I played it. And discussed with twohalf a bit already.

But nothing too game specific.
It is damn addictive and really fun, and I don't even know why... I just play it because... because. xD
Anyway... there is something missing... something that holds me from calling it "teh winnAr no kveshtion plzes"... and I tried to analyze that...
One thing I suggest right away:
This way the game is just a repetitive "keep ducking, jump as high as you can and flip around"-game... and here comes my idea:
That game fucking needs a fucking combo-mechanic fo realz!And how I mean combo-feature: When you do a trick (flip, handstand, whatever)the game enters "combo"-mode! This has to be visualized and the best way I can think of is changing the players colour to red or someting... combo mode could affect the graphics, level-design, music but those things are just nice gimmicks (which could make the experience more intense, of course)...
anyway... After you enter "combo-mode" all your stunts add up to each other...
The longer the combo, the more points you get per trick.
Combo-mode fades if you have contact to the ground for mor than say... 2 seconds or 1... you'd need to try that out. Alternatively, combo-mode fades if you don't do a trick for some 5 seconds and of course... if you fall off your board.
So you actually need 2 little (small filling circles?) combo-mode indicators...
the first one starts to rise whenever the player has contact with the ground and the second one rises until the player does a trick, then it falls to 0 again.
After combo-mode fades the player gets the points earned throughout the combo on his score. (exception: the player falls off his board)
This way it'd be possible to do infinite combos and earn a shitload of points but of course it's hard since you cant jump off the wave everywhere so easily. The player has do develop a FEEL for the wave. Just like in real surfing.
PLEASE implement that! It'd give the "Freestyle-gamemode" a sense, by the way.
other than that I discovered something really funny, I guess you did aswell:
This wave can be seen in two different ways:
1.) a wobbling wave under the surf-board.
2.) mountains/hills over which the surfer "rides" to the right.
It's basically impossible to play the game seeing the wave the first way I mentioned... but the first way I mentioned is the logical way...
way 2. is a product of an optical illusion.
So you have to maintain a constant state of "being fooled by the game graphics" to actually play the game. Thats funny. Sometimes I kinda "loose" this state for some seconds and that's when I loose. :D
That's so cool!