Thanks to you guys for showing interest in the challenge! We officially begin January 1st. If you've got a blog you'll be using for your challenge entries, post it here and I'll add it to the list. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.
Here's the list we'll be using, one item for each day:
1. The World- the general setting that this will all take place in.
2. Geography- the specific landmass you'll be focusing on, the Morrowind to your Tamriel. Talk about weather patterns and the general lay of the land.
3. Landmarks- natural or otherwise- ex. Grand Canyon, Eiffel Tower, Throat of the World
4. Resources- How do the people get water? Food? Are there rich minerals nearby, or mystical ley lines that power magical energy?
5. Flora
6. Fauna7. Races/General Culture
8. Clothing- detail differences in outfits between genders and ages as necessary
9. Food- describe an example of a daily diet, however it's divided up (breakfast, brunch, elevensies, etc.), along with any other noteworthy foods for special occasions
10. Arts
11. Trades- Smithing, Carpentry, Dragon-taming, etc.
12. Education
13. Tools- for use in Arts and Trades, or something yet unmentioned
14. Weapons
15. Transportation
16. Politics/Officials- Describe the system of government or leadership used in your society, and who if anyone is in charge. What are the relations between your society and others nearby?
17. Currency/Economy
18. Religions/Philosophy/Morality
19. Warfare- How is war handled in your society? Do they fight at all, and if so, who do they send? How do they fight?
20. Housing
21. Businesses
22. Social Groups- these can be classes grouped by caste or by cultural boundaries (Upper-classes, undesirables, punks, jocks, etc.)
23. Language- for use in naming all of the things you've designed. Establish phonetic patterns with particular cultures (Example: All of the Kokiri people save for Saria have names using Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Da)
24. Folk Traditions/Holidays
25. Toys/Games
26. Legends- Who are the people's heroes? What myths are spread about the land around them, or what associations do they make with the seasons (assuming they have them)?
27. History- talk about what's happened in your world the last century, maybe even longer. What are some important milestones for your culture? Any important wars, or maybe something else like a civil rights movement or the day a part of the continent went missing?
28. Free Day! Rewrite some of your entries if you feel they aren't consistent, or if you've got new concepts for the others, or else just take the day off and prepare for...
29. Life Cycle (Birth/Childhood)- Create an entirely new character and describe their upbringing. Is the family rich or poor by your world's standards? Do they have a happy home? Is there a war on? What sort of things does your character do to occupy their time?
30. Life Cycle (Adolescence/Middle Age) How do they handle their awkward years? Do they even live long enough to see 30? Do they fall in love?
31. Life Cycle (Old Age/Death and Beyond) Under what circumstances does your character die? Is it of natural causes? Did they die in a war? In a bed surrounded by their loved ones, or alone in a gutter? What sort of legacy do they leave behind- do their children honor your character's memory? Does you character even have children? What impact did they leave on your world, if any?
Participating blogs:
AmanitaZestTaintedForkXionElectrocratBoxedlunchThreesidedInanimateGordonCSAJohn WordsworthEigenbomJakman4242TDKGunghoulBood_WarSame as BeforeXang HostAshkin