« Reply #60 on: August 02, 2008, 05:25:40 AM » |
NAMES NOT GOOD Actually I think "Big Stolen Car" sounds exactly like a bad Chinese translation of GTA. I love it.
« Reply #61 on: August 02, 2008, 05:33:10 AM » |
Yeah SOMETIMES it work, but not always.
subsystems subsystems subsystems
Mischief Maker
« Reply #62 on: August 02, 2008, 07:14:26 AM » |
I am not a programmer, but for the last year or so I’ve had an idea bouncing in my head for my dream game, and this competition would be a perfect place to implement it. So if any talented programmers want to take this idea and run with it, here is my design for:
“When Devils Cry”
You play Milton, a half-human demon who dresses in a cool trenchcoat and carries a really big sword and dual pistols with unlimited ammo in a 2D sidescrolling battle royale.
You move with WASD, jump with space and have an on-screen targeting reticule ala. Abuse or Noitu Love 2, you shoot toward the crosshairs with RMB (I strongly suggest autofire for this as NL2 proved button mashing on a mouse can get painful) and do regular melee attacks with the sword using the LMB. Milton is always facing the reticule and moves are relative to his facing direction, so there is no need for a lock-on button.
If an enemy is vulnerable to guns, hitting them is figured from eight cardinal directions and if the enemy is hit while stunned, they are pushed slightly in that direction (so shooting an airborne stunned enemy from below left will float them up and right, shooting from within the “down” arc will float them straight up.
Hitting LMB along with a movement key towards the (left right) direction of the crosshairs will make Milton do a long range thrust. Doing the same while airborne will do a downward helmet-splitter slash that takes Milton and any stunned enemies he hits down to the ground. Hitting LMB while moving away from the crosshair will do a massive uppercut that launches a stunned enemy into the air. Doing the same mid-air will do an uppercut that knocks the enemy straight back away from you.
Hitting LMB without a movement key does a combo. Combos are based on three strokes and depending on if the player hesitates for a split second between strokes, the moves change. Here are my suggestions (+ = LMB, - = half second delay)
+ + + = three quick slashes
+ - + + = short slash followed by huge sweep hitting enemies on both sides, followed by downstroke that knocks enemy straight away from Milton
+ + - + = Two quick slashes followed by uppcercut that sends enemy diagonally up and away from Milton
+ - + - + = Quick slash, huge sweep, million stab move
Level Design:
In keeping with the limited time for the contest and my enthusiasm for arcadiness and playing for score, I suggest a level that scrolls on its own between bosses, like Iwanaga, in which there are constantly 4 (or that effective amount) random enemies each wave, and each time the player takes out a wave another random assortment of 4 enters, so a player who’s really good and fast can rack up obsecene amounts of kills and points. The screen stops scrolling for boss fights.
Style Meter:
This game must have a style meter. Switching up combos and mixing up different weapons increases the combo meter and a score multiplier, starting at X2 for an enemy killed at level D and reaching X16 for an enemy killed while the style meter is at SSS. Using the same combo twice in a row, or a single move 3 times in a row, or just shooting your guns for more than 2 seconds straight will rapidly decrease the meter.
Enemy Design
I suggest instead of demonic puppets (why are the Japanese so afraid of puppets?) we use creatures ripped directly from H.P. Lovecraft: It is essential that all enemies have at least one frame of animation forecasting individual attacks.
Deep Ones: large humanoid fish men with clawed webbed hands. They have 3 attacks: A stand up swipe that can be ducked, a diving slash from the air that can be run fron, and a crouching uppercut that can be hopped over
Shoggoths: Shape changing monsters. You must shoot off the amorphous coating to reveal the bright sword-vulnerable core. They attack by stabbing blades out of their body ala. Terminator 2
Mi-Go: Flying crab monsters that shoot projectiles. They are immune to bullets unless stunned.
Star Spawn: Humanoid form, bat wings, face of writhing tentacles. They have a fast dash attack and the ability to teleport
Hopefully this is enough of an idea to whet your appetite. Hope to see my dream game become a reality!
Mischief Maker
« Reply #63 on: August 02, 2008, 07:33:17 AM » |
How about "Operating a Motor Vehicle Without Owner's Consent?"
Level 1
Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all!
« Reply #64 on: August 02, 2008, 07:39:34 AM » |
I was thinking of an 8-bit DMC or God Hand myself.
Personally, I think I'll turn DMC into an 8-bit Megaman clone type thing. I think I'll get started on that when I can.
Level 1
« Reply #65 on: August 02, 2008, 09:13:57 AM » |
Here's an idea for a "Jumper" demake, but a demake based on the awesome book and not the terrible movie.
In the book, the main character can only teleport to places he's seen (game mechanic) and can remember easily. In the book, he uses his ability to stop terrorists from hijacking planes around the world because his mother was killed by terrorists before the events in the book started happening. A sort of personal vendetta.
He doesn't do hand-to-hand or weapon combat at all, instead, when he wants to take out a terrorist, he teleports beside them, grabs them, and teleports into midair above a huge ravine in Nevada, lets them go and teleports away before he hits the water.
So, i guess the game would be like Metal Gear Solid with teleporting and no weapons. The main character can teleport as much and as often as they like, but there are concequences. Like, if you teleport right in front of a hostage (teleporting makes no sound), they scream out of surprise and give away your position, or one of the hostages gets shot, etc.
Anyways, it's a free idea. Take it or leave it.
Also, read the book.
« Reply #66 on: August 02, 2008, 10:24:08 AM » |
« Reply #67 on: August 02, 2008, 12:08:03 PM » |
I can't promise I'll finish it... but I couldn't resist. :D  Benji: Gaze of the of the Blade Original adventure with great samurai power and ambition. Featuring: - Hero based on historic Japanese battlefield - Real Time Weapons change - Giant Enemy Crab This game will bring you good fortune.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2008, 12:21:10 PM by ben2theedge »
« Reply #68 on: August 02, 2008, 01:30:43 PM » |
Here's an idea for a "Jumper" demake, but a demake based on the awesome book and not the terrible movie.
In the book, the main character can only teleport to places he's seen (game mechanic) and can remember easily.
Wow, null-A rip-off 
subsystems subsystems subsystems
« Reply #69 on: August 02, 2008, 01:38:56 PM » |
I can't promise I'll finish it... but I couldn't resist. :D  Benji: Gaze of the of the Blade Original adventure with great samurai power and ambition. Featuring: - Hero based on historic Japanese battlefield - Real Time Weapons change - Giant Enemy Crab This game will bring you good fortune. OH SWEET LORD MAKE THIS. CRAB BATTLE.
« Reply #70 on: August 02, 2008, 06:27:20 PM » |
Are we allowed to demake a game that's not out yet? Because demaking "Dark Void" with c64 graphics would be fun. Enough info from the game is out for me to use, and Plus the vertical cover stuff would be awesome in a 2d platform setting.
« Reply #71 on: August 02, 2008, 09:34:45 PM » |
Are we allowed to demake a game that's not out yet? Because demaking "Dark Void" with c64 graphics would be fun. Enough info from the game is out for me to use, and Plus the vertical cover stuff would be awesome in a 2d platform setting.
Go ahead. I'd be eager to see what you did with that, and there's nothing in the rules against it.
Level 0

Randomized Programming
« Reply #72 on: August 03, 2008, 01:43:40 AM » |
Somebody should demake Spore.
Level 6
« Reply #73 on: August 03, 2008, 02:50:06 AM » |
I think demaking Fallout 3 is pretty hard because it's not released yet? Well, the basic idea is known and that's probably enough for bootleg-demake..  Well, what happens in Vault 101 and Megaton (first two areas) is quite well known due to copious amounts of previews. I don't think it would be all that difficult to do content-wise.
« Reply #74 on: August 03, 2008, 04:54:27 AM » |
I don't find it hard to believe that a bootleg could be made by someone who hasn't actually played the original game, just seen screens/previews/etc. 
« Reply #75 on: August 03, 2008, 09:48:19 AM » |
I don't find it hard to believe that a bootleg could be made by someone who hasn't actually played the original game, just seen screens/previews/etc.  Hah, yeah, that makes sense.  By the way, you actually going to make a game of your own? If not I could always use a pixel artist of your caliber if you're interested.
« Reply #76 on: August 03, 2008, 11:54:44 AM » |
look what i found in the depths of the internet: 
Level 1
ice cold & refreshing
« Reply #77 on: August 03, 2008, 12:40:38 PM » |
I may have to quit my day job, just so I can enter this. 
« Reply #78 on: August 03, 2008, 02:19:45 PM » |
I'm kind of frightened by your guys's collective creative output. You're going to end up tearing a hole in space/time/internets with all this awesomeness. 
« Reply #79 on: August 03, 2008, 06:18:35 PM » |
I'm kind of frightened by your guys's collective creative output. You're going to end up tearing a hole in space/time/internets with all this awesomeness.  Been telling that for a loooong time.