Alpha version onlineHere's the
alpha version of this VipeUt demake.
The deadline is finally there so this is pretty much the latest version of this project. I might refine things here & there, or I might not.
It should run on a
PC, WinXP or Vista, with a rather recent 3D card.
Vista users : make sure the UAC is disabled, the engine won't like it 
During the install, u'll be prompted to deploy OpenAL. Please install it, unless you already have it, otherwise, the demo won't probably start.
The installer creates two shortcuts on the desktop, one using the
full featured renderer (OpenGL 2.0), the other one using a
more consusual rendering method, not as pretty but fairly ok.
To download the demo, click on the link below : unzip this file in a directory, paying attention that this structure of the archive is properly extracted. It contains both the installer and the OpenAL runtime needed.
Controls : use the arrow keys. Up = accelerate, Left & Right to strafe, Down = brake. The paddle was temporarilly disabled.
The ship have a certain amount of energy, that decreases when colliding against enemies. Then it blows up

Catch some bonus, that will drive the ship for you (autopilot), or increase your energy (power up). Just drive till the end, for 6 laps, and you're done

Press ESC to quit the game.
This game is really a rough alpha version, Enjoy !!!
Thanks to all the people here @ TIG Forum, that provided support & feedback.
Here is a MPEG file of the game, for those who can't start the executable. Sorry again
VipeUt sources here 
, in case it might interest someone.
*** CAUTION ***
Art box.