Do you think we should have like a shield animation with and actual shield or just keep it there as is.
Yes, I do think it should probably show him holding up a shield.
I was toying around with the idea of having "weird equipment" like magical barriers, but I figured that the Evil Lord would rather let his minions pick up whatever they could steal.
Now, I just have to figure out how armor can fit a massive minion-saurus rex...

Also, the elf battle wasnt that hard. Maybe he needs some new moves but... I dont know. It was just really easy.
I wasn't sure about that, but if that's the case, I will probably give him more magic attacks, or a higher defense.
And theres a bug when he calls out vega's name and the game crashes
I tested out that part, and there doesn't seem to be a crash for me. Weird, but it would suck if it was happening to other people.
I will probably reupload it anyway - I'm opening a new site specifically for my games soon.