Edit: I decided to just dust off the old Windows XNA build and release it as-is for free, so here you go:
Hello. I've been meaning to make this devlog for a while, but I'm not really good at maintaining devlogs so I never bothered. I expect to be able to work on this a little bit more consistently for the next few weeks and maybe months, but no promises. Forgive me for being disorderly.
Bandit Party is a game about shooting things and collecting
golds with your friends.
Up to four people can play together on a
single screen. For now, you need an xbox controller to play, but it'd be pretty easy to add optional keyboard controls if I want to distribute this on PCs. Each player can move in any direction and shoot either left or right.
I am making it as my first project in
XNA, for
Super Ghosts. By the time this is done I hope to have a fairly good set of code for 2d XNA games. With the current engine I think I can pretty easily port most simple Game Maker- and probably Flixel/Flashpunk-level games, and once I learn shaders more thoroughly I should be able to port the more visually advanced ones, as well.
I'm unsure what I will do with the game once it is finished. I'm currently thinking I will put it up for a dollar on XBLIG and maybe PC
Game ModesMost of the game is spent
Prospecting, where players fight various enemies and take their
golden bones. The goal is to get the most
golds, but getting the most kills or triggering various
special events is fun too. New characters and levels can be unlocked. Prospecting is cooperative, so players can't shoot each other. If a player dies, however, there are ways he can harass or help his living comrades.
If players are feeling especially uncooperative, they can
Duel instead. I haven't done much design for this yet other than that players can kill each other.
LevelsPlayers choose from one of several areas of the desert to party in. Each area has a different set of environmental objects and enemies.
I currently have three areas started, though I hope to add at least two more.

The Cracks, in the dry desert plains. Bandits and other humans are the most common enemies here, but
other animals will occasionally make an appearance. Don't get
(sorry for the poor video quality).
The Dunes, in the sandy desert. Quicksand, dust storms, living cacti, possibly sand sharks. Don't expect to actually see any dunes. Have a

Above is a mockup for what I want it to look like. I've got it to generate the
basic shapes and shadows of the mesa, but I haven't yet developed the cracks or various outcroppings.
The Mesas, on the flat tops of the mountains. Watch out for giant birds and parachuting bandits. Don't fall off.
The other two areas I want to add are
The Streams and
The Ruins. Procgen is going to be more difficult for those levels, though. I might also add a sort of super easy tutorial chicken level called
The Coops.
Here's a mockup for The Streams
MiscellaneousCharacter selectPause menuirrelevant glitch shotfirst time I ran it on the xbox, on my awesometerrible tv in my college dorm room from last year
a posterdoing well in this game is harder than avoiding dysentery on the oregon trail
As for
I don't have anything yet. I've found a couple of songs I like for the mood of the game, though. If you think you have the shenanigans to make something of similar westerny silliness, give me a shout. I need musics badly.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH6q_qBYcg4#t=10sJerry Mickle is doing the music c:
I'll probably post new enemies and environment stuff here as I make it, and will answer any questions you have about the game as it stands. Tell me if you want videos of anything specific. If you've got an idea for something you'd like to see in the game, I'd like to hear it.
If I do end up wanting to put this out on PCs, I'm gonna need some beta testers with friends. We'll flip that bridge when we get to it, though.