Hey TiGers, prepare your anus for a waaaall of text
I bet some of you who've played the Legend of Zelda series and enjoyed it are probably thinking "damn, these are incredible, it doesn't get better than this!" or "there's no way a LoZ fan-game could compete with these". Well I'm here to tell you that you are completely wrong and it gets better. Much, much better.
I'd like to introduce 2 types of LoZ fan-games. There are the rom hack games that take the basic framework/engine of an existing LoZ game and pour their creativity into it and there are Zelda Classic (ZC) games that do the same thing, but focus very strongly on the core engine of LoZ 1.
For the rom hack games, I've made some short reviews on them on another post:
http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=18560.810. There's 1 post near the top and another near the bottom. Don't worry about the negatives, the gameplay makes up for it.
Second, for the Zelda Classic games, which may as well be the pinnacle of gameplay in the history of videogames since forever. These quests have taken the core engine of the LoZ1, add some additional functionality, graphics and music through scripting and the level editor and let their creativity do the rest. One of the unique functionalities is how people have emulated side-scrolling screens. You can find them at:
http://purezc.com - click Top Rated Quests link on the left
http://zeldaclassic.com - click Top Ten Lists on the left, I recommend trying the ones most downloaded and Lost Isles which is a top rated
Here's some of the best I've played, assume that graphics, gameplay, sound, exploration is already awesome and story is mediocre before reading the additional comments.
Best game in history awardLost Isle - The biggest quest I've encountered so far. The overworld itself is 24x16 from what I've explored and I'm only up to the 2nd dungeon! (for comparison, it is 3x bigger than LoZ1's 16x8). This game also has beautiful graphics, beautiful exploration (jotting down pathmaps and notes on a notebook and even these simple lines are a piece of art), Nintendo Hard overworlds and dungeons and so far, best-themed dungeons. One is based off OoT Water Temple and another off MM Stone Tower/Temple.
If you play this game, you will want to sacrifice yourself to the god found in the nearest book in the nearest library you can find.
Inventory screen
PerfectHero Of Dreams - Massive overworlds and challenging/interesting-themed dungeons as well as interesting characters. You will wet yourself when you encounter dungeon 8 if you haven't already done that before reaching it.
Example of side-scrolling
MegaMan: Dr. Wily's Revenge DX - Everything is MegaMan-themed here. All the items, people, enemies, things like stop signs and cars, you name it. Except the triforce and the fact that the land underneath you was called Hyrule, but that's explained. Apart from this theme, the dungeons are a beauty to explore, and the bosses aren't just the rehashed LoZ1 bosses, there are unique ones that are challenging.
Hookshot, no clue why he's a monkey
Isle of the Winds - exploration is top notch here. You can explore the majority of the 16x16 overworld after dungeon 1 and can attempt any dungeon from 2 to 7 in any order. Based on Wind Waker, this quest is extremely challenging (you will probably need a full potion for the very 1st boss! and still die to it a couple times).
Ice-themed dungeon
Origins - If you want to play a remake of LoZ1, play this one. It takes the same structure and themes as LoZ1's overworlds and dungeons, but redesigns the whole thing with beautiful graphics and fun dungeons.
Revamped Zelda 1 graphics
MasterpiecesLink to Tortuga - Immersive pirate theme with constantly changing village and huge challenging dungeons.
Crabcake Cove
Link in Cestria - Small overworld that has managed to fit tons of interesting content and great exploration in it. Each dungeon has a unique theme you'll have never seen (except maybe the water level changing one, if there is a water level changing one, I forgot)
A dungeon built on a desert
Link's Birthday DX - Challenging and interestingly-themed dungeons. Everything else is excellent. Sounds bland, but you will have a hell of a time playing this.
Forest-themed dungeon
ExcellentGanonco2 - A story based on you working for Ganon's corporation. Interesting theme, but the dungeons are the main attraction as well as the battle tower.
'Merica Forest, right now red trees are faded, but you can change that to white or blue trees here (and in some other screens)
CastleHaunt2 - Halloween-based quest which relies on you using your own intuition to progress. Not just pure exploration. You will NEED to take a note of what looks suspicious to you.
Link considering himself one bad dude
CastleHaunt3 - Same as above, only harder and more beautiful.
Minish Cap graphics
WolfStyle DX - Oriental-themed quest with Normal and Hard difficulty. Hard is a bitch to play!! Excellent oriental music too.
Level 1 hard mode, these guys do 1 damage on contact and 2 damage through projectile
Mario Xmas - Extremely vulgar content, which makes it beautiful. For example, eating toad's hearts, a child-molesting priest, a caveman who thought you were dead and wanted to rape you are among the least threatening content here. You will feel sick and awesome.
Vulgar mario-themed with other weird themes mixed in like priests and aliens
Well apart from the descriptions I've given, these quests are basically higher-quality LoZ games as compared to the commercial ones, as well as being 2 to 3 times longer than commercial ones and also costing 100% less than the commercial ones! They also follow the simplistic gameplay of LoZ1, which I have now deemed to be the best engine out there for fan-games after DRoD. Sure the stories feel effortlessly written, but it hardly matters when you are balls deep in fun.