I wish you would show more "howtos" , "walktroughs" and conceptart on the blog though.
The main reason I don't is that I usually only get to work on the game an hour or two a day at most, so I try to be as productive as possible. And for the sake of time I don't do any in-depth concept art. I do a couple quick doodles in my sketchbook to work out the proportions and main design elements, then do the rest of the concept work on the model itself after I've modeled and unwrapped it. This is easier because the textures themselves are pretty simple (except when I go overboard like with the slimes).
I'll try to snap more pics throughout the process though, that much shouldn't be too time consuming.
My general process is this:
1. find reference (mostly from Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy 4 & 6, and Chrono Trigger)
2. Doodle quickly (often during lunch at work) in my sketchbook until I get a silhouette and proportions that I like
3. Start modeling, continuing to play with proportions as I go, making sure that there is an overall silhouette shape/flow to the whole model from the player's fixed perspective
3a. For the sake of speed, I try to stay in the 500-1k triangle range for enemies
4. Unwrap, throw in a couple lights and bake the lighting to texture
5. Doodle over the model via the diffuse texture for details
6. Choose 1 or more 2-3 color palettes (I love Kuler!)
7. Complete texture (diffuse only in game).
7a. I usually set the baked lighting layer to Multiply for the base texture then add/subtract to it as needed to bring out important shapes.
7b. Do a Hue/Saturation adjust on the lighting to make it the shadows a color complimentary to the overall color scheme. When making shadows, I always try to avoid having the shadow color be just a darker version of the main color. For example I tint the shadows dark red on skin, and bluish on green materials.
If you've got any specific questions, feel free to ask!