« Reply #9620 on: January 04, 2020, 12:58:32 AM » |
Been playing more Factorio. Managed to spread out enough and expand so I can launch rockets instead of just doing science research, albeit very slowly.
I've also been playing Ratchet & Clank 3 on PS3. It's fun but I really wish they hadn't shipped it with the broken transparency, there are so many effects that don't render properly.
« Reply #9621 on: January 04, 2020, 11:58:34 AM » |
I've had some issues in finding interesting games lately that would make me boot it more than once or twice, as I can't commit to anything too big with two jobs, but I started playing Slay the Spire recently and I'm enjoying it very much. I love CCGs and combining it with run-based roguelite turned out very fun. I've already finished the base game with all three characters but I still want to come back and see how it goes next.
« Reply #9623 on: January 12, 2020, 10:48:17 AM » |
Gave Vampyr a decent shot, but after 22 hours I just felt like it was wasting my time.
« Reply #9624 on: January 28, 2020, 05:58:11 AM » |
I'm playing overcooked, really fun coop game! My plan is to play 7th sector on the weekends, want to write a review
« Reply #9626 on: February 02, 2020, 12:45:47 PM » |
Played some dead cells recently. I really loved it's combat design and if you look at it objectively, it's a good game, but i just grew really rired of rogue likes and especially don't want to play this one further, because your game style depends a lot on your random starting items.
« Reply #9627 on: February 03, 2020, 01:42:29 AM » |
Startet playing Firewatch 2 days ago.
Will beat it this evening, I suppose.
Love it so far, wonderful game!
Where's the Spelunky 2 DevLog, Derek?
« Reply #9628 on: February 03, 2020, 10:10:46 AM » |
I'm playing Kentucky Route Zero, now that the final act came out.
« Reply #9629 on: February 05, 2020, 08:44:43 AM » |
Been playing a bit of Vilmonic lately, and got the urge to start a new Cities Skylines run. Also dipping my feet into Disco Elysium! Only five hours into it, but enjoying it so far!Amazing writing/world building!
Also, still playing dota.
« Reply #9631 on: February 12, 2020, 11:29:31 PM » |
I'm playing Devil May Cry 5 at the moment. Very good fighting mechanics and the story is good.
« Reply #9632 on: February 17, 2020, 06:45:08 PM » |
I've been playing through Bug Fables for quite a while now, and the more I play it, the more it impresses me. It's a pretty unsubtle fanmade spiritual successor to the first two Paper Mario games, and while it does that extremely well, it also has its own identity which is just as great. I'm taking my time and doing as many of the sidequests as I can when they come to me, and boy, there are a LOT of them. I've only finished the first three chapters (not sure how many there are (please don't tell me), but I'm estimating I'm somewhere around or just short of the halfway point), and my save file already has 23 hours on the timer. That might be lower than my actual playtime, since there were a lot of places where I had to reload and retry boss fights several times, and I'm not sure if that's tracked. So, a common complaint about Paper Mario is that it's pretty much not a challenge at all. Early on, Bug Fables gave me the opportunity to wear a Hard Mode medal that makes enemies tougher, and a separate one that makes my team take double damage (with the perk of earning double money after battles). Although the game doesn't seem like it's tuned for it, I've kept both of these medals on for my entire playthrough, save for a fight or two where I felt it was necessary to take off the double damage medal after several failures in a row. I get to adjust the difficulty for exactly the kind of experience I want. Everything is super high quality, the writing is great, the characters are charming, and I'm just amazed at the amount of love that's been poured into every part of this game. There isn't a whole lot else I've played that feels like this. I'd compare it to Wandersong, but it seems way more extensive, and gamey? It's been an awesome time. Highest of recommendations if you're into this sort of thing.
« Reply #9633 on: February 18, 2020, 12:15:26 AM » |
I just saw bug fables on the steam store today and considered getting it because of the good reviews. Love the art style of the game.
« Reply #9634 on: February 25, 2020, 08:07:28 PM » |
Played dark souls 2 again for the 4th time. I've said to myself in the past that it's my least favorite dark souls but I've just realized it's the game I've probably put the most time into in the whole series.
It grows on you.
« Reply #9635 on: February 25, 2020, 08:07:52 PM » |
Trying to decide on Yakuza6 or Judgement next
« Reply #9636 on: March 05, 2020, 02:39:05 PM » |
Playing Bloodborne for the first time. From a fan of Dark Souls is fantastic :D
Level 0
« Reply #9637 on: March 10, 2020, 12:25:19 PM » |
I got hooked on My time on Portia o.o.... I can't stop playing it lol
« Reply #9638 on: March 11, 2020, 06:28:10 PM » |
Beat Dark souls 2 another 1.5X times and figured it was time to move on.
Finally decided and am playing Yakuza6. My partner is from Hiroshima so they are loving it (already was more of an addict than me but I'm a big fan too).
Just got to Onimichi.
Also I keep playing Teppen on my phone. Actually made something like 1600 rank in the world. That really made me stop and think about how I'm using my free time :|
« Reply #9639 on: April 03, 2020, 12:34:27 PM » |
Got my hands on Breath of the Wild, been playing for a few days. Controlling link is fun, I love exploring around, but it's already getting stale and I think I'm about to drop it soon. With only 20 spent spirit orbs, I'm at a point where I just want to skip all the shrines and just get beefy enough to check out endgame content.