I don't think I will have time to enter the competition.
However, having built games for old hardware, I believe I offer a unique perspective. Specifically:
No-one wants to make or to play "real" demakes.While pixel art has aged well (thanks mostly to modern colour palettes and modern resolutions), NOTHING else has.
On popular old systems (Atari VCS, Gameboy, C64, TRS-80 Model III, PET):
1. Color Palettes sucked. 256 colors maybe, all browns looked red.
2. Limited RAM meant horrible animations and awful backgrounds.
3. Sound & Music sucked. Midi music + a Midi sound effect. Ouch.
4. CPU limitations crippled gameplay possibilities
(limited number of moving items, basic collision, no physics).
5. Parallax scrolling was not possible.
People that target old systems for this competition will lose,
no matter how clever the demake.
Here are what 3 demakes might look like for an old system:
World-of-Warcraft - The Text Adventure
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunt_the_WumpusGeometry Wars- Turn Based Edition
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_%28text_game%29Assassin's Creed - Point-And-Click Graphic Adventure
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King's_QuestThese are my best demake ideas, and I don't want to play them.
I understand what this competition is trying to do,
and I love the ideas I've seen posted,
but enforcing hardware restrictions on these ideas would make them worse.
i.e. Does anyone want "Biologic Longevity" to simulate a C64 palette,
or see "Corner's Shiny" without parallax?
I'm recommending the hardware restriction be removed altogether - it's unnecessary. Building a game in 1 month automatically demakes whatever AAA game get touched. Think "Distill" rather than "Demake".
i.e. Can you capture the essence of GTAIV, Gran Turismo, Halo or Shadow in a month?
Looking forward to the results.