Inspired by Melly's ASCIIPaint, I've been working on a similar program (forked from another program called
Ascii-Paint). It supports a number of cool features, but today I added
export to animated .gif.
I've made a bitbucket repository, where you can access the source and the latest windows binary (in the Downloads tab): Feel free to report issues, and I'll try to get them fixed.
Here are some animations made so far with the program by various TIGers.

A few animations made by various

(Images (c) whoever made them)The animation exporter will slice the canvas up into a grid, and read the frames from left-to-right, top-to-bottom, based on the sprite dimensions you supply, and the number of frames you need. It will probably explode if you give it dodgy numbers. Open "animtest.asc" to see an example spritesheet.

Time to unleash some animated ascii madness :D
19 August:Fixed a couple of bugs to do with the grid, but more importantly, I added better colour support. You can change palette using the < and > buttons. Clicking the 'C' lets you choose any 24-bit colour, the 'T' chooses (255,0,255), and 'S' swaps the fg and bg colours.
You can also define your own palettes in palettes.cfg, if anyone makes some interesting palettes I'd be happy to include them in the program.
23 August:Moved source and download to bitbucket: up source and README.
25 August:A couple of days work, and lots of behind the scenes fixes.
I've implemented a new file format, the Ascii Paint Format, which uses an .apf extension. This format is more flexible than the .asc format. As well as storing the image, it can store program settings (like grid width), and will be able to handle future additions to ascii-paint, like layers. (It conforms to the RIFF standard.)
+ Added new file format, the Ascii Paint Format ".apf", which
will support future features of Ascii Paint, like layers.
The old .asc format is still supported, but not recommended.
/ Changed default renderer to SDL to fix full screen issue
* Full screen now works
+ Added changeable grid drawing mode (bullets and corners)
* Fixed bad slider colouring in message box
/ Changed initial foreground and background colours (blue,black)
30 August:v0.4.0
+ Added a
Guide that explains how to create an ascii animation using ascii-paint.
+ Alpha transparency now works (default key colour=255,0,255, but this can be changed in ascii-paint.cfg)
- You can erase by selecting the 'T' colour with the right mouse button. This paints the transparent colour into the canvas. ( I couldn't get transparent gifs working tho, so if you have any transparent bits, they'll get exported as pink. )
A full days coding sprint and I've got the initial layers implementation done. You can try it out by downloading the 0.4.0 release. Saving in .apf will preserve your layers. There's not much to it, the layers work pretty much like any other paint program. Enjoy!
07 September:v0.4.1
+ Resize (can now anchor canvas to any corner or edge during resize)
* Save now adds an ".apf" suffix to filenames with no ".apf",".asc", or ".ascz" suffix
/ Added COPYING.txt and COPYING_libgd.txt (ASCII-Paint is governed by the LGPL)