« Reply #40 on: June 18, 2011, 03:25:19 PM » |
I mean his band is called THE SEX BOB-OMBS FFS! How is that not epic awesomesauceness OLOLOLOOLLLOLLLOL!!!!!!111
The movie/comic book tries too hard to be cool, that it’s anything but cool. Your quote proves it. “The movie is r0x0rz because they play guitar and all to the backdrop of videogame memes so that I can feel better about myself having wasted my life playing them.” The movie’s tagline should’ve been: “videogames can be cool” And they obviously cast Michael Cera so that all the geeks can relate to him. It panders to the lame and tries to make them feel better about themselves. This is Michael Cera in real life:  Yet they tried to make him a lady's man and an action hero. With that guy cast in the lead role, they failed before they even started shooting. did you get lost on the way to some other forum or is this all irony? dont stop believing hold on to that feeeeeling
P Diddy
« Reply #41 on: June 18, 2011, 03:40:23 PM » |
what I mean is that videogames should be nerdy. Forcing overly stylized images of "cool" all over its face just makes it look like a slut.
« Reply #42 on: June 18, 2011, 03:43:33 PM » |
Here's an idea:
Video games are video games. Almost everybody plays them. Nobody is typecast by them, and they are labelled for nobody.
Shut up.
« Reply #43 on: June 18, 2011, 03:58:40 PM » |
i honestly don't care if scott pilgrim had all of that crap. it was a fun movie.
Level 0
« Reply #44 on: June 18, 2011, 05:23:11 PM » |
i did not give you permission to watch that movie daray.
Channing Tatum must have been one talented stripper back in the day
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2011, 05:29:41 PM » |
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2011, 05:43:20 PM » |
what I mean is that videogames should be nerdy. Forcing overly stylized images of "cool" all over its face just makes it look like a slut.
Literally every single person I know plays videogames. Society changes, get the fuck used to it.
P Diddy
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2011, 08:28:27 PM » |
Video games are video games.
 Almost everybody plays them.
Not in the real world. Playing a $1 game on your iPhone is not the demographic Scott Pilgrim is aiming for. It's aimed at geeks, that's reality. Nobody is typecast by them, and they are labeled for nobody.
You're lying to yourself. People judge other people based on all sorts of things. A person who's really into Japanese RPGs is labeled all the time in this society. I've been labeled many times just because I like videogames. I'm not gonna lie to myself and pretend it's mainstream, because it's not. It has a stigma. Someone who plays Wii to lose weight or plays a $1 iPhone game is not a gamer. Not the kind of gamer Scott Pilgrim is aiming at. Paul Eres will tell you all about it. He doesn't like being called a "gamer" because he doesn't like the stigma that's attached to it. Commercial cinema is all about the labels. If you understood all the jokes in this movie, then according to the executives, you were in the right age and culture bracket. Most older viewers will not understand the jokes. Literally every single person I know plays videogames.
You don't even know one non-gamer? Wow. Get a life. Make more friends. Meet other people. You'll find non-gamers real quick if you try. They're everywhere. The general managers and producers at EA don't play videogames, I should know because I worked with them. Society changes, get the fuck used to it.
What the fuck are you taking about. I want society to be taken over by videogames. My job is in them.
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2011, 08:40:08 PM » |
Just saw The Hangover Part 2. Was a bit skeptical at first, but it was pretty funny
« Reply #49 on: June 19, 2011, 07:09:35 AM » |
Literally every single person I know plays videogames.
You don't even know one non-gamer? Wow. Get a life. Make more friends. Meet other people. You'll find non-gamers real quick if you try. They're everywhere. The general managers and producers at EA don't play videogames, I should know because I worked with them. Well, I also included board games, card games, games of chance, love games, head games, and the most dangerous game. I saw Bridesmaids last night with a bunch of elderly people. I liked it.
Christian Knudsen
« Reply #50 on: June 19, 2011, 08:04:55 AM » |
I thought Scott Pilgrim was aimed at hipsters, not geeks? Granted, I haven't seen it yet, but everything I've seen and read about it seems like that.
« Reply #51 on: June 19, 2011, 08:20:06 AM » |
Doesn't hipster imply lack of genuinity (!?) truth?
If Scott Pilgrim was originally made by some 18-year-old sadkid who never actually played Link To The Past until he was 17 then maybe I'd agree, but fun for the sake of it and riffing on memories doesn't really seem like hipster shit to me.
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2011, 09:44:22 AM » |
Just saw 'House on the Haunted Hill'. Damn it, I hate the fact that all characters I like just... die.
I've never seen Scott Pilgrim and never will, because I am not interested in movies like that. Nuff' said, because I cannot express my thoughts with good words.
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2011, 10:18:10 AM » |
Anyone who appreciates gaming should enjoy the Scott Pilgrim movie, if not for the movie itself then for the abundance of video game references. The opening sequence parodies Guitar Hero, one of the characters is playing a Game Boy at one point and sounds from The Legend of Zelda punctuate what's happening. Etcetera.
« Reply #54 on: June 19, 2011, 10:35:15 AM » |
If Scott Pilgrim was originally made by some 18-year-old sadkid who never actually played Link To The Past until he was 17 then maybe I'd agree, but fun for the sake of it and riffing on memories doesn't really seem like hipster shit to me.
I haven't read the comics, maybe they're more authentically nerdy, but everything about the movie seemed fake to me when I saw it. It feels like the videogame stuff is just a trendy gimmick (capitalizing on the current "retro" trend) applied to a bizarre mix between teen comedy and action movie. It has nothing to do with what gaming culture is actually like. That's why I compared it to a bad gaming webcomic, most of which combine generic, lame jokes with random vidgam references.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 10:43:05 AM by C.A. Sinclair »
Level 10
« Reply #55 on: June 19, 2011, 10:36:59 AM » |
Yes, video game references are indeed what make a movie enjoyable. This is why I sent a letter to the Academy proclaiming The Wizard to be the best movie of all time. Unfortunately all I got back was a piece of printer paper with a quickly drawn middle finger on it and signed "Ebert." Someday those philistines will see... I haven't actually seen the movie yet but if it's anything like what I've read of the comics I don't think I want to. I listened to the soundtrack of the videogame and some of it's good but a lot of it is annoying. I also have no idea how anyone today can not know any non-gamers. Unless you're counting the game of life... 
« Reply #56 on: June 19, 2011, 11:26:21 AM » |
I haven't read the comics, maybe they're more authentically nerdy, but everything about the movie seemed fake to me when I saw it. It feels like the videogame stuff is just a trendy gimmick (capitalizing on the current "retro" trend) applied to a bizarre mix between teen comedy and action movie. It has nothing to do with what gaming culture is actually like.
That's why I compared it to a bad gaming webcomic, most of which combine generic, lame jokes with random vidgam references.
I can understand that. I would still recommend reading the comics, because they're quite good and about far more than the movie suggests, but still have a touch of the love of games about them. The movie really just shortened a lot of the actual content and story, but visual and auditory references to games were easy enough to keep, and so they did. And again, the intent doesn't seem to me to be 'videogames lololo' in the comic (and I don't think in the movie either). Most of the videogame references are actually just comparing the idiosyncracies of real life to those of games, something that the first generation raised on games (us) are the first ones to do, really. Principle of charity 
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 11:32:04 AM by Hangedman »
« Reply #57 on: June 20, 2011, 11:07:14 AM » |
I also have no idea how anyone today can not know any non-gamers. Unless you're counting the game of life...  I never said gamer and looking back I realized I made a typo. I meant to say that everyone I know has played at least one videogame (Yes, that includes iPhone games). I don't know many gamers, I don't consider myself one, and the ones I do know are not pleasant people. My point was that there is no longer a line between gamers and non-gamers, and that Scott Pilgrim wasn't supposed to be for a select demographic known as gamers. I went expecting a comedy, because I enjoy comedy in all shapes and sizes, and I got what I wanted. I wasn't expecting a vindication of "gamer-culture", and no one should have.
P Diddy
« Reply #58 on: June 21, 2011, 12:48:59 PM » |
there is no longer a line between gamers and non-gamers
I don't know many gamers, I don't consider myself one, and the ones I do know are not pleasant people.

« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2011, 03:16:16 PM » |
No longer a thin red line.
Like the movie, The Thin Red Line.
Oh, hey everybody, and check out this movie I worked on,
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 04:15:07 PM by rob »