What is it?A turn-based role-playing game that takes place entirely on a grid. It features a simple combat system with three stats: Health, Attack and Defense. The player progresses by collecting gold and using it in shops to upgrade these three stats. Upgrades gradually cost more with each point, to encourage the player to seek out new and more rewarding challenges.
The "Excuse Plot" of the game is that your hero is looking for a dragon that terrorizes the land. You have heard that the dragon lives deep within a volcano, and you must go on a long journey to find and deal with this threat.
Who did this?The code, sprites and some music were created by me (Nillo). Additional music was created by Watermelon, and the menu artwork was drawn by NessStar3000. Both Watermelon and NS3K have also provided a lot of feedback and playtesting during the game's development.
What does it look like?

Where do I download it?You can download Griddy RPG 1.01 at one of the links below.
Griddy RPG v1.01 on MirrorCreatorGriddy RPG v1.01 on MediaFireOptionally, you can get any of the following:
Griddy RPG v1.01 without music (smaller download) on SolidFilesGriddy RPG v1.01 without music on MediaFire
Red Mage sprite by NS3K - to use this, save it as "hero_5.png" in the data/graphics/hero folder, and then select it as your character in the main menu.
The game runs on Windows (or a Windows VM) and requires DirectX 9.
Other stuff!In this game I wanted to create something that is simple and fun to play while also limited to my programming knowledge at the time. I set goals for myself and succeeded in reaching them. All things considered, working on this game has been fantastic.
The game is now completely finished and includes all levels and a full soundtrack. Let me know if you have any comments or specific feedback!