I want to get this for my little boy. The graphics are charming and the gameplay is non-violent.
I think he'd love the puzzles.
- Who did or Where did you get the music?
- Do you have a release date on iOS?
Wow, thank you! I think the first episode should be finished in a month or two. I'll keep you update once it's ready

As for the music, it's done by Van, a musician friend of mine. I'm not sure if he has his personal site or not but if you would like to get in touch with him about the music I can talk to him about that.
Great visuals and cute characters! Makes me want to play this game just for the cute story.

However, you can see the game is still WIP, there are some interface and polish issues. Also, it seems like you can drag the power arrow beyond the screen? I think you need to think of a way to allow a maxium power roll in every position on the screen.
But it's definitly work in progress, and already looking like it has a lot of potential.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks! You're right about the UI though. There'll be no Lorem Ipsum in the final one XD
- The arrow goes a bit beyond the screen because I extend the arrow to go beyond your finger. If not, your finger will cover the arrow and you couldn't really see it.
Still, I can see that it looks bad and I should fix it so that the arrow stay inside the play area. Thanks for mentioning this!
- The position of the character is also part of a puzzle. On the bottom right, you'll see Puipui's emotion. That represent how powerful he is during that turn. The more powerful he is, the faster and further he'll roll even with a short finger drag. I think being able to roll at maximum power in any position on the screen is too much freedom, so I want to limit it and let this be a hint on solving each puzzle.
Hmm, maybe I should change the arrow color according to Puipui's status. I have a feeling that the face icon isn't enough.