Alec S.
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:46:15 PM » |
The art sub-forum has a thread for showing of art, the music sub-forum has a thread for showing off music, I think it's about time the design forum had a thread to show off the levels you're currently working on. Show at least an image of your level. You should also give a text description explaining your design decisions. Describe what's going on in the level and how everything will work. I'll start:  I'm designing this mountain to be something of a hub area for the game. Those black squares lead to a network of caves, which allow you to traverse and climb the mountain and eventually reach the temple at the top. Anyway, post away!
« Last Edit: December 16, 2011, 11:40:34 AM by Alec S. »
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2011, 04:01:58 AM » |
 Sonic The player comes in from the bottom left and pushes the wall switch, causing the column to shoot out of the ground and allowing them to reach the ladder to the left. I've already coded it. :3 There's also a background, but as the game runs on a 320x200 resolution, it'd just look weird if I put it in this picture.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2011, 04:18:13 AM » |
The tiles in that are pretty big, seems like it might work well to run it at a higher resolution?
ஒழுக்கின்மை (Paul Eres)
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2011, 05:00:12 AM » |
 it's a tower defense game; the enemies start at one side, and go to the end. in this particular level there are two mirrored branches; pul wat aa (an ai controlled cursor) tells you he'll handle the top path (he places towers on the top half of the screen), it's up to you to handle the bottom path. but usually you cannot win unless you help him out at the top as well. you also cannot win if you let him get most of the kills, since then you won't have enough money to win. so to win the level on higher difficulties you have to, from the start, start stealing his kills. but because he talks like he knows everything and that the player is a mere apprentice, the player might not do that at first, and have to figure it out after a few tries; this is meant to emphasize that his ego is a bit overblown
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2011, 08:14:54 AM » |
In this level I wanted to really encourage vertical conflict but still have CQC gameplay. I did this basically by using a lot of 90 degree angles and spending a lot of time trying to find campable/sniping spots ingame, then putting appropriate obstacles to keep them from being exploitable. Out of all the FPS levels I've done this is one of my favourites because I love CQC gameplay and am a terrible sniper. I try to recapture the feeling of adrenaline I get on quakeworld maps. 
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2011, 08:26:08 AM » |
The game?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2011, 08:36:19 AM » |
I lost it.
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2011, 09:44:58 AM » |
Isn't that counterstrike?
subsystems subsystems subsystems
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2011, 09:58:01 AM » |
Could be Half-Life + mods, Quake + mods, some old COD?, old MoH... So many games.
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2011, 12:40:29 PM » |
I'm sorry it's for Firearms|Source a remake of a HL/GoldSource mod. The game in a nutshell is 2 teams have a pool of lives they draw from. Each player death draws from that pool and completing objectives (capturing areas, pushing through the map etc) gives you back lives or detracts from the enemy teams lives. I will probably port this too Counterstrike when I have some time though.
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2011, 01:01:50 PM » |
How come I never heard of this before? It looks good 
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2011, 03:55:54 PM » |
ty  It's a little obscure these days, was more popular around 2001. Also the name Firearms|Source isn't exactly the most memorable 
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2011, 06:04:40 AM » |
 I'm pretty proud of this particular room from my game Griddy RPG. In this screenshot you can see several different objects and monsters. There are Volters and Animated Vials in the top half of the room, which can be killed in regular combat. However, the Death Rays in the bottom half will instantly kill the player if he moves too close to them. On the right side, there is a red door with a lock; on the left side, there is a red key. You can leave this room and re-enter it from the bottom, picking up the red key, then leave and re-enter on the right side and use your key to unlock the door. However, this isn't all. To be able to actually get the treasure in the room above this room, you need to be carrying a red key. There are some specific details you need to know about the key-and-lock system. Firstly, you can only carry one key of each color, and keys are single-use. To pick up another red key, you have to use the one you are carrying first. Secondly, keys and doors both respawn if you leave and re-enter a room. Thirdly, it is possible to find an invisibility potion in a nearby room, which makes you invisible to enemies for ten turns, allowing you to safely move past the Death Rays in the bottom half. If you just solve the room in the most obvious way (picking up the key by leaving/re-entering, and then unlocking the door) you will enter the room above this one without a red key, and be unable to collect the biggest treasure. The ideal way to solve it involves several separate actions. First, you leave the room and re-enter on the left side to pick up the red key. Then you leave and re-enter on the right side, and use your red key to unlock the door. Since you have left the room once, the key on the left side will have respawned when you do this. So after unlocking the door, you can use an invisibility potion to move past the Death Rays, collect the red key again without having to re-enter this room, and then move forward to the above room carrying a red key and thus being able to collect the biggest treasure.
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2011, 06:44:25 AM » |
I ran a ut2004 server from 2005ish to 2010ish and made a few custom maps of my own try try out new cool things i hadn't seen done on game, there's a few that got semi-popular on a few servers. All my stuff was basicly crazy and weird though, and had more custom code than most TC mods in them. (I'm a programmer, not really a mapper). they were in general each built around a theme (fallingdown was an infinite loop of falling with trick trasnfers to get to each base, hypercubed was a series of identical rooms with a set pattern of warping between, and i dont remember what i named some of the others but they all had some gimmick, such as a shrink ray I made in one that the map was designed around (spaces you could only enter while shrunk), or my custom spacefighter "maze" maps. I don't have screenshots or video of most of them anymore, but when i brought my site back online in 2009 i re-uploaded most of them that I still had copies of. here's a video of the last map i had made, game was too dead at that point though so i took the server offline again shortly after this. most of the rest can be downloaded here you can't tell from how i design i'm more of a fan of older shooters like duke3d/quake, and gimmick levels designed not really to look like anything but just around some idea.
-Fuzzy Spider
Level 1
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2011, 07:00:04 AM » |
it's a tower defense game; the enemies start at one side, and go to the end. in this particular level there are two mirrored branches; pul wat aa (an ai controlled cursor) tells you he'll handle the top path (he places towers on the top half of the screen), it's up to you to handle the bottom path. but usually you cannot win unless you help him out at the top as well. you also cannot win if you let him get most of the kills, since then you won't have enough money to win. so to win the level on higher difficulties you have to, from the start, start stealing his kills. but because he talks like he knows everything and that the player is a mere apprentice, the player might not do that at first, and have to figure it out after a few tries; this is meant to emphasize that his ego is a bit overblown
Ah, Immortal Defense... but that's a really old game, isn't it?
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2011, 09:09:47 AM » |
all the gears spin, the wood can be climbed by sticking to it 
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2011, 02:18:38 PM » |
 All graphics are placeholder. It's a game where you use mirrors to solve puzzles. The thing with the chevrons on that pedestal is a power source. The puzzle is to open the door on the left, but you need a left-facing power source to do it. The power source has to be reflected, but if it's taken off that pedestal then the cage around the mirror comes down. The answer is to put the power source on the far pedestal which rotates that big white door behind which is another power source. The second power source holds the cage open so the mirror can be used to reflect the first power source to open the door.  Also easter egg, the gears from the previous post can be seen through the Aero interface at the top of the screenshot.
ஒழுக்கின்மை (Paul Eres)
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2011, 07:37:52 AM » |
it's a tower defense game; the enemies start at one side, and go to the end. in this particular level there are two mirrored branches; pul wat aa (an ai controlled cursor) tells you he'll handle the top path (he places towers on the top half of the screen), it's up to you to handle the bottom path. but usually you cannot win unless you help him out at the top as well. you also cannot win if you let him get most of the kills, since then you won't have enough money to win. so to win the level on higher difficulties you have to, from the start, start stealing his kills. but because he talks like he knows everything and that the player is a mere apprentice, the player might not do that at first, and have to figure it out after a few tries; this is meant to emphasize that his ego is a bit overblown
Ah, Immortal Defense... but that's a really old game, isn't it? i released it in 2007, so it's about 4 years old; which is a little old but i wouldn't call it "really old"
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2011, 08:28:43 AM » |
all the gears spin, the wood can be climbed by sticking to it
How does the gameplay work?
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2011, 12:18:56 PM » |
Cool thread. I'm bad at level design, which is probably why I stick to procedural generation of levels. My next game will probably have some level design in it though.