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Author Topic: Self Destruct [Finished]  (Read 81676 times)
Level 0

ahhh! EEEGGS!!

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« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2008, 04:10:05 PM »

I will beat this thing Angry  only 300 waves left to go now  Tongue

This is amazing for having been made in 1 day!
TIGSource Editor
Level 10

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« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2008, 04:25:24 PM »

Haha, you're going to love this - There's actually a little bug in the game that I didn't notice last night. The game sometimes doesn't capture it when you reach wave 400 (because occasionally at that level more than one wave can come at once). Since it's just a simple == check, it can (and probably will) pass over it and keep going Tongue

So please don't try too hard to get to wave 400 :D The update should make it less of an ordeal anyway!

I'm probably not going to offer variable difficulty levels (not a fan of that myself), but hopefully the new version is a lot better balanced so that everybody can enjoy it Smiley

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2008, 04:32:36 PM »

Eagerly awaiting. Kiss

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Daniel Benmergui
Level 1

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« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2008, 09:11:48 PM »

I really, really liked the mechanic of eating the enemy's bullets. I am going to try it sometime.

Thank you!

Level 3

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« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2008, 02:11:31 AM »

I really, really liked the mechanic of eating the enemy's bullets. I am going to try it sometime.

Don't do it, man! I know it sounds cool, but really - bullets are no good for your teeth!

Currently working on: Chronicle of Mars
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« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2008, 05:34:41 AM »

This game is dope.
I think it might be a better game if you remove the two bars and make them one: so firing lowers your health as does "Shielding" (which lets you take less damage from a single hit then if it hit you regularly, but it drains over time).
Maybe. I could just be not used to it (best wave 40 in about 6 tries); but I upgrade my weapon more often with the Red/Green powerups then I do with absorbing.. absorbing just makes me die because my shield runs out!
Seems like it's smarter to just *not shoot* the red enemies if you already have high shield and level 3/4 bullets.. which means boring gameplay of not shooting the waves :S. But hey, I haven't gotten very far maybe the dynamics change in later levels, what with more bullets and everything.
Is Level 300+ actually possible? (Theory) Wink
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 05:46:07 AM by MekanikDestructiwKommando » Logged

There have always been interactive experiences that go beyond entertainment.  For example, if mafia games are too fun for you, then you can always join the mafia.
jph wacheski
Level 1

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« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2008, 06:44:32 AM »

nicely done!  yup very tought though., . but I'm no shump head so don't go by me.  The music adds a lot to the experiance, a good choice.

all my itch.io games are now pay-what-you-like Wink
Daniel Benmergui
Level 1

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« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2008, 08:52:19 PM »

I really, really liked the mechanic of eating the enemy's bullets. I am going to try it sometime.

Don't do it, man! I know it sounds cool, but really - bullets are no good for your teeth!

My enemies use low-fat crackers as bullets.

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2008, 08:54:41 PM »

Hey Terry, where's that lower difficulty update you promised? Smiley

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Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
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« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2008, 11:40:10 PM »

Right here! :D

I've updated the game. Managed to fix a few of the bigger issues that were bugging me. Lots and lots of things have changed, so it's worth checking out again even if you've already played it! Here are a few of the bigger changes:

 * Online Highscores: There's an online highscore table available in the game, on alternativly here! Smiley
 * Better Balancing: There's a much less steep difficulty curve now, with 25 increasing levels of difficulty instead of three. Also, the whole game is generally easier (and you now only need to beat 250 waves instead of 400).
 * New Enemies: There are two new enemies now, which should help mix up some of the patterns.
 * Graphical Fixes: I implemented the shrapnel particles from Annabelle's sprite sheet! Also fixed up the background a bit...
 * Low Shield Indicator: When you're low on shield power, you'll flash and an alarm will sound. A few people were telling me that there wasn't enough warning when you were in trouble, so hopefully that helps fix that.
* Nukes: An extra powerup allows you to use nukes, which clears the screen when things get too hectic. Use them by pressing C.
 * Voice Narration: A robotic lady will tell you how many waves you have left to go :D

There are a few other things, but that's mostly it Smiley Hopefully this version is more fun to play than the last one! Hope to see some of you on the highscore tables :D

(on that note, online highscores are a first for me, so please let me know if something doesn't work as it should Smiley )

Level 0

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« Reply #30 on: June 05, 2008, 12:58:52 AM »

This is fun! Grin I don't know if this is a bug or if it's intentional, but after a random crash (sorry, I'm not sure what caused it) it stopped updating my first high score and started a new one.
Annabelle Kennedy
Level 8

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« Reply #31 on: June 05, 2008, 06:44:24 AM »

yaay! its all done.

i will play it very soon indeed <:
Level 9

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« Reply #32 on: June 05, 2008, 07:56:23 AM »

Awesome! Feels a lot more balanced now, although the speed increase definitely surprised me. Grin

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #33 on: June 05, 2008, 08:05:50 AM »

 Grin Grin

This is so much better than the last version. I can actually get to wave 80 or so in this one and I know I can beat it with practice.


EDIT: Oh, and it crashed for me after I've been playing it for a while. My specs are Pentium 4 2.4Ghz NVidia GeForce4 MX 4000 Windows XP Professional SP2.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 11:56:27 AM by Melly » Logged

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Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Annabelle Kennedy
Level 8

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« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2008, 12:22:23 PM »

uh oh it crashed on me too!

but it plays wonderfully! and feels much more balanced.
TIGSource Editor
Level 10

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« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2008, 12:31:07 PM »

I'm really sorry to hear that it's crashing on people Cry I don't have a clue what's causing it at the minute, but I'll do my best to fix it as soon as possible. Any clues you can give me to what you were doing when it crashed would be a big help (i.e. what state was the game in? were you shooting? using the shield? what enemies were on screen? did you collect something? use the bomb? were you playing fullscreen or windowed?)

Sorry about this Sad

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #36 on: June 05, 2008, 12:39:25 PM »

I can't remember what I was doing exactly. I was in the middle of the actual playing-the-game, and I was windowed.

If it happens again I'll be sure to remember what I was doing.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
Jeferson R. Silva
Level 0

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« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2008, 01:23:15 PM »

I'm a big fan of bullet-hell games and I love this game!  Kiss

I've been playing it a lot since I downloaded it and I like how it is simple, challenging and fun. (I wish I could code a game like this in a day.)
On my best run so far I managed to reach wave 149 and I think I can go a bit further before going my dodging skills fail me :D

About the crashes, I gathered some info that may help fixing it:
  • I'm running it on Vista 64-bits and the game crashes in both windowed and fullscreen modes.
  • Looks like it happens when you are killing lots of things like those big clusters of red ships.
  • All crashes happened when I was moving and shooting. No bombs used or shields being activated (I think).
TIGSource Editor
Level 10

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« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2008, 04:37:04 PM »

Ok, I think I've got it :D Turns out it had to do with a dodgy enemy spawn! This new version is exactly the same as the old, but it shouldn't crash:

Self Destruct (with crash bug fix)

I also cleared out some of the duplicates in the highscore table that occured because of this Cry This new version will ask you to create a new profile at startup (i.e. enter your name), if you want to use your old scores copy out the profile.dat file from the data directory into the new one and it should carry on from there Smiley

Thanks for the comments, everybody, I really appreciate all the feedback Smiley And it's awesome to see so many people in the highscores :D

Level 10

This is how being from "da hood" is like, right?

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« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2008, 04:54:52 PM »

Still crashes. Sad I'll try it out a bit more and see if there's anything I always do for it to crash, but it's hard to be aware of that since the game's so fast-paced and you need to 'zone-out' in order to get far in it.

Feel free to disregard the above.
Games: Minus / Action Escape Kitty
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