August 26-29
St. Oberholz, Berlin Mitte
Tickets | Map The ticket machine is now open for this year's edition of the Berlin Indie Game Jam!
It's that time of the year again where, for four days, Berlin's Mitte district turns into the creative melting pot of the European indie scene. Berlin Indie Game Jam - BIGJam for short - aims to bring together programmers, designers, musicians, drawers and otherwise gifted artists together to collaborate instantaneously on whatever the heck they want. As in the previous years, we'll have themed three hour jams, an air of Gemütlichkeit and the possibility to present your daily works to everyone on a projector. Said projector can also be involved in any kind of talk you may want to give. Share your wisdom, wrap up a postmortem, increase everyone's knowledge in your area of expertise - whatever you like.
If you are on the lookout for fresh ideas, feedback on your long-in-the-works masterpiece, want to knock yourself out in minijam marathons or plainly enjoy being in a creative environment with likeminded people (and who doesn't?), why not give it a go and come around? Tickets are as cheap as 5 Euro and available
Set on the top floor of lovely café St. Oberholz ( at Mitte's central Rosenthaler Platz, there'll be space for 30 laptop-equipped jammeurs to bring it on. The café is renowned for its digitally creative clientele and has in the past year started to host cultural events such as poem and lyric readings (ie. non-digital stuff, too). Let the vibes of Berlin's contemporary textmakers and wordcrafters inspire you.
As in the previous years, our arrangement with the café is that costs are cheap as long as jam participants enjoy the in-house catering. This doesn't need to be much, mind you: a nice cup of coffee or feasting assortment of sweet and savoury daily dishes every once in a while keeps everyone happy and nurtured.
Of course, man can not survive on food alone. When it comes to finding a dry, affordable place of shelter, we'll have reservations with hostels in the immediate area again. If you want to claim a place in one of the reserved rooms, visit the respective thread (which is coming next week) and let it be known.
Naturally, if you'd prefer a room of your own or have any kind of problem finding a place, let me know and there will be help for you.
Here's a summation of all the little facts you need to know:
- Sweet café with good food and good drinks
- Bring a laptop or a netbook
- Meet awesome people
- Make beautiful things
- Participate in 3 hour jams, give and enjoy presentations etc.
- 5 Euro
- Please be 16 years or older
poster by Paul Pietepiet Veer