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TIGSource ForumsDeveloperPlaytestingHullfire beta 0.4.0
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Author Topic: Hullfire beta 0.4.0  (Read 10403 times)
Level 10

proficient at just chillin'

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« on: December 01, 2011, 03:32:36 AM »

We finally reached open beta stage, and because we now want people to give us feedback we're moving from devlogs to here.
The original topic: http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=20687.msg587801#msg587801

Hullfire is a 2D arena shooter where players choose from different ships and weapons to battle each other either through the internet/LAN or in splitscreen mode on a variety of maps.
The game is being developed for Windows and Linux using SDL/OpenGL and Enet. It will include a map editor and will be available free of charge.



Any comments are welcome! I'm not giving any instructions as to how to play the game on purpose, so I can see what is unclear to you guys. If you want to try out playing over the internet let me know. Otherwise you can play in splitscreen or with bots.

We're looking mainly for feedback on user interface and game mechanics but anything you have to say after trying it out please do Smiley
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 12:40:25 PM by Netsu » Logged

Level 10

i accidentally did that on purpose

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« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 06:48:14 AM »

Hi there, gj for reaching the beta stage!

I played it a little and what I have to say is this that the sounds are bugged or badly coded, they're stopping without a reason, etc. It hurt my ears  Sad
But other things are working good, I couldn't find control keys for a while, if only one player is playing it should be arrows + mouse by default, not wsad + f + i-don't-know-what, yeah I couldn't find the second weapon button.

And for the mouse controls I'd advice to make only aiming by mouse and turning the whole ship with keyboard (like if there'd be a rotating turret on the top of the ship).

But that's just my opinion, cheers and keep up the good work  Hand Thumbs Up Left Wink

PS. Internet, not internet ;d


Level 10

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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 08:17:03 AM »

Hi there, gj for reaching the beta stage!

I played it a little and what I have to say is this that the sounds are bugged or badly coded, they're stopping without a reason, etc. It hurt my ears  Sad
But other things are working good, I couldn't find control keys for a while, if only one player is playing it should be arrows + mouse by default, not wsad + f + i-don't-know-what, yeah I couldn't find the second weapon button.

And for the mouse controls I'd advice to make only aiming by mouse and turning the whole ship with keyboard (like if there'd be a rotating turret on the top of the ship).

But that's just my opinion, cheers and keep up the good work  Hand Thumbs Up Left Wink

PS. Internet, not internet ;d

Hm, I had no problem with sounds on two Win 7 systems I was trying out, but just now I tried another machine and I noticed problems with sounds too. I don't know where it comes from, but will investigate. Hopefully I can fix this before the next release.

We'll try to make the controls better explained to players, having clearly explained controls is one of our goals.
But mouse control is not happening, it's a design decision.

PS: You can play over any internet, not only the Internet Wink

Level 10

i accidentally did that on purpose

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« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2011, 08:34:37 AM »

over any net (Internet, Usenet, etc.) I'd say but I'm not a native English speaker as you already know so I can be wrong.

then arrows + z/x please, if I'm playing alone I don't like using left hand to control the ship if I can't use mouse to aim.

Level 10

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« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2011, 08:39:38 AM »

Sure, we'll change the defaults to arrows + z/x for the next release. This seems to be the most popular input scheme.

If I remember correctly both 'Internet' and 'internet' are correct terms, they just mean other things, 'internet' is a type of a computer network, 'Internet' is the most popular example of such a network Smiley

Level 10

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« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 09:57:38 AM »

Based on the bugs people found I put together a patch (took me 7 hours straight). Changelog and download links can be found in the downloads section of the Hullfire sub-site here:


I hope this patch contains enough bugfixes to make playing the game comfortable so we can focus on version 0.2.0 which will bring some new features.
Unfortunately I forgot to change the default key settings, because I put it under 'features' and not 'bugs' in my to do list, and this update is focuses entirely on bugfixes.

Level 1

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« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2011, 03:49:29 PM »

Not too bad. The core game is solid and I found myself respawning again and again in spite of the fact that my eyes hurt from the weird control scheme and perspective. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the turning scheme. With the inertia and absolutely locked camera rotation I often found\ myself trying to turn toward the left when I was really turning CW or CCW or whatever. Locking controls to the player feels like a bit of a mindscrew to me. But that's just my view, others may like the retro scheme you have better than I.

That said I LOVE the weapons. The ships are sort of 'generic scythey hovership. but they still look good. I'd rather see light and heavy frames with different aesthetics and properties but that's just me.

Regardless, you've got a pretty addictive core to this game. So, keep at it, I love this so far.

Level 10

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« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2011, 09:46:16 PM »

Thanks a lot!
In the beginning I was trying some different things with the camera, like rotating the camera together with the player, so you always aim up, zooming out when you are flying faster etc. but it all felt weird and we settled on what we have now.
Maybe we'll actually try to make the controls turn you left/right regardless of what your rotation is, that wouldn't be too hard and never tried that before.
We also might give the ships unique physical properties and/or hitpoints. Right now the only difference is the shape, which affects physics but not so much (unless you choose the golden ship, which is very hard to control due to his weird shape).

Level 10

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« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2011, 06:57:30 AM »

New version up: 0.1.2! Check the link in the first post for download links. Here is the full changelog so far:

-changed default key settings
-additional notification on frag/suicide
-mouse cursor hidden when not in the menu
-fixed black screen on options cancel
-sound volume control in the menu
-fixed client physics behaviour after resetting game
-fixed instant spawn bug
-gfx details control in the menu
-camera shake on/off switch
-particles now render over the players
-a tutorial screen explaining controls before each game
-placeholder boost and spawn animation
-fixed bots not announcing their weapons through web

-removed GLEW from Linux dependencies
-fixed max bot amount
-score table is now sorted by score
-fixed server crashing when someone joins a game with bots in it
-completely rewritten sound code
-resolution settings can now be changed during a match
-fixed some serious issues with combining splitscreen with network play
-fixed minor crashes

- initial release

Most important updates: a screen explaining the controls before each game, gfx details and sound volume control, fire and smoke is now rendered over the players instead of under them. We decided to leave the controls as they are, we consider them crucial to what the game is.

All comments are welcome Smiley

Level 10

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« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 07:44:22 AM »

Version 0.1.3 up!
Download here: http://doubledude.com/hullfire/download/

Most important changes are: GREATLY improved network play, added repair stations to the maps, acid shotgun buffed.

Full changelog:
-changed main font
-fixed an issue with multishot weapons in netplay
-game no longer crashes when an unsupported resolution is selected
-fixed game not responding to changing fullscreen option
-fixed name synchronisation
-message log and notifications are now synchronised
-movement sync over net finally works as expected!
-ships can no longer collide with each other, this is necessary to accomplish better sync over the net
-fixed changing tilesheets on low gfx settings
-added repair stations (stay in their vicinity to regain health)
-fixed an issue with server not informing clients that one of them disconnected
-acid shotgun now deals more damage, has a wider spread and a smaller hitbox
-alt+f4 now closes the game instantly
-pickups are now properly synchronised over network

Download and comment away.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 07:49:31 AM by Netsu » Logged

Level 1

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« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2012, 04:52:52 PM »

I think there is the potential for a very fun multiplayer game in here, but I unfortunately have nobody to play with.

Thank goodness there is no wall damage. It can get pretty topsy-turvey with the speedy control.

I wonder though... Why are the current selection of maps meant to be underground? Isn't the idea of having a space shooter meant to be in the vast expanse of space? How about a space highway stage? Or something with a more outdoorsy feeling?
Level 10

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« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2012, 12:28:08 AM »

Thee will be open space maps later Smiley Currently we have only 2 tilesets for maps done (the rocky one, and the alien one) but there will be at least two more, with at least one of them in space.

We figured wall damage would be over the top, but we considered adding a 'hardcore' mode where hitting a wall damages the ship.
Thanks for the comment, if you'd like to play we can arrange a game although the ping might be quite high if I correctly figured you're from Canada Wink

EDIT: Oh shit, I just figured you are the guy who made Sleights My Word! I have a custom board for it and we still play with friends from time to time, although we modified it a lot making the movement and attacking mechanic much more chess-like and shrinking the board to 6x6.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 03:20:21 AM by Netsu » Logged

Level 1

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« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2012, 08:56:28 PM »

No kiddin'? Well then, I suppose that's more than enough of a reason to try arranging a match or two, ungodly ping be damned. If you use Skype at all, my handle there is morroquewest. You'll have to pardon me if I'm too shy to use a microphone. Otherwise I'm almost always on Esper.net as just MW.
Level 10

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« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2012, 12:28:53 AM »

I used Skype a few times in the past, but it might be more convenient for me to use irc, any particular channel to look for you in? And at any particular hours?

Level 1

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« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2012, 07:47:35 PM »

Sure thing! My home channel has always been #bchat, but I have a notso secret game development channel #arpgtiar.
Level 10

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« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2012, 09:41:21 AM »

We planned to release 0.2.0 before January so we’re now a month behind schedule. But that’s alright, because this update brings a lot of new stuff.
There were some changes in the engine, but most of them won’t be visible until we make new maps. There is now an in-game chat (activated by pressing ‘t’) plus a lot of convenience changes and bug fixes. All the GUI you see during a game was also reworked (this includes new pickup icons, HUD and menus).

There’s really too much to mention, but you can check the full changelog in the downloads section as usual.

Download Hullfire 0.2.0 here: http://doubledude.com/hullfire/download/

Level 10

i accidentally did that on purpose

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« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2012, 10:16:18 AM »

Oh man, it has really changed a lot since the version I played last time. It's finally playable and enjoyable, I could at least get some kills ^^

Didn't find any bugs and from suggestions: add some cool music ;d

Keep up the good work guys!  Wink

Level 10

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« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2012, 11:57:17 AM »

Thanks Smiley We will be adding music later on, it will probably be one of the last things to do.

By the way, I got your message regarding Rune Masters, but I haven't had time to try it as I'm currently in the middle of an exam session, I hope it's OK if I hop in later on, in a week or so.

Level 10

i accidentally did that on purpose

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« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2012, 12:37:41 PM »

Thanks Smiley We will be adding music later on, it will probably be one of the last things to do.

By the way, I got your message regarding Rune Masters, but I haven't had time to try it as I'm currently in the middle of an exam session, I hope it's OK if I hop in later on, in a week or so.

No problem Smiley

Level 6

Maximum Friendship All Day

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« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2012, 06:11:04 PM »

Here it comes...will edit add more later etc.

matches played: 32 (frag 10's)
Maps played = all
bots played = easy/medium/hard/insane
co op played = yes

Main menu/menus:
1. Have a bland feel to them feels like any type of car model or anything there would be great.
2. [music] lack of music, but obviously adding that in something you are already planning on doing as I did read =]
3. [sounds] The car repairing sounds on a quick loop felt annoying to listen to
4. I think car selection should be in match making or weapon selection, not tucked away in options.


1. (HUD) pressing tab to check felt like a awkward solution... I would add a little bar showing mine vs enemies frags in the bottom somewhere. I think that'd be wonderful (such as...)

lllllllll (9/20) Pandara_RA!
lll (3/20) Other guy
l (1/20) etc etc

I felt like I was pressing the down button as if I was throttling the gas to make a turn in a racing game, though backwards because the car was already moving. maybe make your car by default not moving, and map the up button to the gas =] I'd feel much more in control then.

This may be on purpose, though I feel like I had no progression in combat. the enemy would spawn instantly and then have the clear advantage with weapons and health, in many car combat games there is a negative into positive advantage for the survivor, at first the victor would have less hp and weapons, but upon living longer and killing again with the disadvantage they would be able to roam the map while gathering bonus armor, weapons, kill streaks/money/exp etc etc. Although this game does have that slightly, the low max weapon storage and instant re-spawn time makes getting your health as well as just an even fight with special weapons very difficult.

Balance tier list (in order):
Turbo Good: Shotgun/rocket
Okay: Bolt Driver
Turbo bad: Mines

Shotgun: Just hits like a truck, and even when it doesn't it still hits hard enough that the next three shots from your single pickup are gonna hurt, in close areas in levels like caves every map the damage is just unavoidable, and if you brought rockets, the trade will always be in favor of the guy not hurting himself in the small area.

Rocket: just has a large hit box and flies pretty darn fast, hits very hard as well.

Bolt Driver: is a very sniper like weapon, little screen time, little hit box...but low damage makes it bad in long range fights and bad in close range fights compared to either rocket or shotgun.

Shock mines: are hands down the worst special weapon for the following reasons: They only last a few seconds (so it's very hard to lay a decent trap down with them). they do not arm themselves for at least a second or so, if someone is just behind you it drops and passes through them. (if they are far the mines are easy to avoid, if short they pass through, if sweet spotted the damage is less than the risk.) in my opinion I'd either make the mines last longer, or increase the damage to close 90% of health removal to reward the huge risk.

Basic Weapons tier list:
Top: Laser
Mid: Plasma
Bad: Machine Gun

just sprays everywhere...and it does actually quite a bit of damage and you can spray it out for a good 6 seconds, in a game where every special just barely doesn't kill, and powerups are all over , the sidearm that is consistent and strong is a clear favorite

Plasma: It hits hard, but can only spray it for about 4-5 seconds, I was debating putting this at the top, but the large hit box of laser, and how much screen space it takes up, just puts it above in close quarter situations.

Machine gun:
What can I say it shoots for 3 seconds, does low damage, and has a tiny line style hit box...too bad it doesn't last on the field long, hitting cool down in a fight is suicidal so stuttering weapons like plasma, and laser will just outclass this in a straight fight most of the time.


Please cut every corner in each map, it worked very well in hanger, and just feels less annoying, no more square edges in maps please! =]

Hanger: Favors shotgun over rocket, as you are likely in a small box and 1 dash from a big blast. I really wish there was a health station here, me and my friend aka my brother liked the map but the lack of health didn't match with how we were coming up with strategies against each other, Add health stations in every level with an option to turn on/off health satiation in each map please <3

Caves: Balanced for rocket/shotty, has caves for weapons, and an open zone for health. Bouncing off cave walls is really annoying though =]

Hives: same as hanger...but more map control*! Awesome...but more corners in the map make me sad. *by map control I mean you can actually just pick up most of the power ups and health stations if you get 2 kills up on someone giving you a decent advantage on thier spawn, but not enough to feel unfair.

Excavation: is just annoying with all it's edges, rounded edges would vastly improve this level, also there is a glitch with one of the powerups see in bugs

1. Gets stuck on walls often in caves (easy/medium/sometimes  on hard)

loading caves once produced this, was unplayable.

In excavation there is a floating powerup out of reach

changing resolution crashes the game, but on restart works fine.

1. This is more preference, though I would love some customization points to put into things like weapons, armor, health and so on. Or a value to playing your game for a much more extended period of time by adding exp or money to killing cars online that I can bring home to a shop I could tweek my car a little with...even if it is just totally aesthetic only.

I'll start with that, and will update as I play more

« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 07:06:46 PM by Pandara_RA! » Logged

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