Good frustrating fun

The gameplay is precious, the graphics are a darling and the music is entertaining (although hearing the first few notes again, and again, and again eventually got on my nerves).
Thanks for your entusiastic comment, Ooops!
My plan is to add various scenarios, each with its own music.
It should be so much more bearable for your ears.

Minor quibble: give us Highscores

Luckily I have the right tools!
Give a try to another my game (Linavalanche), which already embeds a global hiscore.
Link for download -> minor quibble: the menu commands should accept "space" as well, not just enter, because replaying is "space", so that is one less button the user has to care about.
You're right! I never thought about this. :/
Although the game is certainly fine as it is, I think with some additional polish (unlockable characters, a couple more power-ups maybe), this could become the next Super Crate Box

These are things that I had already planned to add, and even more.

Next Super Crate Box? This would be great!