlocked No Death Mode, but haven't been playing it much recently, probably because I'm running it in flip mode but for some reason I get a headache whenever playing it flipped. I also recently got up to 89% completion in Super Meat Boy, but most of the levels I have left are too frustrating for me. Those gravity-repelling things...
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2011, 03:09:32 PM » |
Yeah, I definitely recommend giving Acceleration of Suguri a try if you can find it. It's kinda neat how you hold a shoulder button and it turns all your ranged attacks into melee attacks. Given the frantic pace of combat, having range-specific attacks that are so tactile makes it pretty satisfying.
I'm also playing through a bunch of DS games:
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin -I'm about halfway through this one. I've never really played the series before, but it's pretty competent for a strategy game.
Radiant Historia -I'm loving it man, it's like a classic 90s JRPG. I finished it, I'm just working on that secret extra boss now.
Izuna 2: Unemployed Ninja -The first one was pretty bland, but the second one seems a bit better so far. It's a roguelike, kinda like Shiren I guess. It's got a bit of a Samurai Pizza Cats vibe.
Coropata -Incredible Machine + anime girls. Honestly, I think it's a bit broken so I'll probably stop playing it.
and the list goes oooonn... man why do I own so many DS games?
I'd write a devlog about my current game, but I'm too busy making it.
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2011, 04:10:57 PM » |
This thread is nicely on point. Love it.
I'm playing Spiral Knights a fair bit these last few days, a bit of TF2 and MNC and Blade Symphony here and there, and a bit of Pokermanz Black on the bus when I get really bored.
My time-killing games of choice right now are Revenge of the Titans and the occasional bout of Minecraft, although they are getting less frequent.
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2011, 04:26:58 PM » |
I JUST scored 106% on Super Meat Boy, so now I can patiently wait for the long overdue level editor to drop.
I picked up Demon's Souls and it is fantastic! Then I was slaughtered by a black phantom. It's still a really slick game with really great level design. I need to understand the online mechanics better because I'm concerned about summoning blue phantoms and just wasting their time.
I've been playing Megaman Starforce 3, but that's fallen off a bit since I beat the first Final Boss. The randomized battles and rewards are my least favorite part of that series.
Spiral Knights looks awesome. I may start playing that more often.
World of Goo and Lugaru are still sitting on my desktop waiting to be played.
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2011, 04:35:11 PM » |
Been trying to play through La-Mulana. Sorta playing Darksiders, as it was on sale last weekend and I had heard good things about it. Was playing Dragon Age: Origins but the combat has just gotten so annoying I don't want to go back to it...I'm sure I will eventually, though. Like others, I think I'll be playing Spiral Knights regularly too.
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2011, 07:35:04 PM » |
Alphaman and ANSI Dude, is there anyway to save in these games?
« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2011, 09:30:28 PM » |
Still Pokémon White, and now Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. I don't know if it's precisely because I just played through the main story in Pokémon, but Fire Emblem is tough. But I'm loving it.
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2011, 11:20:15 PM » |
Got hooked on Etrian Odyssey 3 again... I swear, dungeon crawlers are like a bad drug for me. Just when I think I've kicked the habit a random screenshot or other hint of that sweet dungeon crawler goodness has me running back for another hit. I hope they make an Etrian Odyssey 4, and if they do I hope they try to include more story elements into it.
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2011, 03:16:19 AM » |
February's list has a several AGS games. I've marked favorites with an *.
[TB1_1.2] [2011_02_25_Chaos_Chimera_PA3] [rein1] [ags2010nominees]* Mainly for Over the Edge [Beacon_v1_1_win]* [PACKAGE]* [BR4_Game] [NullpoMino] [HeadOverHeelsDeluxe] [Nanobots] [mazeofspace_r1.1_win] [Kuma_Story_2010]* Short, simple, cute point-n-click [TB_-_Part_2] Legend_of_Fae.exe isittime.exe Front Line Strike Onslaught Preview.exe Setup-iter2.exe 2011_02_15_TachyonWars_en.msi TheMarionette.rar twokingdoms.exe WroomSetup_1_3.msi
Please help TimW, a longtime promoter of indie gaming everywhere and an old friend of TIGSource, to write about indie games full-time.
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2011, 05:05:52 AM » |
...and in a moment of self-depreciating WEAKNESS; I just picked up: Bayonetta DJ Hero (1) LittleBigPlanet (GotY edition)* (*Eye is failt.) Well, THAT was a close call...
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 12:35:28 PM by baconman »
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2011, 01:56:17 PM » |
@ithamore, it's nice to know I'm not the only one consuming these games in ridiculous quantities. And it's definitely nice to see a list of adventure games! That's one genre that seems constantly overlooked, even around these parts.
I'd write a devlog about my current game, but I'm too busy making it.
Level 0
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2011, 02:36:30 PM » |
I play mostly iPhone and Flash games (since those are the platforms that I develop for) so I've been playing a lot of Canabalt on the iPhone, but I also played Iron Man 2 (didn't care for it, but does have high production values) and a great gem that I found on the iPhone for free called "Today I Die". I did not develop this but I strongly urge all of you to check it out.
Dustin Smith
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2011, 03:44:21 PM » |
sinclair, how is God Hand? i know certain communities (select button, et. al) revere it, but i haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet.
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2011, 04:05:37 PM » |
I think it's amazing in almost every way. Game mechanics, character designs, humor and music are all top notch. I thought assigning moves to different moves to different buttons instead of the fighter-type combo system most of these 3D beat em ups use was a clever idea. It adds a strategic element and lets you "personalize" your character according to your play style. Some people didn't like the camera which is fixed behind your character's back and the control scheme, but I think it's just a case of confusing "unusual" with "bad". The only really glaring flaws it has are lack of multiplayer (would be an AWESOME splitscreen co-op) and randomly dropping items. It's currently being sold in a bundle with Okami in the EU for 20 Euros, but apparently not in the US.
Dustin Smith
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2011, 05:10:09 PM » |
i really wish i had the time/money for a copy, that sounds awesome =(
Türbo Bröther
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2011, 06:02:55 PM » |
The best thing about God Hand is that it rewards skilled players by making the game harder.