Ta Terry! It's not just about remakes this year though, some of you will probably be glad to hear...
I think we backed ourselves into a serious corner last time round. We got some ace games and did some good stuff getting the accessibility stuff out there but in trying to think around people, it made it a bit more of a miserable experience for us judges and probably a few folk who entered as well. There was that moment where we sat there and loaded up another Asteroids remake and we thought "crap, we missed that off the list of things we'd rather you didn't do". So, all that's out the window this time round.
Rather than try and limit stuff, we've gone (possibly too far, we'll see) in the opposite direction. To the point that it may not necessarily be a remake that comes out with the grand prize. Hopefully, it'll throw it wide open and we'll see some seriously nice stuff emerge. Given I'm meant to be shush until the rules go out, I've probably said too much there already but fingers crossed, folks will be able to do something that floats their boats.
I've still got a mammoth page of rules because unfortunately, the moment you add sponsors and whopping prizes into the equation then it heads a little out the realm of just being able to throw a party and see who turns up. We've ended up with being able to split it into "the boring stuff" which is all the crap about registering for your uploads, no you can't turn the splash screen inside out 30 times because we'd like to keep the sponsors sweet etc... and "the fun stuff" where you can just really glance over that, think "aye, I'd like to doooooo *waves finger around* that" and check back at the boring stuff for the technical dull gubbins but just get on with stuff and make an ace game.
There'll be plenty of room for big and small games, mind. But I'm gonna shut up before I say too much and get a slap from the rest of the organisers for blurting out the rules, the prizes and lord knows what else because I'm knackered...

Be blimmin' ace to see some of you lot enter if you're not too burnt out after the demake compo. Although part the reason I'm trying to rush organise everything on the RR compo is to see if I can squeeze the time in to get an entry in for that.