Hi guys !
I've been busy lately to get a decent gameplay, without too many bugs.
In addition, I prepared a nice
installer, for the 3D engine I'm using comes with a few packages.
Anyway, here's the
first demo of this VipeUt demake.
It's meant to run on a
PC, WinXP or Vista, with a rather recent 3D card.
During the install, u'll be prompted to deploy OpenAL. Please install it, unless you know you already have them, otherwise, the demo won't probably start.
The installer creates two shortcuts on the desktop, one using the
full featured renderer (OpenGL 2.0), the other one using a
more consusual rendering method, not as pretty but fairly ok.
download the demo, click on the link below :
http://astrofra.com/niji/VipeUt-install.zipPlease unzip the file in a directory. It contains both the installer and the runtimes needed.
Controls : use the arrow keys. Up = accelerate, Left & Right to strafe, Down = brake. The paddle was temporarilly disabled.
Press ESC to quit the demo.
This game is far from being finished. Anyway, Enjoy !!!
EDIT ------------------------------------
The game is known to crash on some configurations. So far, it reported running successfully, with updated drivers, on a :
- Geforce Go 7600, Geforce 8800 GTX, GeForce 7950 GTX
- ATI X1300, ATI 3670
Doesn't work on a :
- SiS 651
EDIT ------------------------------------
New installer uploaded, the VC 2008 Redist are no longer needed.