- Monster Caves (Monster Spawn Points)
- Enemy Waves
- Place Holder UI
Not much has changed in the current Mockup. I added a new health bar. going from one to ten. each heart is 2 Pieces. I also created a goblin sprite. enemies die in a puff of smoke, and when they strike you there is a spray of blood (this may change). I have the caves in and spawning enemies and the full wave system should go in tomorrow. the goal now is 3 waves and then the boss.
So today I am going to talk about Monsters. the only monster I currently have in is the slime (Which will be swapped out for the rat). they are the most basic no special death. Now all monsters die with one hit and do one damage to you. They all have the same movement code. The strategy for them comes into their death sequences. Enemies are replacing spells in this game. Each enemy will have a unique death that affects gameplay in some way. some examples are
1. so perhaps you attack the skeleton. The skeleton falls into a pile of bones and lasts 3 turns. this is impassable and its effectively a wall. so killing a skeleton will protect you from that side for 3 turns.
2. Slimes when they die, will leave behind a purple puddle, this puddle will then do 1 damage to whoever walks on it. that would damage you, but it would kill an enemy
3. Goblins explode on Death in an x pattern. doing damage to anything in the 4 diagonals to them. now its totally possible to get a line of these and have them go off like dominoes.
so in the above mockup, you could kill the slime to the Left of you, the goblin would step forward touching the purple and being killed. he would then detonate hitting the skeletons above and below you creating two walls.
So the next hurdle is adding the Boss monsters. I will start with one to begin with, and hope to expand it from there. the main reason the sprites are so small is so I can play with the size and still keep it tile based. it always annoyed me in roguelikes when I was the same size as a dragon. by doing the base people as smaller I can make large things seem larger, but mechanically and gameplay wise they are the same.

So any comments or suggestions. let me hear them. I am hoping to get a lot done tomorrow and maybe I can post a build once I have Death and winning in.
P.s all the names are hilarious. I really like MicRogue. I dont know if it fits to well here, because I probably want to do something with the name to signify Horde mode. I haven't decided yet.