How about:
Super Smashed Bros
I don't think anyone's licensed a drunk frat boy yet

You could go back to your original idea, just call it
Spork's see about possible names for the other games..
> Legend of Zelda -> Legend of Melba Toast
> Mario -> Bignose the Plumber
> Donkey Kong -> Monkey Conch
> Pokemon -> Pokey Man
> Metroid -> Hemorrhoid
> Starfox -> Starpox
> Cavestory? -> Closet Story
> God of War? -> God of Warts
> Sonic? -> Tonic the Alky Hedgehog
> Jazz Jackrabbit? -> Spaz Whackrabbit
> Commander Keen? -> Sargent Spiffy
Characters (very rough draft)
> Cheetahwomen? -> Countess D'Spots
> Ape and chimp -> M. Casey and M. Kaydoo
> Elven guy person -> Pointy Ears
> Princess lady -> Princess Plum
> Fat Italian guy -> Mr. Mangiare
> Evil turtle thing -> Poopa the Unsanitary Snapper
> Spacey bounty hunter person -> Bouncy Hunter
> Cute monster pet things -> Puggles