So this is the first update we are planning, in addition to Priority bug fixes on the forum, we will do the mass email and get pre-alpha out the door, then it is onto HOUSE UPDATE!
Heres a screenshot with a big of paint over to show what we are aiming for as far as construction, the technicals will use the alpha 1 anchor joint system with layers, so it should be very doable (infact - this is just a painted over screenshot), thoughts?

The objects we are hoping to make craftable for this upcoming build are as follows:
Fireplace with adjustable height.
Watermill that generates power.
Windmill that generates power.
Lightbulb - first powered item.
Bed- Allows for quick healing.
Door- Collidable block that you can pass through.
Stone anchor- Like the anchor only rigid.
Small wooden planks and large wooden planks- to add variety to building placements.
Windows-First of many decoration objects.
Storage Chest.-Will be the first storage device.
All these objects will be placed with a layer system that allows them to basically sit in front or behind a game achor system with a wood frame (Exactly the same as is in-game currently) and essentially snap to the frame, making them bind to it. This will allow you to build multi depth houses out of objects of any size, exactly as you see above as an example.
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